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Joined 5 months ago

uBlock Origin has 36,000,000 users according to Google and ABP has 46,000,000 users. Another 13,000,000 use AdGuard and 67,000,000 use AdBlock (the crappy one, but nonetheless, it blocks YouTube ads).

Also on Firefox there are 7,780,587 uBO users. Checkmate

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When overpriced streaming services keep becoming worse and worse, it's hard to avoid piracy

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Guys! I know how to get Gmail blocked in India!

The standard seems to be complete and utter garbage. It was garbage from the very beginning, which is why I never understood why people were getting so incredibly hyped up about RCS support.

Something like StackOverflow/StackExchange would be nice. Would also like to see a federated platform for designers/artists (some Dribbble or Adobe Behance alternative).

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You can still use it. Twiit checks for nitter instances that still work and redirects you.

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RustDesk is FOSS, written in Rust and can be selfhosted.

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Complete and utter garbage.

I wouldn't actually selfhost email, it's not particularly easy and there are many issues you will probably encounter. I recommend ProtonMail, it's $3.50/month if you only need email and for $8/month you also get calendar, cloud storage, a password manager and a great VPN. Also, they are very focused on privacy and encryption and their apps are open source. Alternatively you can go with IVPN or Mullvad, both are great. Digitalocean has been fine in my experience, have you had any issues with it?

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https://twiiit.com/ checks which Nitter instances still work and redirects you accordingly

Twiit (https://twiiit.com/) checks for nitter instances that still work and redirects you.

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There are screenshots at the bottom of the readme

Switzerland seems like a nice place

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Twiit checks for nitter instances that still work and redirects you.

Americans have something even worse: SMS

Ah yes, some of the shittiest tech companies in the world teaming up with the dumbest morons in existence to enforce dumb politics and censor free information, trying to turn the open internet into a shit hole of censorship like China. Amazing!

If you use Tubular or Libretube, yes. I think revanced also has some option to enable it.

Chrome Web Store Firefox Add-ons Microsoft Edge Add-ons Opera add-ons Total
uBlock Origin 36,000,000 7,780,587 10,000,000 12,686,907 66,467,494
uBlock Origin Lite 70,000 3,145 3,000 N/A 73,145
uBlock 700,000 N/A ‪10,000 N/A 710,000
AdNauseam N/A 74,478 10,000 210,616 295,094
AdBlock Plus 46,000,000 4,064,146 10,000,000 50,844,211 110,908,357
AdBlock 67,000,000 1,206,627 N/A N/A 68,206,627
AdGuard 13,000,000 1,053,029 8,000,000 10,872,145 32,925,174
Total 162,770,000 14,182,012 28,023,000 74,613,879 279,588,891

Source: Official data from extension stores

This table does not include Safari extensions, browser extensions installed through Linux package managers like the firefox-ublock-origin package on Arch Linux, browsers with built in adblockers like LibreWolf or Brave, modded YouTube mobile apps like Vanced/Revanced on Android, uYou for iOS, alternative frontends like Invidious or Piped, desktop clients like FreeTube, other mobile apps like Newpipe, Libretube or Yattee or other adblocking solutions.

You can easily circumvent this block with a VPN. Proton actually offers a free tier of their VPN service that is specifically designed for users that experience censorship: https://protonvpn.com/vpn/censorship

Proton Mail also has a Tor website: https://protonmailrmez3lotccipshtkleegetolb73fuirgj7r4o4vfu7ozyd.onion/

Don't forget FreeTube

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Do you use bash? If not, which one do you use? zsh, fish? Why do you do it?

Mostly fish, because it just feels much more modern than bash, it has good built-in autocomplete and I don't have to install millions of plugins like of zsh.

Do you write #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh? Do you write fish exclusive scripts?

#!/usr/bin/env bash Occasionally I also write fish scripts. Just replace sh with fish.

What should’ve people told you what to do/ use?


general advice?

As @crispy_kilt@feddit.de already suggested, use shellcheck.

is it bad practice to create a handful of commands like podup and poddown that replace podman compose up -d and podman compose down or podlog as podman logs -f --tail 20 $1 or podenter for podman exec -it "$1" /bin/sh?

I don't think so

I wouldn't spend more than 300 bucks

I wouldn't ever give Google a single penny. Instead, I pay for Nebula, allowing me to watch high quality videos and documentaries while supporting indie creators. And it's just $5/month.

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Your IP address is not the only thing used to identify you. There are many other factors like browser/device fingerprinting, unique device identifiers, geolocation (probably also in the case of mobile apps), etc.

EVERYTHING is viewed as antisemitic by dumb zionists. Literally everything.

You need to update Pihole

Sure, you go ahead and try it out for yourself to see if it works. Just wanted to let you know that selfhosting an Email server is not easy. Regarding ethics, I like Proton because they support privacy, open source software, and they never sold out to VC. Their website is accessible via Tor, they accept Bitcoin payments and they actually care about their users. That's probably the most ethical email provider you can find.

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As far as I can see on their website, they don't mention end to end encryption or zero-knowledge encryption. If that is true, it means that they are able to read all your emails (and so can the government if they order them to reveal the data). They sometimes use some pretty confusing marketing slag in general. It's misleading because they advertise things like in-transit TLS encryption, which is standard nowadays. Even Gmail, Outlook, iCloud, Yahoo and other mainstream email providers have this by default. This is nothing special and they hope that people think it means the same as E2EE. If you care about data ownership, you should also care about (end-to-end) encryption. Only when you are the only key holder, you can be sure that no one can access your private stuff.

You don't need to worry about whether it's relockable, but it's important that it can be unlocked in the first place. Just don't get it from a carrier and you'll be fine. Buy the phone from some store like Best Buy.

To answer your second question: It uses USB-C.

It's definitely worth it. And it's better to help independent creators instead of giving money to Google or other shady big tech companies.

I remember having used Shotcut many years ago

Use something like AdGuard or NextDNS as your secondary resolver

Check out the comment by @AtariDump@lemmy.world

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They probably don't allow email. Most VPS providers (even paid ones) block SMTP port 25.

And it definitely won't happen under Trump either.

If we also count other (less popular) adblockers, the Microsoft Edge addon store, browsers that come with pre-installed adblockers like Librewolf and Brave, people who use the package manager on their Linux distro to install browser extensions, alternative YouTube clients like Vanced/Revanced, Newpipe and Libretube as well as alternative frontends like Invidious and FreeTube, I'm pretty sure we still come out at over 100 million.

  • XCP-ng on my virtualization host
  • TrueNAS Core on my NAS
  • Ubuntu Server on my Jellyfin media server
  • Debian on my other server that I use for testing purposes
  • DietPi on my Raspberry Pi

But it's not completely dead yet, it's just slowly dying.

Good one

If the machines are on the same network, try LocalSend

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Well yeah, it's not a proper long-term solution. But making a twitter account with a burner email from Guerrilla Mail is surprisingly easy, I guess that will be the only option going forward.