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Joined 12 months ago

As a European living in a big city I never quite understood just how huge these things are until I finally saw one stuck in traffic in a tiny Parisian street. These things are massive!

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Unless, hear me out, god is a golden retriever and needs to be reminded how much of a good boy He is

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Selling only DRM-free games has always be GOG's whole thing (well, that and selling oldies compatible with modern OS), it's weird that this meme specifically would be considered "aknowledging piracy"

I wish brands would stop trying to be funny

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And this, gentlepeople, is the definition of toxic masculinity

You should probably specify which country you're from

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It'll be on game pass so I'll probably still test it out, but I really don't get why a Payday game would need anti-piracy measures since the whole point is to play co-op

If they were consistent with their beliefs then yeah, but that's a big if

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Very rough translation :

In the center : "How to enjoy the banana? (..and it will provide sweetness and exquisite consolations)"

From top left to top right : "At 18 yo ... At 20 yo ... At 23 yo"

From bottom left to bottom right : "From 30 to 35 yo ... From 40 yo and above"

No offense intended since I'm fully incapable of pronouncing tons of English words properly (fuck "squirrel" specifically), but as a Frenchman who has lived near Mulhouse for a few years and interacted with a lot of foreign students, what you said probably wasn't close to being the exact same as that guy

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It depends a lot on what you actually mean by socialism and communism because these words can have very different meanings to different people and ideology.

As a very broad baseline, socialism is the socialization of the means of production, as opposed to the current privatization of those means. Now there are a lot of ways this could be done, and thus a lot of ways to define socialism. Some socialists want a strong State that can enforce strict rules of ownership, others want no State at all and a free cooperation between individuals, with a lot of variations in between. An anarchist, a communist, a social-democrat would all consider themselves socialists, even when they actually have very distinct ideologies.

Now communism, at least in its most recognizable form, is basically the end state of socialism in the Marxist ideology specifically. It designates a stateless, classless society in which each person contributes according to their ability and receives according to their needs. It's basically the end goal theorized by Marx that has never been achieved yet in History.

I think you've missed the point of Ken's arc in this movie

I'd agree with this statement for most games, but the best way to enjoy Helldivers 2 specifically is to play it when the playerbase and the hype is at its peak. The gameplay will still be just as good a year from now, sure, but you'd miss the emergent story being built right now

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Who would win in a fight? A half-naked militiaman with a bronze sword or a soldier in full armor with a steel katana?

Don't get me wrong, Greek hoplites were great in formation for their time period, but the individual spartan was basically just a decently fit dude

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I know it to be true, I've heard it dozens of times, but my dumb brain still refuses to accept the solution everytime. It's kind of crazy really

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I tried the beta a few months ago and it was great! I kinda lost interest when I struggled to find a city with the workshop I needed at the time, but I'll try again now that a few updates have come out!

Paying money to work isn't something I would consider worth it. Sure, I might get a bit of free time in the evenings, but it doesn't seem like enough to justify the travel and lodging costs

Ah. No, what he basically did is gamble on the fact that the left couldn't unite and that his candidates would face against the far-right, so he could once again campaign on the platform of "The only two options are me or the fascists".

The fact that the left managed to put aside their differences and unite completely took him by surprise and he now has to actually campaign. His main argument now is that the left is just as bad as the far-right and that he's the only reasonable person in the room.

You were right to think he didn't have it in him, because he definitely doesn't.

This game is fascinating to me because of the range of reactions I've seen from players. Those who like it love it so much they call it a masterpiece, while those who don't like it really hate it.

It's also one of the only games I can think of which message (or at least what I personally interpret its message to be) gets less and less impactful the more people praise it. I feel like it only works if you go in blind and only expect a standard shooter, and really suffers from its reputation as a consequence. Expecting a fun shooter and getting this whole thing was a unique experience to me, while a friend of mine that played it expecting to find the experience he read about was super disappointed and hated it.

A weird game indeed, but I'm so glad it exists

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Ads is never just ads. It's primarily a business model that is fundamentally anti-consumer, because when your main remenue starts becoming showing ads to your user instead of selling them something of value, your priorities shift from trying to make a good quality product to trying to max out engagement in order to print as many ads as possible.

It's probably less optimal than walking since I seem to get less steps in when I bike, but I can confirm it works

FYI, tracking based on legitimate interest can be rejected, it just isn't by default. If you click on "reject all" both tracking based on consent and tracking based on legitimate interests are rejected (at least if Microsoft wants to be in compliance with EU rules on tracking).

The only trackers that can be used even if you click on "reject all" are those that are used exclusively for technical purposes and some very light analytics

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Sure, not trying to tell you how to enjoy your games at all! I was just explaining why people would want to play this specific game closer to launch rather than later

Too late, I've now gotten 20% more obnoxiously french

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Just out of curiosity, is it commonly thought outside of France that Macron is anywhere close to left-wing ?

He's been campaigning for a week on a plateforme that's basically just "The left is just as bad as the far right", several of his ministers have clearly stated that they would vote blank in case of a duel between the left and the far-right in the runoffs, and he's repeatedly called the left a "danger for democracy"

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Thank you for that, my brain was stuck on "Chupacabra"

Oh I like people having fun at work as well, what I don't like is corporate communications trying to weirdly mimic people having fun at work. Maybe I'm just too cynical, but I often find these jokey comms to be souless and artificial and almost never feel like they're genuinely having fun

I hate this so much

You seem to be under the impression that Macron is fine with the left winning.

He's definitely not: he's been viciously attacking the left for years now, and has just last Sunday accused them of being antisemitic, antirepublican and antiparlentarist.

His Minister of Justice said in an interview that, in case of a duel between the left and the far-right during the election runoffs, he would vote for neither.

His prime minister keeps saying in Interviews that the left represents chaos for the country.

A few years back I got really into Python for a few months as a complete newbie. One day, when I felt ready, I told myself I would put all the python skills I picked up and build a small program that would generate random, solvable sudoko puzzles. After a few weeks trying everything and not getting anywhere, I gave up programming.

Moral of the story is I probably that I should have taken it a bit slower I guess

What Mélenchon thinks is of little consequence. All the left parties have put together the baselines of a common program, and supporting Ukraine is a big part of it.

Mélenchon is too disliked by the rest of the left to be considered for PM if it comes to that anyway, and all other potentiel candidates are strongly in favour of helping Ukraine.

I'm mostly using my bike for my daily commutes these days but this looks super interesting. I'll give it a look !

I think you're spot on for Vision. If the last Phoenix Force buff taught me one thing, it's that the difference between a 4-cost card that can move and a 5-cost card that can move is truly massive. I guess Vision got a bit more appealing for a Shuri combo and a last turn move to bait Shang Chi though, that's probably something I'll want to try out.

That is the face of a man 1 BJ away from passing out

Woodworking, or any activity that involves crafting useful and/or beautiful things with my own two hands. I live in a flat so I lack space to do it, but the idea of using an object or a furniture everyday while knowing I actually made it from scratch is just so appealing to me

It's been a few months since I played it, and I remember I really enjoyed it at the time but ended up feeling a bit limited in what I could do: after the truly magical first few hours, everything seemed to devolve into a game all about numbers and lacking actual depth. Has there been interesting updates since?

Sure, but Marx didn't invent socialism. The Commune itself was massively inspired by Proudhon's socialist ideas. Even before that, Saint-Simon's socialism influenced some factions that took part in the French Revolution.

All that to say that yeah, nowadays Marxism is the main socialist ideology, but it's not the only one

Salut, j'ai partagé ton post aux modérateurs de, la cavalerie devrait arriver

From a Le Monde article

Apparently what he said in french was: "[le sujet] a été évoqué parmi les options. [...] Il n’y a pas de consensus aujourd’hui pour envoyer de manière officielle, assumée et endossée des troupes au sol [...] Mais rien ne doit être exclu. Nous ferons tout ce qu’il faut pour que la Russie ne puisse pas gagner cette guerre."

Roughly translated, he said "The topic was discussed among other options. There is no official consensus in favor of officially sending troops on the ground, but no option should be ruled out at this point. We will do everything necessary to ensure Russia doesn't win this war."