
3 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am 30 or 40 years old and I do not need this.

In the US, the only time you'd have to boil water before drinking in most places is if there's something wrong with the water system and they put out a "boil water" advisory, and that's pretty rare. It's definitely not something you have to on a daily basis. Some people will use water filters but it's not usually a necessity.

Doing OK. Found out last week that I don't have cancer, so that's always a plus.

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I'm really glad everyone seems to be on the same team here and there's no bad blood between the mods.

I don't think "not wanting to be the target of others' road rage for actually following traffic laws" is childish, tbh

Surprised no one's mentioned NewPipe yet

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"Just a hobby"--famous last words

I wish I'd known how much of a pain in the ass having an NVIDIA card would be. I would have gotten a different computer.

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You're allowed to be annoyed by it. That's an annoying thing to have happen. But yelling at her won't fix the situation, and as you've already noted, is only going to make things worse. Feeling angry is OK. Taking it out on someone else is not.

Can you take that emotion and do something else with it? Make a piece of art, play a shoot 'em up game, listen to an angry song, etc?

Why, uh. Why was that your first thought.

Oh they're not as dumb as the rest of us, that's the scary thing. They're even dumber.

Honestly, if you like Ubuntu but dislike Snaps, Linux Mint might be a better choice than Fedora if you're not as comfortable with Linux. Mint is basically "Ubuntu without all Canonical's garbage."

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He's just this guy, you know?

Linux Lite. Trying to pare down Ubuntu is a fool's errand, and they still use snaps.

Well here's the thing: you're an adult and as long as you're not hurting anyone else, you can do whatever you want, forever.

My least favorite is Linux Lite. It's supposed to be a lighter, simpler version of Ubuntu but I don't think it accomplishes this at all. It's very slow for something that's supposed to be lightweight, and still includes Snaps, which are also very much not lightweight. Plus its software center is just bad, which is not great for something that's marketed at Linux noobs. Linux Mint XFCE or SpiralLinux are better options for a Linux noob who needs a lighter distro, IMO.

An improvement I'd suggest: obviously, ditch Snaps. Another would be to take a look at what Bodhi Linux does and have the "software center" run in the browser. I don't know how good this is security-wise, but it definitely speeds things up from the UX side of things.

Intellectually, I know there's nothing wrong with eating insects, they're just another animal protein source, but I can't get past the "ick" factor.

"Just pretend it's always been Linux" is a bold move. I salute 12-year-old you o7

Not exactly, but I don't blame you for being confused. I didn't realize my own wording was ambiguous! "Counterfeit Florida Plates" is the name of the song where the type of lyrics I'm referring to are used. An example:

Steal some sunscreen/From the CVS/Use too much/And make a great big mess/Wait where shadows/Mask or hide my scent

Normally a sentence starting with a verb like that is an imperative or a command, with "you" being the understood subject. But here, the narrator is talking about himself in first person ("mask or hide my scent"). So I was wondering if that usage had a name.

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Yep, hypnogogic/hypnopompic hallucinations are extremely common and generally nothing to worry about. If they happen to you a lot, it might be a sign of a sleep disorder, but they aren't connected to mental health issues.

I'm on the bathroom floor with my pants around my ankles

I see you are also a Mumbo Jumbo enjoyer. A person of culture.

One of my cats just got diagnosed with kidney disease. We caught it fairly early, but she's 15 years old and it feels like this might be the beginning of the end. Even 15 years feels too short. As Tamsyn Muir wrote, "Life is too short, and love is too long."

Bring back Linux Mint KDE

So if you're in the US, one thing you might be able to do, depending on your position in the company: make sure that the insurance plans offered by your company cover gender-affirming care. This has been an issue for me and my wife. Her company has a very affirming non-discrimination policy, but they didn't know that their insurance sucked on this front because it's a fairly small company and it had just never come up before. If you have the opportunity to head that off at the pass, do it! It will save a lot of headache for any trans people you might hire in the future.

I use search.sapti.me as my instance and I've never had an issue with it


Furby sausage

Mine is finding a picture of an animal with its rear end towards the camera, and then saying "hey, guess what?" to her and when she says "what?" I show her the picture and say "Bunny* butt!"

*or kitty, doggy, etc

I'm a trans man (FTM) and while I've gone for the "shave head and let nature take its course" option, a lot of trans men seem to really like finasteride because it doesn't have as many hormonal side effects as some other treatments. It's not an at-home method but I believe you can get it from a GP/PCP, you shouldn't need to go to a specialist. A lot of guys also seem to like minoxadil/Rogaine but you need to watch out if you have cats, because it's really toxic to cats.

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I use SpiralLinux on my old Inspiron but it's basically just Debian with some user-friendly tweaks. I guess you could try Tiny Core or Porteus or something really small like that.

Garuda might be worth a try. I used it for a couple months and really enjoyed it, I only stopped because Nvidia drivers kept breaking.

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Yeah, I unfortunately didn't know about the "Nvidia hates Linux" thing when I bought this laptop. I guess I know better for next time.

Been a weird one, ngl

Nope, just a weird bump in my chest that turned out to be scar tissue :)

Changed the gender. Kind a pain in the ass but totally worth it.

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I like SpiralLinux a lot. I installed it on my old Inspiron and it runs like a dream.

Just deleted my Reddit account.

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You can filter by subreddit in Power Suite Delete, so if your tech answers are in specific subs, you can leave those alone and delete everything else

But what of ol' Spaghetti Hands Mike?