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I can't help but think of this from the wizard's point of view as a 4chan green text.

be me, an edgy young wizard. Want to pick a really cool wizard name and come up with "Charles LeSorcier."

mfw the older wizards all make fun of my name.

get in an argument with a local noble and lose my temper. claim I put a curse on his whole family line that they will each die when they are 30.

remember I haven't learned how to do it. go home and try to figure out how to cast a blood line curse. it's too complicated, I can't figure it out. Can't ask the other wizards now because they already heard about the curse and they'd just make fun of me more.

make a secret lab in the noble's basement and spend the next 10 years stuck there trying to figure it out. still fail. time's up, he turned 30. if the noble doesn't die they'll all know I lied. finally give up and just sneak into his house and murder him. make it look like an accident.

mfw the other wizards fall for it. they all think I'm alright now. maybe they will forget about the bloodline thing by the time the noble's kid is 30.

the bloodline thing is all they want to talk about. 18 years later I have to murder the next one. the other wizards are super hyped I pulled it off, want to be my friend now. none of them know how to cast a bloodline curse either.

mfw I'm stuck for the next few centuries hiding in a noble's basement and murdering them every couple decades to cover my lie.

U.S.: Please don't attack Taiwan.

China: You're trying to reverse psychology me into attacking, but I won't be fooled.

U.S.: Oh, good. So, you agree not to attack Taiwan?

China: I will if I want to and it's none of your business.

I'll just repeat someone else's idea I saw elsewhere on Lemmy. She and Walz should challenge Trump and Vance to a marksmanship contest down at the gun range. He'd never go for it, but the image is hilarious. Admittedly, it would lose Harris some support from her base, but it would lose Trump a lot more from his to see him being shown up in such a visible way on one of his base's favorite topics. Harris has stated that she is a gun owner, and you know she's the type to take safety and skill training before she ever bought one, while on the other hand, if pansy-ass Trump has ever handled a live firearm in his life I will eat my hat. Both VP candidates have military training, but I'd still expect a pretty big skill gap between a decorated career infantry NCO and a newspaper staffer in a uniform.

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TeChNiCaLlY, unless I missed something big, he wasn't convicted of the rape. That requires a criminal trial. A jury did find that he raped her as a material fact in a civil trial, so we can say with legal certainty that it happened, but until an actual conviction, it will be used as a excuse to avoid holding him to account for it. Of course a bunch of the right are the type to blame the victim or wave it off entirely for that particular crime anyway so I don't know how much difference even a conviction would make to them.

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“That is my legal argument,” Blanche replied.

People are saying he only hires the best lawyers. Well let me tell you that nobody hires better lawyers than Trump.

I had a call to fix a guy's printer. Look at the back and he's managed to somehow jam the USB-B plug in upside down, destroying the port. He was elderly, and I don't know how he managed to apply the force needed. Luckily this printer also can be connected via ethernet. Unluckily, he had previously jammed it into the ethernet port, also destroying it.

The board's job is to hire the CEO and demand good value for shareholders. The CEO's job is to make the big decisions to achieve that goal quickly and then usually leave before their short term thinking falls apart. The manager's job is to enforce whatever decisions the CEO makes, even if it is stupid or cruel. And the employee's job is to suffer so that each layer above can look good to the layer above them.

Not to say there's no good people in the system. My manager for most of my time there was actually a good manager who felt that his primary job was to deflect away the shit that rolled down from above so we could focus on our work, but then he got laid off along with half my coworkers.

I do miss writing software, but I really don't miss working in the corporate world.

Correction: 34 felony convictions.

Classic Italian mistake.

I have something similar. I practice doing certain routine micro-habits until they become ingrained in muscle memory and always do them.

For example, I still set my keys down without thinking most times they are in my hand, but thanks to spending several hours practicing the motion years ago, I now always unthinkingly set them where they belong: clipped to my beltloop and tucked into my pocket. Anytime I identify a need to add one of these to my life I spend an hour practicing experiencing the trigger and then doing the motion. To learn the keys-in-pocket habit, I held my keys, clipped and tucked. Pull them out, note the feel of them in my hand, and repeat, over and over. It feels silly to practice doing something so easy, but once it becomes muscle memory, it doesn't rely on my faulty thinking memory. I'll do several sessions of practice every few days until I can feel that it's fully 'set' as an unthinking motion. They're a pain to establish, but they are well worth it and have saved me a ton of grief over the years.

One of these automatic habits saved me this morning. I always pat my keys when closing a locking door behind me (even if it isn't locked), and this morning I had missed swapping my keys to my new pair of pants. I would have been locked out of my house and late for work if patting my empty pockets hadn't alerted me just before a pulled the locked door close behind me. I have some other ones that I haven't mentioned, because I can't think of what they are. I'd notice the problems they prevent coming back if I stopped doing them, so I can only assume they must still be working.

Yeah, the American West has a huge variety of very distinct biomes. For the purpose of telling a story though, one rocky desert or forested mountain vale or whatever is as good as another, leaving us, the audience, largely unaware and misled. We mostly only notice when they do that to areas we're familiar with.

Reminds me of the movie The Patriot, starring Mel Gibson. There's a scene where he is at his home in what is clearly the upcountry of South Carolina not too far from the Appalachians and he takes a walk down his garden path to visit his wife's grave, which is located in the South Carolina lowcountry, by the coast, somehow skipping past over a hundred miles of pine forest that would have been between those areas. If you're not familiar with those areas, they both just look like areas in the American Southeast, but if you are familiar, it's very jarring.

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The trick is what you wear with it. Yeah, if you wear it with an edgy t-shirt, cargo pants, and a trench coat people will think you're an asshole. If you instead wear it with, for example, a casual button down shirt, sturdy slacks, and in colder weather a light leather jacket, people will think you look like Indiana Jones. I know because that's how I usually dress and random people compliment me on that. As long as the outfit suits the hat, people will see it in the way you mean it.

There's no saving the Trilby hat though, there's no outfit that makes it work. Edit: I was wrong. Even the Trilby can be cool.

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I would argue that doesn't qualify as trivial.

And reporting "other income" wouldn't flag you as a likely criminal anyway, unless it was a massive amount. They don't know if you got it from selling weed, picking pockets, or mowing your neighbor's lawn (no, Bill is not going to submit a form 1099 for you, he's just going to hire a professional lawn service instead if you're going to be weird about it).

Our kids need to focus on fundamental educational building blocks, not political ideology - either left or right.

From the page. Odd that they claim that, yet every single report they found worth publishing further down the page is about stuff they consider 'left'.

You're right, that's not a recap, but I watched both and it does pretty well capture the spirit of how the debate went. Yes, you'll need to watch it, or an actual recap, to get the details of what the two said about the various other topics, but what Stewart highlighted was very representative of the rest of it.

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Joy ride and running drugs are common reasons to steal any old car. Whoever has been stealing it clearly isn't doing so to keep it since the same car keeps getting stolen again.

Yes, hallucination is the now standard term for this, but it's a complete misnomer. A hallucination is when something that does not actually exist is perceived as if it were real. LLMs do not perceive, and therefor can't hallucinate. I know, the word is stuck now and fighting against it is like trying to bail out the tide, but it really annoys me and I refuse to use it. The phenomenon would better be described as a confabulation.

I work at a small computer shop and I love putting all those RGB lights in for people. Especially when I can do a full aRGB setup with a SignalRGB layout so patterns can move across the whole machine. For my own computer the only lights are the tiny power and hard drive activity lights, and I wouldn't have it any other way. RGB lights belong only in other people's computers.

I'd bet money it's scitsophrenia, so no this person has no idea how crazy they look. They're just doing their part to fight back against whatever the hell they think is happening.

My brother has a bowler. It can look damn stylish with the right clothes, and downright silly with the wrong ones. I can't wear one though, I look silly in them no matter what I wear it with.

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Yeah, I read the headline and immediately thought, "Huh, looks like there won't be any debates this cycle." The more strongly he claims something, the less likely he's telling the truth. That strong of a statement makes me think he has no intention of participating in a debate.

Damn, you're right. I didn't think about the Blues Brothers, who do in fact look very cool in trilbys. I guess it just requires the right accompaniment like any hat. I apologize.

Like the could drag his dumpy fat ass off the stage before he's ready to move while keeping him covered. They did the best they could with a man so driven by theatrics and ego.

If this was a false flag I doubt the secret service agents would be in on it anyway. Now, I wouldn't put it past Trump to fake an assassination attempt, but I would be surprised if he pulled one off without any blatant mistakes or leaks. I guess we'll see, but there isn't enough public information yet to jump to any conclusions. There are plenty of people with plenty of reasons to want the man dead after all.

Haha, different meaning of the word. Referring to "chaps" the clothing item from the Western part of the U.S., not to folks who don't have an ass. Chaps were made of leather and worn over jeans to protect to protect the inside seam area of them from excess wear from rubbing against the side of the saddle and the stirrup straps when spending a long time riding a horse. Or are sometimes worn without the jeans by men being lewd.

Neither, in this case it's an accurate summary of one of the results, which happens to be a shitpost on Quara. See, LLM search results can work as intended and authoritatively repeat search results with zero critical analysis!

They'd be seriously shooting themselves in the foot if they did that. Most corporations have 3rd party software that they would not be able or willing to give up, software development for Windows would be unable to test and debug, and I know from personal experience that many consumers find the already existing S Mode to be frustrating and confusing.

Teas are generally not boiled, but steeped in hot water that was boiling a moment ago. I was going to say that cowboy coffee is boiled, but then I looked it up, and even then, the pot is pulled off the heat before adding the grounds.

The issue with having mandatory useless comments is that any actually useful comments get lost in the noise.

Now I've never met this person and neither am I in any way qualified to make a psychological diagnosis, but that dude has scitsophrenia.

Domestic worker isn't exactly a euphemism here. It refers to the type of work done, ie someone who does house-work. Slave refers the situation the work is done under.

I completely agree that the word slave accurately describes their situation and is conspicuously absent from the article.

Jesus: I came not to enforce the law, but to fulfill it.

Paul: Well, what he AKSTUALLY meant is blah blah ceremonial law vs moral law blah blah sex is yucky, I mean sinful!

I mean, it's more complex than that, but Paul wrote like he understood the necessity of reproduction, but didn't really comprehend what sexual urges actually feel like. He also wrote such long rambling sentences that he makes Charles Dickens look concise and clear.

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Now I want to know if DeVinci had any rivalries with other artists that we could bring back.

Well, for once he's not wrong. She certainly proved herself to be an incompetent loser of a lawyer. Even I knew you don't show up in a federal court room without already having memorized the rules for basic shit like introducing evidence.

I can see the argument that it has a sort of world model, but one that is purely word relationships is a very shallow sort of model. When I am asked what happens when a glass is dropped onto concrete, I don't just think about what I've heard about those words and come up with a correlation, I can also think about my experiences with those materials and with falling things and reach a conclusion about how they will interact. That's the kind of world model it's missing. Material properties and interactions are well enough written about that it ~~simulates ~~ emulates doing this, but if you add a few details it can really throw it off. I asked Bing Copilot "What happens if you drop a glass of water on concrete?" and it went into excruciating detail about how the water will splash, mentions how it can absorb into it or affect uncured concrete, and now completely fails to notice that the glass itself will strike the concrete, instead describing the chemistry of how using "glass (such as from the glass of water)" as aggregate could affect the curing process. Having a purely statistical/linguistic world model leaves some pretty big holes in its "reasoning" process.

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Then get one. Live the dream!

Pidgeon -> Parrot -> Turkey

I think it would be Pigeon -> Parrot -> Pheasant -> Peacock, but then I don't know a lot about Pokemon.

If the politicians and bureaucrats that Trump and friends pushed out are like murky swamp water, then the ones he brought in are like raw sewage, so I always said that he only wanted to "drain the swamp" so he'd have room to pump in said raw sewage.

As an American that confusion is the entire reason I opened the article. Then I saw "Australia" and "Crown Prosecution Service" and stopped being confused.

No, don't you all see? He's actually so genius that we mere mortals can't comprehend his brilliance, as attested to by his multiple friends who are totally real English professors who exist and spend time with him, and are definitely not fictitious people he just made up on the spot to try to strengthen an obviously bullshit argument. Well, no, you wouldn't have heard them, because they, um, teach at a different school, but the important part is that they are intelligent enough to see the clever underlying structure of his wide ranging and definitely intellectually brilliant speeches, which the rest of us apparently aren't.

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