5 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes it is one of the many arbitrary things that that specific religion demonizes. Probably has its roots from way back in the day so that women couldnt effectively run away from the men and get very far. Same reason most Muslim women arent allowed to drive. To this day they still have to have permission to leave and go do things without a man. Edit: lol at the downvotes. Give it a google if you don't believe me 🤷‍♂️

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Google kills everything it touches

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Look into Hellen Keller and how she learned. I'm not 100 percent brushed up on it but I do know it involved touch and feeling. The teacher would trace letters onto her hands and also use temperatures and textures to convey meaning to her.

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This is why im considering being done with reddit altogether. The API stuff was messed up but this is SUPER shady

I agree requring third party apps to contain their ads would have been a WAY better move. It's funny to me though that Reddit claims to be unprofitable but pulls in $456 million and some change per year. Greedy fuckers

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Yupp, bit of a leopards ate my face moment! Is their a community for that on here yet btw?

You can change defaults in your profile settings. Also, you should try not being such a fucking asshole

I believe this is the plan for most of them. I know Signal messenger has said as much and Im sure Telegram and even Whatsapp (lol at the idea of whatsapp being secure) wont stick around either. Seems like the easiest way to solve this problem. The downside is, once this passes the USA and other countries are bound to follow suit. Especially Australia's spying ass, if they havent passed something like this already.

You just have to get used to how federation works. Their is bugginess from the influx of new users right now but give it time. A good way to get used to how federation works is using Mastadon (which also integrates with Lemmy on many instances)

It will not be any better by then. In fact it will probably worse when they do have a solid understanding of the internet and the infastructure behind it they will be able to use it to our disadvantage even more than they already are.

Linux users salivate

I've always wondered if that was pre-planned or if they just integrated it as the show went on

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To be fair some instances (like Beehaw) defederate for not being big enough to maintain a huge influx of users. It isn't always about Nazis although for sure Nazis suck I agree with that!

I wish gold was a thing here because I'd give it to you.

I've used Baconreader for as lpng as I can remember and the only reason I even know it's an ad is seeing you all talk about it just now lol was it really that bad?

Right? It's like sleeping with strangers without a condom on. Even the FBI recommends an adblocker now.

You're god damn right Eagle Shriek

World War Z Aftermath is a great multiplayer game and also cross-platform!

Dude for real! I thought people were just saying that because fuck the guy but no it's actually true. Pretty fucked up! And as far as I had seen on Reddit it wasn't ever mentioned before although that's probably because Spez would have shadowbanned and deleted/edited the comments if it did ever out him.

Funny you mention that, I found out about Lemmy specifically from a dude who was being downvoted to hell for even mentioning it as an alternative. So glad I decided to look into it I love this place and the whole idea of the fediverse in general.

Oh man the Overcooked series is great for multiplayer! Can really cause some heated disagreements at times though lol

The gaming instance on beehaw is picking up steam! But yeah it will take some time before it's able to compete with r/gaming but I am here for it!

What is llm's?

This is such a fantastic idea! The gameboy was such an amazing system and it's so awesome to see it still being appreciated and even games on it being experienced for the first time by newcomers. My father was wanting to get into gaming as well but one of his main gripes was "there's too many buttons to learn" I think I might just get him a gameboy! Idk why I didn't consider that before thank you so much for the idea!

I used an everdrive for my megadrive (lol) and it worked flawlessly! I highly recommend they get one of these for their grandmother that is a great idea!

This is one of my biggest fears of Reddit shutting down. The loss of information is going to be significant. Even the wayback machine doesn't have as many archived posts as it seemed to before now.

I got shadowbanned from the entire site once from pissing a mod off. I wasn't even being combative or anything I posted a link to dispute misinformation and just said "That's wrong though. Here is a link from the Mayo clinic explaining it" and got banned. No warning, no message, nothing. I had to make a new reddit account conpletely i couldnt upvote or comment on ANY subreddit after that. All for pissing off a mod. I hated how much power they have (had?)

Someone has probably mentioned it already but Jerboa is giving me this error when trying to use

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Well with the supreme court it isn't because we elect them. They are appointed so I'd say it's to protect the interests of the elite like banning abortions etc.

Because up until now everyone would just link to the actual post but now it's down so I'm glad these youtube videos are still around now for sure! Also I am sad to see Reddit go BUT I like the idea of Federation much better so, all for the best!

It isn't its just an article with pics of cool billboards. Idk how to get it to post with just the link and not the entire text with no pictures.

Oh man, idk about the broken arms one but the coconut one is LEGENDARY

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What's the broken arms about? I would just look it up but it would benefit the site to share it here!