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I worked for a year developing in Magento 2 (an open source e-commerce suite which was later bought up by Adobe, it is not well maintained and it just all around not nice to work with). I tried to ask some Magento 2 questions to ChatGPT to figure out some solutions to my problems but clearly the only data it was trained with was a lot of really bad solutions from forum posts.

The solutions did kinda work some of the times but the way it was suggesting it was absolutely horrifying. We're talking opening so many vulnerabilites, breaking many parts of the suite as a whole or just editing database tables. If you do not know enough about the tools you are working with implementing solutions from ChatGPT can be disasterous, even if they end up working.

Windows Recall does NOT require NPU hardware to run. Currently Recall has been tested on Windows 11 with only a CPU and it seems to be fully operational. Of course performance is not as good as with an NPU. I believe Microsoft will try to push AI to local computing by only enabling on computers with NPUs to begin with. In the future it will most likely be able to be enabled on PCs which does not have an NPU but with a warning of bad performance in front of it.

Thanks for TL;DR

What do you mean, I'm a web dev and that looks completely normal.

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When is this movie releasing? I'd love to watch it

Average Reddit comment.

  • Attempts to roast everyone in the thread and dreail the thread itself by attempting to be "funny".
  • Contributes nothing to the discussion.
  • Is the reason why circle jerk threads begin at all.

You: 🤡

I've been using Nobara for some time and it's amazing. Nice installer and gets all drivers and fixed applied from the get go. Also it is maintained by GloriousEggroll himself.

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Sorry if my irony wasn't too obvious. It certainly is not supposed to look that way. There are a lot of pages all over the internet that function just as garbage as this, especially on mobile. That's why I meant it looks "normal" as in not out of the ordinary.

Thank you all for the responses! I will take look into Immich and if maintenance is too much of a hassle I might try out Ente!

I had not seen this, but V-sync was off all the time :(

Thank you! I will try Immich our and see how it feels, if it's just quick fixes it shouldn't be an issue. But if it's too much I might just try out Ente 🙏

This goes hard

No, auto-unencrypting sounds like it would defeat the entire point of an encrypted drive to begin with. I'm only using auto login.

Thank you very much. The DM setting where shuffled a bit in Plasma 6, but I managed to find it under SDDM > Behaviour.

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I run LibreWolf and Twitch won't even let me log in. Even when spoofing the user agent they have client side measures to prevent you from logging in unless you're using FF or Chrome.

If anyone has faced or solved this issue I'd love to know.

Hibernate never works. On every work laptop and distro I've used I've always found the laptop spinning and overheating in my bag when I get home. Eventually I just made sure to turn it off completely when I quit work.

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I'm on Wayland, so no X11 shenanigans going on here 😭

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Monitor and game both running with 240hz set as refresh rate, game is also set to max fps at 360 but also have display refresh rate set to 240hz (yes, there were separate options for this)

Yep, port forwarding is gone. Never used it before but now that I actually need it it's gone. In other areas I'd say Mullvad is number one for VPNs. Sweden based, great transparency, fair price model and no shady parent companies.

Just flex on them and go with full nsfw themes on every device you have. As a cherry on top just add nsfw system sounds.

I will try this, the graph looks flat though.

Update: This did not solve the problem :(

Edited the original post but might aswell comment it. I switched to GNOME (Wayland) and the FPS issue seems to be gone there. I ran the game with only the command line arguments "gamemoderun %command%" in steam and it seems to work properly. Very odd issue.

Launching it in GNOME (Wayland) seems to fix the issue. Very uncertain what this issue was but it seems to be related to KDE.

(Also I did not let the shaders compile, so not a shader issue)

Sadly I cannot check this since I do not have the laptops anymore. Will be sure to look into it on my next one though.

Thanks for the info!

I haven't bought anything from Nintendo since the DS. I never believed their consoles to have the quality, performance or uniqueness to justify their prices. Exclusives is just a money-grabbing FOMO practice that I have never deemed justifiable either.

However, I never actively chose to stand off on purchasing their products until I heard about how they treated the Smash community and literally shut down their tournaments as well as how their fantastically buggy releases of certain Switch Pokemon games.

They have proven time and time again to not only not care about their consumers or community but to actively seek them out and piss in their mouth whenever they can.

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Once again for gaming I'll vouch for Nobara, not because I've tried too much else but everything just worked out of the box. No monitor issues, no driver problems, fixes, patches and tweaks pre-applied. Just all around a good experience.

Good info, I will try this tomorrow and report back.

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Got gamescope working but the issue still persists. I'm gonna try launching in different DE aswell as letting shaders fully compile.

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Not related but I've had some dual booting issues aswell. Turns out that the drives mounted in Linux didn't properly unmount on shutdown so when trying to access them on Windows they wouldn't be accessible.

Just some info for anyone that might be having issues

I understand your situation. If you do want to dodge Nintendo however you might be able to get a similar experience by emulating a Switch on a Steam Deck.

I have an interesting question regarding this. I drink occasionally but not to the point where I'm shitfaced, usually not feeling very drunk or not drunk at all and yet I still throw up.

I throw up multiple times a couple of times in a row and I have no idea why this happens. I wouldn't believe it's alcohol poisoning since it has happened at as low as 3 beers (regular strength, not any ridiculous IPA type beers).

I'm curious if any more educated people have any idea what this can be about. I've been trying to figure this shit out for years but have just mostly given up on drinking instead.

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Thank you for the comment, a very interesting solution! I'm thinking of using Google as little as possible however. I would like to look into how to setup some access from outside the network via some VPN shenanigans.

I was also looking at automating backups with Cron - both DB and images to other disks and devices.

I got Immich up and running but have had some stuff come in the way to spend more time with it.

RAM configs and weird BIOS settings from Dell is my bet. I never managed to solve it so I am unsure. I have tried several Ubuntu and Debian flavors and have had the same issues. Gonna run some Fedora-based distro and take more care of RAM configs on my next one I think.

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I mean, if that's possible then maybe?

Yeah I've heard about this issue aswell, my friend has something similar going on

The tech-slope is a slippery slide into your wallet 😅

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This is fine for my use case. I don run wifi on my gaming rig but I guess I'll see if any other things prompt me for password after logging in next time.

Edit: Nope, I have no clue what is even possibly stored in Kwallet, if anything, but it still pops up and requests password. Ironically i went from typing my password 2 times to 3 times by enabling auto-login. I know have to unlock the keyring once I login, and then unlock Kwallet once I try to launch Discord. We love it.

Burping is no issues.

And I've never really noticed being bloated when drinking. But that's nothing I've really thought about either, I'll pay attention to it next time but nothing I noticed the other day at least.

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Another question: I set up the Immich docker image and I'm using Mullvad VPN, however Mullvad VPN removed in-app port forwarding last year. I'm curious whether there is a solution to use Split Tunneling for Immich via another VPN to setup secure remote access outside of the home network?

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