
20 Post – 340 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

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Answer questions if I can

Not 100% in the loop with the unity scandal just know the basics but theyre probably using him as a scapegoat to save face. No way was it just his decision haha

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Not a psychologist or anything but isnt it healthy for a child to overcome a fear and not just avoid it

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  • from the look, great length for a sword
  • looks straight enough
  • the thickness doesn't seem too thin so might be okay to throw


  • Aerodynamics need work
  • adding a point increases the coolness factor by a substantial percentage
  • not thick/long enough so it can't serve as a walking stick imo

In conclusion, solid 8/10. Good stick

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My password manager vault

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I mean if you want your identity to be stolen, theres other equally fast ways

Honestly, hope more people start fixing their own stuff

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My guess: Electric vehicles everywhere, protests, more linux users, and portless phones will be the norm

Edit: Oh yeah privacy is dead or at least much more harder to obtain

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Yeah its crazy just saw jerryrigeverything's video on it

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Why just pause

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"Damage control, its there when you need to cover your ass. Speaking of covers this is the perfect segue to our sponsor, Dbrand..."

Every animated movie looks the same now

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I used to believe that those defibrillators used by doctors were to restart a heart

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Bitwarden or for the more advanced keepass and other kdbx editors are great alternatives

Edit: By advanced I mean more involved, specifically setting up syncing.

Might be a very dumb financial decision but maybe it's time to rethink that whole google search contract renewal coming up in a year or so. Feeling like a toxic relationship

Edit: the time frame is just an assumption due to it being a 3 year contract made in 2020. I would try to seek a relationship with bing tbh, it sucks with privacy but would be a kick to google's balls. Plus the majority of firefox users who start giving a crap about their privacy, change to duckduckgo in the beginning of their journey so it wont be a massive shift from bing imo in terms of searching experience.

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Life became easier when I learned knots and sewing

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A hardware security key, a knife and some pepper spray is usually what I have, plus my phone but thats a given

Edit: I live in a bad area haha

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"I'm whoever you want me to be, sweetheart" smoker's cough

The ceiling fan: it changes directions with a switch, clockwise for winter, counterclockwise for everything else. Also opening those glass Doña María mole sauce jars: gotta flip it upside down on a paper towel and pry where the lid indicates, then flip it rightside up and twist

Edit here's a vid that I learned from for the mole sauce. pipedbot do your thing pls

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Could try editing in how grateful you are in your original posts so you wont have to reply to each individual comment

Goddamn hope this story gets somebody at google's attention. Off topic, even though it was mentioned in the article, what ended up happening to the dad's account, was it reinstated? I can't find an update

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Woah 8 (probably 5 ) guaranteed years of security updates they beat google to it They didnt mention any security hardware updates like a secure element so probably no grapheneos support still though. Be a good travel phone though but dont expect security

Edit: Seems that their security updates will be limited

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Not sure if its what you're talking about but I really like the Ship of Theseus thought experiment, if an object is the same object after having had all of its original components replaced. Always makes me think of if an exact clone of you is created (same thoughts, memories, etc...) should that be considered you?

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I learned to tie some knots. The canadian jam knot and the constrictor basically replaced zip ties for me

Haven't read it but I hear Eragon was absolutely shat on. Without reading it, the movie was pretty ehh for me, great acting but weird plot

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This seems fun my prediction is that twitter will suffer a massive breach especially with how theyre handling verification in like 5 months

Personally when I was younger, I lost many account credentials and important files when my laptop got stolen at school so an external hard drive is worth it or even a subscription to a cloud based storage provider if you prefer that.

Edit: personally I'd go with an external drive (40ish usd for a tb)

"Ew do I really have to apologise to it? Fine..."

Crazy to think this is just because of a different colored bubble

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"My safe word is pineapple"

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Same, all you really need. Maybe also password manager extensions for the added phishing protection

God I cant even imagine the shit they see. I saw a podcast episode of one and it just made me sad, think the podcast was other people's lives

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From the pic , the word says "lofi." The bar is probably some kind of battery indicator or volume switch?

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Damn sorry to hear that. I got mugged when I was going through my photographer phase. Recommend pepper spray since its a lot more effective and gives you distance to run. My knife is more for everyday use in my case

EBay deals and thrifting. I can spend hours just looking at different things, seeing how much of a deal it is and not buying it

Iirc the chipset, QCM6490, will lose support after 2028 meaning the device will get at least 5 years of security updates and not the promised 8. Pretty sure that's why grapheneOS doesn't/won't support it since the company doesn't keep to their promises

Edit: found grapheneOS' response again I'm not saying Fairphone is a bad company but the way they are advertising the fp5 seems kinda shady IMO based on the specs of the device. At most you'll get partial updates after 5 years since Qualcomm will drop support which is still great but don't assume your device will be as safe as a fully updated device. Then again fairphone may commit to extending the life of the QCM6490 but not sure if they'll be capable of that so we'll just have to see. I apologize to anyone who got offended for some reason I was just expressing my opinion based on the track record of the company and the specs of their device

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Jigsaw and willy wonka

I use my thumb

Cant go without kdeconnect anymore
