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Joined 1 years ago

I'm pretty sure they Epic bought Bandcamp for their battle with Apple and then did literally nothing with it.

Use soulseek instead. Nicotine+ is a pretty good soulseek client.

TempleOS (wikipedia) is a meme os. It's supposed to be god's os and was singlehandedly coded by the late Terry Davis. So this post isn't really marketing, and the reference is just supposed to be humorous.

Duolingo is pretty bad at teaching you a language so I don't think we really need to make an open source alternative. If you want to actually learn a language, just use anki (anki is open source) for flashcards and get a textbook. I say anki because it uses a spaced repetition system which is the only way to effectively study more than 100 flashcards and there are browser plugins that allow you to create new flashcards from a couple clicks on a new word. Once you get far enough you won't have to use the textbook and will be able to just sentence mine for words and have to google the occasional grammar point.

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I'm pretty sure MKDEV, who is one person, quit cracking earlier this year.

No, for me its the opposite, when I buy a game I'm more likely to actually play it because I want to get my money's worth of enjoyment, while with a pirated game, there isn't a need to play the game, even if I do have fun with it.

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The thing is done so that multiple packages with the same name can coexist. It's a design choice, not something that gets fixed. It would be nice to be able to type in the name of the package and it looks for the package like in flatpak remove and install though.

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Highschooler here, everyone already uses vpn's to bypass the school firewall to view blocked sites and stuff while on school wifi.

IMO even if it does suck for latency, not everyone is playing competitively and needs perfect latency and bluetooth should be supported for everything. Rhythm games on pc and mobile even have adjustment settings for terrible latency.

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Its not open source, its source available because you can't distribute modifications to unreal.

If you use the default cinnamon desktop on linux mint, theres an extension for it called gTile.

Not sure if it does what you want.

TBH I've always found the popup showing all the other windows when tiling in Windows to be annoying so I've never looked for it on Linux.

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Sudo is root. It executes commands as the root user on every linux distro.

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I think pretty much any wireless headphone should work on Linux; my Airpods seem to work fine.

That sounds like a terrible idea if they find out.

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gnu emacs

Cryptocurrency has its uses as unregulated currency, though that makes it easy to scam people with it.

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But they just personally don't want that on their instance while they create the lemmy software that allows for everyone to speak their opinions.

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In my experience, doing small changes to your nix config when using nix flakes seems to be faster. For me it only rebuilds everything when I run nix flake update before running sudo nixos-rebuild switch so it seems faster because it only does the thing that I changed instead of updating everything.

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I got the cartoon with text wrong because I didn't know dalle-3 could do text. I got 12 from vibes of more detail? This assumption that AI does more detail gets a lot of actual humans. AI image generation is really crazy. The simpler stuff is pretty much indistinguishable from real human stuff at this point.

It's not fully supported:

No async reprojection

No bluetooth support for base stations power management

Does not work on Wayland, at all (Nobara, KDE)

Lacks the ability for you to continue using your headset if for some reason it disconnects and reconnects (base stations will not be detected, neither will any bluetooth adapters like the SW7)

A plethora of bugs

It feels like my headset view is on a delay? Maybe due to no async reprojection

I'm quoting this guy because I think that VR straight up doesn't work on NixOS, and I haven't gotten to testing my Index on any other os yet. <- It seems this guy wasn't able to get VR working on NixOS either.

My printer doesn't work. Though tbf it doesn't work on windows either. is a site where translators post their translations.

Clip Studio Paint and Krita are fantastic options for 2d art, and can be better than Photoshop for drawing and painting.

You can also drag it to the tab bar to add it as a new tab.

Nix flakes are a feature of the nix package manager to make nix packages more reproducible.

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I'm pretty sure wacom drivers are just in the linux kernel, and also my XP pen tablet worked out of the box also. I haven't noticed any weird problems.

dang.. turbomewing

Meow mode in emacs uses the same philosophy which is pretty decent.

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Denuvo these days is ridiculously hard to crack, the only people good enough usually would rather get a job at Denuvo because its so hard you have to be insane to do it for free. There was also some guy doing denuvo cracks for only football manager games but they retired like 3 months ago.

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You should dual boot windows and linux if you want to keep using the Oculus Rift because there is no chance to getting it working on linux.

In my opinion its better to first test out some distros in virtual box and use them for the tasks that you would usually use your computer for. I'd recommend trying out Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, Debian, and Pop OS. These are solid distros that work.

Once you find a distro that you like, you should start dual booting it. I got a second drive for that, before eventually copying all the files I needed over to the second drive and wiping the first drive to be my main after a year. (you can still access your windows files this way without losing any storage to linux) (steam games do not work when on windows partitions so you'll still have to redownload games)

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I LOVE osu! I LOVE osu!

90% of people who use computers just need the web browser and some sort of office suite and whatever proprietary software their job tells them to use.

I don't think they would find much if any use to command line tools.

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There's an installer that makes a basic config for you where you can choose KDE as your DE.

I think he's calling the website that is running non-free javascript as an additional piece of software based on his commment on "bulky obfuscated JavaScript apps."

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It's pretty likely that its the Deckard, because we know they've been working on that for years, even before the Steam Deck was announced. I don't think that Valve has been working on any other hardware lately. It'll be pretty hype if it actually is, though I kinda bought my Index last year so I'm not hyped about it being obselete.

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They can sell you a 100 dollar elite strap if the strap has nothing and is removable.

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My shell seems to autocomplete filenames that have spaces with "\ " already.

elfeed in emacs

Varjo headsets. Apple actually used Varjo's headsets to test out the software for the Vision Pro while developing it. There isn't any software specifically for the Varjo headsets since its just business focused.

Apple's headset is much cheaper than Varjo's, somehow, despite having similar tech.

You can find a lot of old school websites hosted on neocities, though a lot of them are more of an art project than an actual website.