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Joined 1 years ago

I'm hoping for a future without money. Where everyone can get what they need and want.

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If you can put together Lego with the instructions or IKEA furniture, you'll be fine. It took me three tries, and I learnt stuff from each mistake, so the worst that can happen is you learn.

Sure. That's my kink...

It's not consent if there are fifty pages of legalese to read before you press accept.

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RAM is no longer relevant. QSG (Quantum Stacked Gates) is used for both RAM and file storage, being both near infinite (exabytes per gram) and near lightspeed to access. The NVIDIA QWVA (Quantum Wormhole Visual Actuliser) handles the rendering of Virtual Space to my GE neural lace (Perfected by GE after Musk's bankruptcy). The "CPU" is a DQERISC (Decentralized Quantum Entangled RISC) array boasting 64k threads at the equivalent of 8.4PHz.

Only been used off world though, everyone on Earth just uses the Mesh, much faster.

Running Arch with Linux kernel 69.420.9.99.999.999.9999.9999.372 (Linus said "Nice" when it got to 69.420, and died soon after so now it will always keep the same version number) btw.


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I got banned on Facebook for saying "fatty acids" because "fatty" is a bad word.

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And communism has nothing to do with either Rasputin or plain putin.

The Finnish language r/Suomi is shut down so the Finn's have moved to the English language r/Finland, making it all confused with languages now.

I recommend next time to use btrfs. With / and /home (at least) as separate subvolumes. Each subvolume will use the space it needs, and no more. If you have a 500Gb SSD with 300Gb in /home, and 20 in / they both have 180Gb they can use.

And when you manage to fill the 500Gb, it's easy to just add another drive to the volume.

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True, why are we giving all the credit to a bunch of rocks?

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I don't mind either way to watch something. But what really shits me is the vertical video that has added padding on the sides to view in landscape. Or the other way around. I can't see anything when watching on my phone either way then.

I was out in the snow and mine retracted entirely as well.

And as far as I've been led to believe, workers in the USA will be bullied into not taking any time off. Germans will take their entitled holidays and use sick leave when they are sick.

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So, you're saying, if I borrow my friend's Spotify, and block most of their favourite artists, they won't know what I've done or how to undo it?

In the same way telling teens to not have sex will stop teen pregnancies.

Still waiting to see Dogma on Blu-ray..

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It's been like that since the Dutch East India company...

Yeah, I played with it a couple of times to see what it was like. I now have about eighty cents in us currency sitting in my PayPal. Woo.

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If I have it right, it goes like this. I purchase the font package, the seller includes hidden in the files an identifier so they know it's mine. I share the files across the seven seas. The seller keeps a lookout for their fonts being shared, and spots it in the wild, downloads it and finds out who's it was.

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Since every Bitcoin transaction is traceable, it makes it easier to see where the money goes...

Work. I'm a chef and my nightmares are mostly along the lines of arriving at a strange kitchen, finding out nothing has been prepped, and I have half an hour to make 20 pans of lasagne but there's no tomatoes, only 2kg of pork, and the ovens are stuck at 300°C.

Ironically my best dreams are about a zombie apocalypse . And I'm the guy with the chainsaw and shotgun.

Still available from sourceforge too (win/Mac/Linux), along with the megamod pack.

https://sourceforge.net/projects/sc2/files/ for the lazy.

For the most part, they all are falling towards earth and will burn up. No need to do anything.

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The system is working as intended.

I'm not convinced he sells secrets. I'm pretty sure he gives them away because poo tin tells him it's in their best interests.

Ahh Archie, I remember looking for warez with Archie in the days before the world wide web.

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The people with money make the laws. They want to protect their money above all else, so crimes against their money are punished more harshly than others. Note this doesn't happen when people with money steal from poor people en masse.


"Leroy! One of them Amazon critters is coming! Bring your shotgun! Last time we gots that airpad thingy, let's see what this one brings"

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Yeah, they send me mine calculated, and ask if I want to change anything. I look over it and and, as if I understand it all, say " That'll do pig"

This shit will likely be one of the catalysts for the next world war, at least it feels that way.

"One of the precursors to world war one was the rise of nationalism"

Loos around nervously

Dyson sphere construction, with people living on the inside of it.

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If you hold on for a few minutes, it will be absorbed by the colon and go into your bloodstream. Then it will be released into the atmosphere through your skin. Soundlessly and smellessly.

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There goes my plan of maxing out credit cards on stuff to bequeath.

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Usually, I'd agree with you, but I use mine about half the time as a copy machine. To have to scan on one device and print on another would be annoying, I have enough trouble making the thing work already, I don't want that trouble doubled.

Let me make it clear folks, nobody has better morals than white people, believe me. They're tremendous, the best. They follow the rules, they respect authority, they're just fantastic. I mean, look at me, I'm the best example of great morals, and I'm white, folks. White people, they're winners, they know how to do things right, they're tremendous patriots. So let's make America great again with the incredible morals of white people leading the way.

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Australians make up bullshit all the time about their animals though. Look at the platypus (otter with a beak strapped on), quokka (it's a kids plush toy), and the "drop bear" (not actually a bear but a carnivorous marsupial).

Exactly. You get rich by being a dick.

It's a heavy crown to wear.