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Joined 13 months ago

Fair enough, but isn't it reasonable to want the president of the United States to be someone who doesn't fall apart after 9pm?

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Yeah this is reporting on the feedback from a focus group of like 20 people conducted by some Latino TV station... Not sure how representative that is of the wider electorate...

don't come with a requirement that drivers watch the road

Seems it's like every other Mercedes then

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Wouldn't have guessed that it was Korean farmers who let the dogs out

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So can anyone with a copy of mspaint. Sick of these attempts to sterilise and censor

Millions of Facebook users outnumbering previous users 100 to 1 will kill it. Oh, there'll be more activity than ever, but it will be a sanitised corporate safe space for advertisers, where millions of normies argue about politics, with misinformation and ads sprinkled throughout.

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America will use anything except the metric system

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If that MRI machine is in use then that gun can't have been there very long, the extremely powerful magnetic field means metal objects can not be present in the same room while the machine is active.

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Musk said. "If you get to the 100 million vehicle level, which I think we will … you've got a kilowatt of useable compute," Musk said.

A whole kilowatt? "I think you could have on the order of 100 gigawatts of useful compute." Ah.

"And unlike laptops and our cell phones, it is totally under Tesla's control," Musk added.

They clearly seem to think that they can do whatever they want with their customer's property

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The article blames Millennials because it's the largest generation in terms of headcount, and then spends the rest of the time discussing how Millennials were fucked over. Interesting take... I wonder if they know how to actually apportion blame.

I doubt

I'd wager

I'd assume

You have a news article linked here which clearly spells out an example of this happening yet you still lean on assumptions that it couldn't possibly happen

"You should let criminal acts go unpunished so your side can do them too" is certainly a hot take

Everyone talking about hacking the firmware to extract the private key

Me just taking a photo of the deepfake

The drug and cigarette analogy is dramatic, but the real heat is going to come from the claim that they only care about the supply side of the equation, not demand. In other words, their audience is locked in and has no power, and the ad suppliers (Google themselves) set the market conditions.

That is dangerously close to monopoly talk.

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Life's pretty good here in Australia. No neighbours on the border causing problems, weather is generally good, lots of wide open empty nature to get out of the city, average salary is $93k and unemployment is low, crime is low. Inequality is a problem although our Gini coefficient has actually lowered recently. There's a lot of life to enjoy, and really the endless stream of negativity is only experienced through the media, not in real life, so I switched off the TV and just focus on what's going on around me, enjoying the people, places and activities that I like, and things feel quite positive.

Turn off the news, it's bad for the psyche.

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Dismantling the regime. If someone said we need to eliminate the Chinese Communist regime, would you think they want to destroy the entirety of China?

Twitter has always sucked and destroying it at his own expense is the one good thing Musk has done. He should buy Facebook next.

Mouth open, shadow on chin - they turned their logo into a soyjak

Seems fitting tbh

Steamed broccoli that is only just tender but still a little bit crisp in the core is amazing and I'm sorry you're deprived of that OP.

Also you don't even like corn? Everybody likes corn. C'mon OP at least eat some corn.

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Pluck your eyelashes and get them transplanted onto your head. Problem solved.

Things like "MP approves funding for new hospital" don't make headlines. Even moreso for any world headlines to rise above the din of American politics it usually has to be something pretty outrageous.

It's not the fault of the employer who's underpaying them?

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I've seen the Tom Hanks dental plan and it involved an ice skate

If it really starts supporting ActivityPub, you could start seeing Threads posts in a fediverse feed that also includes posts from Mastodon, Reddit alternative Lemmy, and any other platform that runs on the protocol.

Please no. The last thing Lemmy needs is a tsunami of Facebook normies. Instant Eternal September.

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That's a pretty uncharitable interpretation, the commenter is just saying they otherwise don't know have any experience with the country

Joe's poses really don't help dispel the whole hair sniffing meme

Pick me

Assuming that the common thread is accentuating gender characteristics to an absurd extent for attention

I'm running Ubuntu on my laptop and it has a dropdown list on the login screen to select DE

Fake nails look awful. Don't know why anyone would consider claws attractive. Lipstick can look alright though.

When has China ever threatened to bomb Australia?

Churches are for-prophet though

Fuck Google too

It's not good at all for society. It's slavery with the addition of a heightened risk of death, all to serve the whims of guys in suits far from the battlefield.

Previous commenter thinking it's a good thing because it will whip the rabble into shape is delirious. These are peoples sons and daughters that we would be sending off to die in the mud. Shameful.

Well, one of Australia's high profile war criminals was punished with a cushy media executive job

Aussie here. Our entire dialect is one weird idiom.

Yeah mate, got Lidl balls for ur mouth lmao

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recorded data by the nature of being stored somewhere, should be made public?

The difference is that this data can already be surfaced by anyone, all they need to do is spin up a federated instance, so someone could do all the stuff outlined in the parent comment, but keep the results for themselves, or monetise it, build advertising profiles, doxx people, etc.

The data already exists, and it can already be extracted and made public (or used privately). I'm not saying throw open every database to the world, I am saying the world can already access this database, so pretending that it's not available doesn't stop bad actors from using it. Might as well make a public tool (that actually sounds kinda cool?) and bring awareness to it.

Sucks for them. This is what happens when you buy into the corporate, locked down, sanitised and monetised walled garden.

Privacy first and FLOSS software have been out there the whole time for people willing to invest the time (and money, but often it's cheaper than the commercial option) to learn them and gain those benefits for themselves.

But if people want a device so they pick up the one with the shiniest marketing and then wonder why it's shoving ads down their throat, well, that's what they get for not researching the options. There are alternatives, they've been posted many times over in this thread and similar ones.

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Right? I'm actually sympathetic towards the "gun is a tool" argument. I grew up on a farm and have been hunting, I can relate.

And those people who carry pocket knives and multi tools (and as a technician, I'm one of them) are presumably often encountering situations where those tools are useful. What are the situations where a gun is useful? What is the kind of job that tool is designed for?

I'm convinced that it's at least a little bit about the "OMG A GUN feeling". I don't see people walking around the street with a ball peen hammer holstered to their belt.

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