
0 Post – 9 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Technology connections

Every frame a painting

Alt shift x

Dad how do I

Food wishes

Kurzgesagt In a nutshell

Primitive technology

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Curious to know if the comments are more “What’s the time commitment…expectations…etc?” Or “Bahahaha fuk /u/spez and fuk reddit lolz”

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Physical therapist

But while part of the post-Trump right-wing coalition, [Barstool Conservatives] are very different from traditional social conservatives. They don’t see a society with widespread porn access and legalized weed as a problem; they see it as progress. Christian sexual morality holds less than zero appeal to them; they might even support same-sex marriage or (like Portnoy himself) legalized abortion.

So… liberals. They’re liberals.

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Good to know, thanks for the info!

In that case: Skeptics guide to the universe and their sister channel alpha quadrant six

Get pooped on by a patient

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Thank you!

You look fabulous today by the way, have an upvote!

To the top with you!

Are there any devil’s advocate arguments in favor or non-harmful benefits of a parental- supervised, version of this, though? Not expecting much.

I’m just as honestly ignorant about this crap as most of the other folks here, but genuinely curious, so I don’t just go with my knee jerk reaction (ban this shit, it’s harmful for society) without considering facts of which I’m unaware.


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