
4 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

But the 16 still has issues with the modular ports, this really shouldn't be the case. That stuff should be ironed out by now. By the fourth generation of port modules, they absolutely should fit well, look good and work properly all the time...but they don't

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The article also mentions how the ports are not seated well and also talks about how they're unstable in the OS.

First time, it was because I was a kid that couldn't pay for the movies/music/games I wanted. The high seas provided me with a solution for that.

Then I started making money and Netflix streaming came along making it both cheap and convenient. I docked my ship and forgot about my pirate life for a long time. Everything was good, living a quiet life...

But then the corporate greed caught up and ruined everything. Streaming prices became absurd, content got fragmented to way too many services and they fucking started introducing ads.

So here I am, setting sail once again. I didn't need or want this, but they have forced my hand with their infinite greed.

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OMFG...i fucking hate anime and their fucked up way of doing seasons.

It doesn't show up when searching for the name though

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"Obscure Maltese movie" is ridiculously generic and impossible to identify anything from. Perhaps if you supplied some context of the movie, the plot or something?

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IDK, I've been at it for a month and have accumulated around 3.6tb, I'm pretty sure Netflix alone has way more than 43.2tb in their entire library (>17000 titles globally)...

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Oh yeah I obviously don't have all the crap filler shit they bloat the numbers with.

I'm running my smart home entirely from a single NUC running proxmox with VMs and LXCs for my services. It's pulling ~7W on average

If someone inadvertently did this because they recently started transcoding their media library (...that would be me...), and didn't think about the seeding torrents, can you do anything to mitigate such bans?

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Didn't think of that, I will take a look. Pokemon is the only anime I have in my server, and it's only for the kids.

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Yeah they're fighting really hard to combat piracy, but at the same time all their decisions are what is actively pushing their customers (back) to piracy.

Why would a subtitle repo be taken down? AFAIK creating and distributing subtitles for media is legal everywhere?

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Yes that's what I'm supposed to do from now on...I'm asking what I can do so I'm "un"-blacklisted/banned, if that has happened because of my previous mistake.

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Funny, i couldn't get HW encoding to work with the linuxserver.io docker image, but the exact same compose file, except it's using the official image, works just fine without any issues.

Yeah i pretty much stole this from someone else, although it only used a single torrent client so i just added another that looked the same. i'm not very skilled in docker, so some things may not be best practice (or even correct)

    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/qbittorrent:latest
    container_name: qbittorrent
    network_mode: service:gluetun
      - WEBUI_PORT=8084
      - ${PATH_TO_DATA}/qbit/config:/config
      - ${PATH_TO_COMPLETE}:/downloads
    restart: unless-stopped
      - gluetun

    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/qbittorrent:latest
    container_name: qbittorrentTL
    network_mode: service:gluetun
      - WEBUI_PORT=8085
      - ${PATH_TO_DATA}/qbitTL/config:/config
      - ${PATH_TO_COMPLETE}:/downloads
    restart: unless-stopped
      - gluetun

    image: qmcgaw/gluetun
    container_name: gluetun
      - NET_ADMIN
      - SYS_MODULE
      - VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER=protonvpn
      - 8084:8084 # Qbit
      - 8085:8085 # QbitTL
      - 6881:6881
      - 6881:6881/udp
      - 8191:8191 # Flaresolverr
      - 9696:9696 # Prowlarr
      - 7878:7878 # Radarr
      - 8989:8989 # Sonarr
      - ${PATH_TO_DATA}/gluetun/config:/config

    driver: bridge
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I actually just got it working, after spending all day yesterday. The speed is magnificent, but the compression rate is absolutely abysmal. When i use the integrated GPU an h264 encoded file end up taking up 5-10% more space when converted to h265, whereas when just use CPU an h264->h265 is around a 45% reduction in size. I have no use for speed if it doesn't reduce file size at all.

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I thought so, but I get an error that the port is already used when in try to start sonarr after radarr. I'm only trying to reach them from my local network.

Huh...i don't have a lot seeding, but I do have one big one that's seeding at a high rate, and it started seeding recently.

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No they're in the same compose file, I just left other parts out because it's fairly long for a post.

Yes, that was were I started...when that didn't work I asked here

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I'm not very competent with docker, so honestly I think the error is more on my end than theirs. I bet there is some setting I have set incorrectly and I'm just missing it.

Excellent, thanks

I just bought a 4k 60hz loopthrough usb3 card so I can start saving the media I want from the services I still subscribe to. What software do you use for recording?

seems the link is broken

I've never "bought" digital streaming media for that exact reason, so that happened impacted me personally. I didn't trust them to begin with and I was right in not doing so. But yeah, that's definitely also a shitty move and valid reason to pirate IMO.

I actually do use sonarr, but it can't find the show when searching by name at all, so I resorted to manual importing in JF...but that backfired

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If sonarr doesn't find it in the trackers configured in prowlarr, I have a private tracker where I manually search and add torrents to a qbit instance, I just categorize them as "tv-sonarr" and sonarr finds them. But it won't import to media library because it can't identify the show.

What would you recommend as a replacement with same level of novice-friendly UI/setup? I was looking to go down that route specifically because it seems like an easy way to get a solid network setup without being a network pro.

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People seem to always forget, that pigeons only know their way home. So you still need to get your pigeon(s) to the person sending the data with the pigeon back to you, in which case you can just pickup the data now that you're there yourself.

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I am actually using docker compose, I've tried their guide as well with no luck.

I'm not sure, but you could be right...

But apparently it's considered the 23rd season of the 1997 show, despite having it's own name and season 1/2 naming...IDK, it really annoying that I have to manage these things so manually. The entire point of pirating was that it should be easier, but this is just such a god damn nuisance.

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Old enough to have experienced the world before the internet was widely available in the "western" world. It's not about getting things instantly, but I'm also over waiting for a week+ just to download a movie. The level of anonymity that a good VPN provides is good enough for me.

I've manually set the title and IMDB ID, but the show doesn't exist on tvdb or moviedb for some reason, so I left those two blank. But JF still fetches metadata for the original series despite this.

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That's really weird, I'm using the same image to run two instances of qbit behind gluetun without any issues whatsoever.

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I don't run a cloud-based seedbox, but I have a gigabit uplink on my server at home and often have very low seed speeds of <500KiBs (with plenty of usable overhead). I do see it spiking to ~18 MiBs sometimes but most of my torrents are just sitting there without actually seeding, so i suspect it's mostly the torrents I have seeding that's the "issue" for me.

Maybe? Im honestly not quite sure where Pokémon journeys fit in...it has it's own title and season/series numbers, but somehow is also part of and continuing of the original 1997 show it seems.

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i get this error

it works perfectly fine with the same user and setup as long as i'm not putting it beheind my VPN. I have no other instances of sonarr running.

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I've done this multiple times already, it still does not populate with correct metadata. I can identify it as the correct show, but when JF rescans my library, it messes the identification up again.

Hmm, they're not easily available in the EU it seems.

Also a US based company, if that matters to you.

I would consider that a downside TBH, but it's hard to avoid unfortunately.

Ive tried a million times to identify the show using anilist and anidb IDs, and it will correctly identify it, I have the season folder as season 19. But every single time I try to update the metadata, JF messes it up and ignores the identification I just manually made erasing the anilist and anidb IDs and replacing it with a wrong one and subsequently pulling the wrong metadata. It's infuriating.