
1 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

"Disease usually results from inconclusive negotiations for symbiosis, an overstepping of the line by one side or the other, a biological misinterpretation of the borders."
— Lewis Thomas

Stallman's attempt to rename Linux to incorporate the GNU name not happening was frustrating on his end it seems. Everytime someone calls their system a Linux based OS and not GNU/Linux based OS downplays the work he put in. However, Linus's kernel was more elaborate than GNU Hurd, so it was incorporated. It's said Stallman is a visionary, while Linus is a programist. While there's never been any display of tension in a back and forth between them online, it's always seemed to me they appreciate and also despise various aspects of each another.

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Just to be clear, Gemma is only partially open sourced in select area's of the code.

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Ok, interesting, thanks for the correction. Do you think rephrasing my statement and stating Linus's kernel is more adaptive would be more accurate?

Only portions of the code are published while the rest is kept under wraps. Classic corporate America bs finding a loop hole to use a trendy term.

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There's a software package you can install to root most Boox tablets. Definitely look into it as this will give you way more control over your device.

Here's a solid video covering the topic: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=QtpC9RYK0mw

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Whenever you see that with invidious, just click "switch invidious instance". But this one should work for you, it just did for me at least: https://invidious.flokinet.to/watch?v=QtpC9RYK0mw&dark_mode=true&local=true&player_style=invidious

Are people you follow and who follow you really friends or is it primarily just about increasing the amount of followers? I've never had any social media aside from MySpace, but I consider my friends as family. Sure, I bet a lot of Instagram accounts have more followers than I have friends, but we're all stoked to know one another and it has nothing to do with appearances.

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I told folks to start buying masks in March 2020 and found a new gig as the one I had didn't enforce any mask requirements. But I'm also a backpacker who knows bacteria and the immune system pretty well. I don't read much research on urine, so again, please forgive that oversight. But funny how people aren't easily categorized, ah?

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This study from the American Society of Microbiology specifically demonstrates how air driers at least add 3 bacterial colonies, and up to 254 colonies, when using an air drier in a public restroom: https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/aem.00044-18. In addition, a Harvard review of the research also identifies that the chances of picking up a serious pathogen in the bathroom are quite small.

So, having little chance in general yet using the air drier, which has shown to add bacteria to your hands in every single test, doesn't make sense after understanding this data. I'm a man of science, and this involves assessing all available data regarding the topic at hand. This being the case, the data provided above highlights how just not touching your face and washing your hands at the next opportunity after leaving a bathroom with only hand driers is the most logical move. But to each their own, I know microbiologist and virologist who are much smarter than I that refuse to use air driers, so I took note and make moves accordingly.

...single theory hypothesis remains.

A hypothesis is an observation stated in a falsifiable fashion, which allows it to be tested. Once a hypothesis has been tested thousands of times and always generates the same outcome, then it can become a theory.

Nonetheless, you know whats up, science proving shit only happens when the stars align. But disproving shit is super valuable as it allows researchers to reassess the hypothesis and experimental design in hopes of proving shit sooner rather than later.

While it's not an eReader, Alexandria in F-Droid is amazing. It allows you to download books from LibGen as well as convert the books into a different format if needed for whatever eReader you select. Definitely a nice app to pair with your new eReader!

I text and call my friends just to chat way more often then to hang. It's definitely a little bit of both, but I stay in touch regularly using signal. I'm an oddity these days for sure, yet it's still an option and way more private vs social media.

I've taken it for years, only thing to be sure of is to cycle it. I go for a month on month off, but definitely see what your doc's rec is there over mine 100%.

Just for clarity, according to mountsinai.org "Cysteine is an amino acid, a building block of proteins that are used throughout the body. When taken as a supplement, it is usually in the form of N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC). The body makes this into cysteine and then into glutathione, a powerful antioxidant."

N-acetyl-L-cysteine, commonly sold under the name NAC, is an amazing over the counter liver aid you should think about adding to your med list. It's one of the most energy intensive detox molecules made by your liver. Taking it orally provides your liver a helping hand and allows it to focus more on detoxification rather than producing the required tools for detox. But definitely talk to your doc about it all, yet it's something you can do to help out without much worry as its basically a fancy amino acid.

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Air hand driers cover your hands in other peoples fecal matter. That's a massive biological risk, especially with how many pathogens are transmitted from poop to mouth. Using a urinal will most often result in no backsplash, keeping my hands pretty clean. To wash off that minor, if any, urine which got on my hands and end with others poop on my hands from the air drier has put me in a much worse position. That's all I'm saying, is there's 100% situations where washing you hands makes no sense after a piss. But it's good practice for sure, unless an air drier is involved.

Oh, the leading scientific hub worldwide doing scientific research brings you dismay? Must suck to hear anything science related then...

Other peoples fecal matter will contain many forigen bacteria, and these microbes are proven to coat the hands of people after using air driers. My apologies about the sterile urine comment. Nonetheless, you'd be in a better situation with bacteria on your hands from your own pee vs from a strangers feces. One's apart of your microbiota, while the other is entirely foreign. IDK, I've seen many cases where washing your hands after a piss made no sense due to cleanliness issues or a lack of a sink and never heard anyone around ever having any issues. Yet many pathogens are spread via the fecal oral route. So I'll take my chances of maybe having some of my urine vs having someone else shit on my hands everytime in that situation.

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Well, urine is sterile, and if only touch the door in and out of the bathroom, washing doesn't always seem necessary. If you get pee on your hands, then by all means. But if the only option is air blades for hand drying, you're better off not washing. Those literally lace your hands in fecal matter when used in a public restroom.

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