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Joined 11 months ago

how about we get universal health care and universal food, and universal savings accounts first.

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I think its time for you zoomies to start doing the voomies and voom out of that company. lots of nice companies that value you and pay well that are remote.

guys come work for my company we have embraced the work remote life style.

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Yes my children! end the bigotry! become the wave!

and i still cant use it in most phones cause there is no freaking port!

vote and revolt peeps. i dunno what else to tell you. don't stand for this bull shit.

my food budget when down to 200$ from 400, fast food is so expensive i stop going. I am growing my own food now and its taking off. screw the man.

Another budding dictator waiting to spring. 90% taxes on the rich people, put that back in their place. The people make the rules and no one is above them.

Thank you PenguinCoder! hear hear!

Sigh i must be really terrible. can't even find a casual girl friend.

HI EMMA! 90's/80's kid to who likes linux. sadly i am in Florida. we can be online buddies though. I will see if i can get mbin.

The internet routes around your blockade! long live the Pirates! Liber8! Pirate bay FTW!!

id be happy if i could work 40 hours a week and not be freaking on call all the time.

no i do not have adhd. i love doing lots of things and learning lots of things. it means you are a smart person and have alot of time on your hands to do all that. most people are in a RUT and work home and family thats it.

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the way you judge a society is how you treat the least of them. I will vote left every time, i get a chance. If something better comes along i will vote for that too. I am so sick of this bull shit.


god i hate this crap. what is the alternative to this intrusive shit from companies? is the diy home automation, and software? i know have hear of a few out there, also that its hard to setup.

wow zoom just wow.

and this is why we micro farm and raise chickens.

find a better IT job, find a better company. they are not all like you mentioned. Move out of your state. also get out of debt and have a nest egg of money so you do not have to rely on a shitty job, and be picky. See Dave Ramsy

pull out the zester and take off that outer rine. slice it into haves and squeeze out all of the juice, and throw the pulp away. sprinkle the juice over a nice piece of fish and some salad. cook the fish and serve the salad. problems solved.

no you want to turn the into prisons.

added too much salt to my food? does that count and made entire meals inedible.

when it can write out pi in a pule we will know peeps. we will know.

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Stay vigilant with my ideals and carry a big stick? Giving up is for weenies and Republicans If our for fathers and mothers can get through the shit so can we.

also one is in 5 actually listened in grade school and learned something.

I hope the joy and knowledge and freedom our for-bearers had is what we will continue to reap in the future. there will be challenges, but we will prevail.

if you find a way let me know..

work and play at the same time. discord, weather map, cameras, password manager, firefox, chrome, citrix etc. also use a tiling manager so much easier

what the fuck is sparrow? also salt-stack does all this. nothing sucks you are just doing it wrong.