
7 Post – 118 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

But hey, at least they didn’t give it a set end date; from the very start of their “strike” the reddit mods straight up admitted that they couldn’t stay away from their unpaid powertrips and leave their octogenerian mothers’ basements for more than 2 days, and instantly folded at a single empty threat to take away the only thing in their lives that’ll ever give them purpose and make them feel like they wield power over others.

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Because Fandom has ruined the interface, and most people just watch YouTube tutorials

Dog shit vs. cat shit; neither Israel nor Hamas give a shit about the well-being, territorial integrity or human rights of the other’s people. Now, as for Ukraine and Russia the latter is obviously in the wrong- anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.

Long-term I think corporate tech as we know it is screwed. Their explosive growth from the pandemic making everyone terminally online is drying up as more and more people go back to touching grass, so now the bill’s coming due and it’s only a matter of time now before Unreal also does something stupid we can’t even imagine for a quick buck

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This is why I always look for cartridge-based Switch ports of games I play, so they’ll be mine long after the online play ceases, they can no longer be legally purchased and my current device reaches the end of its product life. It also helps that game cards last longer than optical discs

You can build up resistance. I live in WA, when I visited Spain everyone was shocked to see me perfectly fine in just a t-shirt when it was 55 american degrees out

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No Mans Sky. It used to suck, but now I find it quite fun

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LMAO I’m dead

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Technically all communities are dictatorships

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This is clearly a rhetorical question, OP just wants people to repeat back to them things they already agree with instead of real answers. I may despise Israel’s cruel treatment of West Bank Palestinians as much as the next guy, but at least the prisoners have (albeit only very slightly) better conditions than hostages whose lives could be immediately ended on a whim without due process if it pleases their captors. And many of the hostages aren’t even Israeli. And the prisoners were processed and convicted of a (if trumped-up) crime.

After the api changes I noticed many of the subs were mere shells of their former selves, even ones with no c/ counterparts yet

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Can’t even take away reproductive rights in ohio 💀

With homophobia headed for the hospice in most US cities and suburbs (and even a few rural areas), the right is desperate for a new scapegoat and think they can give their dying party another lease on life by accusing transgenders of grooming and then accusing all who try to defend the accused of the same failing- just like they did in the late 2000s, when people first started realizing that 2 consenting guys or 2 consenting girls getting it on isn’t “unnatural” or “icky”

Amen to the mod part! Shows just what forum admins actually caring about said forum’s community can do for it

This is in the Dagestan Republic, which is mostly Muslim. While many of the mostly-Christian Russians are indeed anti-Semitic these days (indeed, in regards to the war in Ukraine I’ve seen some comment on social media about how “it’s DA JOOOOOZ” because Zelensky is a Jew and America has the second-largest Jewish population after Israel), this is a case of religious extremism by people brainwashed by Arab countries’ propaganda, who think all Israelis are evil. To be completely fair though, Ruzzia pretending to care about Palestinians probably didn’t help either.

Idk but I mostly block all communities involving the former (but the latter doesn’t bother me at all). I don’t use lemmy to argue politics or first world problems, especially with people who are often incredibly hostile to dissent. I use it to post pictures of my beautiful home state and talk about gaming

Hivemind-that-must-not-be-named users: (insert unfunny meme repeated 1000 times) Gets 69420 upvotes “eDiT: tHx 4 dA gOlD kInD sTrAnGeR!!1” “eDiT2: oMgG pLaTiNuM?! I nEvEr eXpEcTeD tHiS 2 bLoW uP!!!11!”

Another user on there: (actually helpful response) gets 2 upvotes

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They just died in massive numbers. There was no way to predict an ocean being sprayed on your head at then-unimaginable wind speeds.

And it wasn’t just these Caribbean hurricanes; the PNW ”Big One” magnitude 8 earthquake of 1700, whose tsunamis were felt all the way in Japan that year, lowered forests into lakes and the sea, and indigenous legends tell stories of whole villages from Vancouver Island to what is now Olympia getting obliterated by tsunamis without a trace, or just lowered into the sound completely. Not to mention the 1755 Lisbon earthquake that ended with basically the whole city having to be rebuilt, and Mt. Vesuvius erupting in the first century.

Thank you so much, it’s like the Winter Solstice came early! They’re literally a bunch of sweaty, genocide-loving neckbeards who never outgrew the college commie phase crying about how hard and unfair their upper-class suburban lives are under (their idea of) capitalism and how North Korea is secretly a paradise because “something something healthcare that probably exists there”- all from the $3000 computer whose SSD made by abused children in Taiwan has 694.20 gigabytes of porn (shot by and starring filthy-rich adult content creators), in the comfort of their septuagenarian mothers’ basements on her personal, private property in Washington State- all made possible by capitalism. And they think they’d be better off under a system that would actually ship them off to die in Alaska on day one, instead of giving them a high rank and a state-issued bride. (But we Washingtonians don’t claim them)

I’m honestly surprised they had to cheer on the murder of innocent children in Israel for you guys to do this for us, when they’d spent months being all “ackchyually the Holodomor didn’t happen but I hope it happens again because daddy putin says all Ukrainians are nazis, therefore it must be true and they’d deserve it!!1”

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Yes, it hangs 13 years of school bullying

I use mine as firestarter at barbecues- ot did, back when summer still had rain in my area (the only time of year when it gets nice enough to bbq), now there’s a yearly burn ban that spans the entire season

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It survived this long?!

Have you found that milk at the grocery store yet?


Saltwater destroys soil and vegetation instead of facilitating its existence. And you’d need to add better soil and the means to produce more fertile soil (plant species that shed leaves often and have nitrogen-fixing microbes in their roots).

But such water would make rain in the surrounding area more likely and common, if it can be sustained. For instance, I hear there are plans to re-create an inlet in northern Libya that used to exist but dried up when it was cut off from the Mediterranean by an earthquake that pushed up a natural dam some 6000 years ago or something, so the surroundings can become greener. (But given the current flooding of roughly that same area, doing so would be a terrible idea for the people who now live in that below-sea-level area.)

Now it’s down to just the low-effort memes, ”religious people bad”/“reddit good everywhere else bad” circlejerks, unhelpful advice, and edgy 14 year olds who just discovered politics, thinking homophobia and fragile masculinity are “based” and that they’re communist because they hate their home country because something something pronouns, know 2 russian words (both obscenities), have been playing too many WW2-themed games and say comrade every 4 seconds all despite coming from money themselves and supporting a war being waged by a far-right regime.

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I played video games more often than usual. I still do when I have the time

I just hacked into your email and saw who you’ve been messaging

Who is ‘Lil’ Sis’ and why do you ‘love’ her?”

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And Napoleon and Hitler pushing pawns to Russia

Zuck’s joycons get drift and he needs to get fished off the edge repeatedly by the cloud

And they don’t even censor the right people. They have these algorithms that keep on recommending videos designed to teach preteens that it’s “based” to:

  • be cartoonishly homophobic to the point that gays live in your head rent free
  • support the war in Ukraine because it hates gays slightly less than Russia does
  • feel entitled to sex, getting mad when a guy of another ethnicity successfully hits on their crush because they never made a move

Which then ends with them joining and donating family funds that aren’t theirs to Andrew Tate’s little incel cult, blasting the soviet anthem on the bus and then getting mad when nobody laughs and/or with gay kids bullied to the point of suicide.

Considering that most are over 60 and believe in magical ecosystems that would suddenly stop burning with ever-increasing frequency and severity each summer overnight if West coast states where that happens most often elect more Republican leadership- and will now literally try to deny that it’s not raining outside- I highly doubt they’re that clever at all, let alone more so than one congresswoman who lives in their heads rent-free

Persecution complex much?

The “Best Friends Forever” gambit

And on lemmy, a few weeks ago they went and deleted so many bot accounts to prevent vote manipulation that the total number of accounts actually decreased sharply for a few seconds and then continued growing as usual

I like to call it the “2023 Userbase Alienation Olympics”

holy hell

Yeah I agree, the Switch family in general are mostly meant to play official games like Zelda, DK and Mario whose older incarnations were also designed for other small consoles that ran on battery power, and not-so-demanding third-party games that can be played without connection to power like Minecraft BE. They’re like a modern DS with a bigger screen that you can connect to a TV and play with detachable controllers, and never pretended to be anything more.