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Joined 11 months ago

Words have meanings and their acceptance by society changes over time.
I’m middle of the road on the topic.
To me though, “dick” and “cunt” are perfectly effective words that I employ as needed.

Also, relevant link…

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As someone in management, health is absolutely paramount and the basic building blocks of creating happy and productive workers.
I have a guy that will soon be taking 6 weeks of paternal leave (sucks I had kids too early to do so myself) and my only requirement of him is that he only thinks of himself, his wife, and his kid.

When I saw the title, I was concerned.
Upon reading the article, I was really happy to see this.
Now that I actually think about it though, I DO play a gacha game and it would simply be impossible to exist if not for the gacha business style it utilizes. I’m very happy that so many people sink real money into it, as I simply am unable to do so myself.

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I looked at a few Lenovo and MS laptops to see what they are charging to jumps from 8 to 16 GB.
They are very close to what Apple charges.
So, they are ALL ripping us off!

Seriously… I’ve never once strayed from Firefox since its release.
I’m forced to use chrome for work and it is crap.

I guess that using safari on iOS devices is one exception, and it isn’t too bad.

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Of Monsters and Men disappointed me with their second album.
As mentioned by another user, Mumford & Sons went a weird and unfortunate direction.

I’ll say that I am glad that The Postal Service dropped one perfect album and never released anything ever again.
Also, while Daft Punk did change over time (maybe hardcore house fans grew to hate them), I would argue that their albums only got better over time and their final album was absolute musical perfection.
Their breaking up was the most bittersweet decision I’ve seen in music.

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Super pumped to live in a state that decided to bring back free lunches (and breakfast) for all gradeschool kids.
The quality could be better, but you have to start somewhere!

Almost certainly this is what is happening.
Most closely the baader-meinhof phenomenon.

My dad did it back when he was a hippy.
He still talks very fondly of the time he spent out in the Arizona desert all those decades ago.

A piece of me would like to drop out of society and live in solitude.
While I lean towards being a loner, I realized that I am probably mostly a hybrid.
I enjoy some human interaction, but also love being alone to do whatever the fuck I want.
To me a commune would be too intimate and I think would end up being like a small town type of scenario which doesn’t appeal to me.

Can you please go into the specifics of why you don't let your kids play Roblox?

I had been avoiding it until a well intentioned relative got my son a Roblox gift card.
It was immediately made clear that I was against the game which created an awkward situation for my relative.
I decided to soften my stance, and use it as a teaching moment.
I explained how the game works and how my son was to use his Robux.
He was to play the game(s) for a certain length of time and then make an informed decision about where to spend his money at.
Of course he spent it on some stupid powerup on a game that he ended up stopping playing some days later.
We used it as a teaching moment for both of my kids and what a waste of money the game is.
I also explained to them how P2W games are predatory in nature, and that I would never personally allow them to pay a single cent into Roblox or any other game.
My son is constantly proud of how he is F2P and always beating all of the P2W noobs.

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I said I’d leave and followed through.
Between Spez and their killing of Apollo, I decided to part ways.
It is also really nice here @ Beehaw (thus far) to see that interactions are of a much higher caliber.
I don’t comment a ton, but I have yet to have any negative experiences.
Maybe the “human vetted” application process helps?

Great to see consequences for the terrorist acts they committed.
I can’t help but scratch my head how someone with obvious Latino roots managed to find himself a part of this gang and then to have risen to the top…?
It is like a real life version of Clayton Bigsby.

I would guess there to be more left leaning preppers than you might imagine.
At least from what I saw on Reddit, there was a decent representation of left leaning preppers.
I count myself among them… well, not a Reddit user anymore, but my prepping is pretty decent.

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Has not been updated for a while, but relevant link…

This reminds me of the site to see if your email address had been pwned or not.
Well, if you looked yourself up, I’ve got some bad news for you….

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Uhhh… I managed to save up a hefty down payment and bought my house in 2009.
It has since then over doubled in value.
So yeah, “sane choice = buying a home while you are young” is my vote.

… buuuuut, today you’d have to be nuts to buy a home.
Not sure where that leaves the young people today, but there is no way (in my area at least) that home values will keep on climbing.
They plateaued and I don’t see any further appreciation.

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Yeah medication is a pretty big Achilles heel.
I am fortunate that I do not YET have the need for maintenance medication.
At some point in my life however I very likely will.
When that day comes, I can only hope that things are more settled down than they are now.
Otherwise, I’ll have to really stock up on rat poison!

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I’m not sure how, but I’ve somehow been able to learn his name in Japanese and English and the difference between the two never stuck out at me…

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Yeah, the confusion by everyone around this pricing is really counterintuitive.
The product is exactly the same as its console / PC counterpart.
How well it runs on Apple products remains to be seen.
I for sure would not opt for it since I have a high end gaming PC.
Also, especially considering how Apple pulls products from their stores w/o refund…

I do hope that this sells somewhat well and opens the door for more developers to release their games on iOS / Mac.
I still think that Apple could build a proper gaming rig / console, but are in the chicken / egg situation still.

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I stand corrected, with thanks!

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I actually don’t seek them out.
The first rule of figh… err, prepping is don’t talk about prepping!
Seriously though, if it were to come up in conversation I’d entertain exchanging info / plans.
It isn’t something that lends itself to most standard conversations though.
I should say that I have as much as possible weeded out all conservatives from my daily interactions, as I just can’t look past their goals of making our world a more hateful and miserable place.

So, my prepping talks are typically kept online, and anonymous.

Was he not just the benefactor of being in the right place at the right time and reacting in a good way?
I’d say that his high point was mostly due to luck and a good playing of the cards dealt to him at the time. He has since revealed that he is a scummy dude.

I’m not from New York so I could be greatly oversimplifying or misrepresenting things, mind you…

Were we at a concert together?

I am an admitted prepper.
I am very sufficiently protected from a disruption to food supplies.
I am of the mind that bugging in is better than bugging out.
I would probably keep working until things ground to a halt (I can work fully remote) and monitor the state of things as far as sending my kids to school.

Honestly though?
I don’t see civil war as a real threat where I am at.
Sure there are flare ups of violent events from time to time, but there is no real concerted effort by either side to bring things to a more constant and real level.
The fact is, life is still much too easy and the problems we face much too far removed from basic necessities that I could really see any one group pushing us into a civil war.
I hope I am right…

I just wrapped up the last one on my list: Sekiro.
It wasn’t as hard as everyone makes it out to be but that could be due to my having previously gone through Bloodborne and learned how to be aggressive.

All of their games are superbly fun but it did take me a lot of tries for it to click.
I started out terrible at them - and frankly am still nothing special - but am super glad that I persevered.
While I have other favorites as well, the Soulsborne will always rank at the top of my list for gaming perfection.

Reddit was unique - at least in my experience - in that it expanded my horizons and allowed me to grow in many ways.
Before Reddit I just searched out sites / forums about my interests.
Reddit allowed me to organically gain new interests through daily interactions.

I’ve left it since they killed Apollo but I will admit that there were various good communities that I do miss!

I jumped to team red this build.
I have been very happy with my 7900XTX.
4K max settings / FPS on every game I’ve thrown at it.
I don’t play the latest games, so I guess I could hit a wall if I play the recent AAA releases, but many times they simply don’t interest me.

Glad to hear this one. Their third album seriously had me wondering if it was incorrectly labeled.
What a dumpster fire.
I still love their first two albums of course.

I am simply engaged in a never ending battle with the most feared and revered opponent I’ve ever come across: myself.
Seriously though, I don’t have the time / interest / patience to do group sports.
Running / cycling / hiking are great loner sports.

Oh, and maybe you didn’t realize it at the time, but kids are just as if not more brutal and competitive.
I occasionally help coach my son’s hockey team.

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Yeah I really called it wrong on my initial comment.
I took a look at my pwned history and it looks like we share a lot of sites.
Quite concerning and now I am at least using a password manager.
I am still on LastPass but am considering others.
It simply “works” in my case though, and I’m not sure how easy it would be to change to a new one so with them I stay.
It sucks that they made it into a “pay to play” if you want full cross platform access, but I use my gaming PC for so few sites that it isn’t a huge deal to just lock my LasPass to iOS.

Yeah I now recall reading that.
I also recently read that he is aware that he has never had such an inspired and creative moment in his life since 2003. Whatever the case, I’m glad they dropped that one magical gem and that was that. You can’t top perfection.

I’ve been to Red Rocks and wold have loved to see this concert.
The transformation of the conductor as the song went on was fabulous!
They zoomed in at great points where it was made really clear that he is a NOFX fan.

If you have the option, maybe look @ moving to a blue state that is doing all it can to keep the crazies at bay and create human-centric societies.
Personally, it isn’t the most important thing to me, but I did vote for it to be legal and I am proud that I’m aligned with the majority of my neighbors on the issue!

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Yeah, warfarin was what I was referring to.
I expect to need a new aortic valve at some point, and I’ll likely need blood thinners.
So, rat poison it is!

RE2 on PSX was my first.
I had two distinct feelings of extreme dread and true primal fear.
One was the first sequence, attempting to maneuver through the burning zombies.
The next was the morgue, even knowing as I walked in exactly what would happen.
I’ve never since then felt such and emotion in life that compared.

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Damn… I think I came on a bit later than that. I don’t recognize the icon of Phoenix so I doubt I made the switch that early on!

Thank you for sharing… but this doesn’t inspire confidence.
Better? Maybe. Good? Not really.
I’m sure I’ll eventually make my way to it, but I’m in no hurry to play it.
Maybe when the Switch 2 comes out?!

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Also the story is one of the best in the entire history of gaming (IMO).
The other of course being To the Moon.

I loved BOTW as a generic open world adventure game. It was probably the worst “Zelda” entry outside of the CD-i games though.
I just pretend that it wasn’t one at all.
The weapons breaking thing along with incredibly repetitive and boring enemies made me avoid all fights not absolutely necessary.
The boss fights - few and far between though they were - were good.

I had hoped that the new one would fix all of the previous one’s issues but as people like us are in the minority it seems that they kept the formula the same. I’m not sure if I’ll even play it.

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Would that be the original or remake?
Not that it really matters… they are BOTH pretty terrifying.