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Joined 1 years ago

Thank mr skeltal

I dont understand, like how is the government compelled to break its own laws. Isnt library under free speech. I dont understand how such a failure of our institutions was able to happen.

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One of the big issues is that AI art doesnt have it's own style. It's a rough amalgamation of art stapled together and smoothed to remove the seams. The art used to staple together is were this style comes from, but without knowledge of or credit to that artist. The AI doesnt do a creative process only mimicry, it cant create a new movement in art like modernism or surrealism but it can ape those existing movements. This is the problem with it. Stolen artwork stapled together without any new creative ideas thrown in.

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This makes me wanna go buy a cheapo chromebook for messing with. Great video.

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Some guy ordered a booster box for pack openings got a set that wasnt released yet. Wotc sent Pinkerton after him to retrieve the product. And yes the same organization of mercs for hire from Red Dead Redemption.

This seems disingenuous, because you equate algorithm training to human brain. I hope you dont seriously thing the process of looking at and thinking about art is that same for a human artist or an algorithm.

The point were it doesnt equate is the idea of style. Each artist is constantly refining their style of art. But the algorithm doesnt have it's own style and can only ape a style that already exists.

Transporting across state lines is weird and federally regulated.

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I've tried more instead of less, I will have to try fewer and see how it works, which repo is fewer on?

Not the one concerned, but the two party system used to include the wigs. One party can get dismantled and I think it would only happen with bottom up pressure, and grass roots.

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Each nation has its own agreement with the USA that defines these things, it's weird. I think it's in Wisconsin where tribe members retain hunting and fishing rights to a lake sold as a private lake, when cops showed up, they had to let them fish and hunt or the land would be returned to the tribe. As per the agreement from long ago.


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Maybe a bunch of people are getting frustrated with social media and are starting to touch grass.

Tbh I did fall off of his videos. His charm became smugness to me. I was excited to see his indian videos but then they never came. I used to listen to his podcasts but HI has been down for so long, and him and mike talking about making stuff lost interest when grey wasnt making that much stuff. It felt like he was cooking a huge pile of videos making they really good, but then we got hexagons. Maybe I have changed. Maybe I have.

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I think children of time broke me and now all I want is to make sure this spider grows up big and strong.

This is how I learned it was canceled. Such a shame.

But for food delivery services like doordash the tip is a bid to have someone deliver the food. Tbh I dont think the market for it is sustainable. But it's not really a tip anymore.

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Trying to live in the "raised by wolves" timeline?

Yeah it really only matters what you are comfortable with, if you get units you aren't comfortable with then it gets confusing. I almost feel like metric folk don't realize that the USA is like 50 EU states in size, and this disconnect causes them some rage at seeing imperial units. At the human level I still can't comprehend Celsius, mostly cuz those numbers have meanings in fahrenheit, sure makes for some cognitive dissonance to heard 35 degrees thinking you would need snow gear to hearing it's unbearably hot.

How about trains but we only use electricity to power them, and let's say put overhead electric fuel lines over them. Trams. I wanna see more trams. Solves most of the issues EV's have with batteries.

Same 70's era flying sounds nice, less like packing people into sardine cans

Why not just metric, so we can get those metric seconds, then daylight time wouldn't matter anymore.

If god exists or doesnt, the control is there and has been. You cant prove a negative so irrefutable proof of nonexistence of anything isnt going to work. I'm sure you've heard of the teapot orbiting past saturn? It's highly unlikely to exist, but cant be proven to not exist.

I had a car that needed gas, and was a stick shift. I called the technique three footing. Basically I jammed my heel on the brake and raked my toes on the gas pedal to keep the engine running at a light or stop sign.

It's not the everyman buying from scalpers its industry buying cheap pis over plc, when it's that much cheaper scalper prices isnt much to them. And they need them NOW. Gotta love just in time manufacturing.

I didnt even know this was a thing, what happened to ed, arguably my favorite.

Exactly, they are contractors accepting your bid to do the job, the price it takes to get a delievery is dependant on what the contractor is willing to accept.

Is it us or did something change? I almost thought it had something to do with Brady tempering grey into not being so I dunno. It felt like Brady was getting frustrated with grey towards the end

In the something pretty department I recommend dwarffortress.

That sounds terrifying, how much horrible shit you gotta see before deciding to block a whole instance?

I wish I could of tried a plane in those days

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What do you mean it doesnt scale up? It sure does. What do you think the control room operators are doing? Nukes turn water to steam and run that steam through turbines much like any other steam driven plant. Using control rods you can adjust the energy output of the plant. Could a single nuke cover a whole state covered in solar? Not likely. But neither can a single battery.

It really is the blame game isnt it? Like is it western world fault for buying those goods and the emissions from their production. Or is it the place that allowed those goods to be made there with those emissions? If it wasnt produced would america buy them? If there wasnt american demand would india and/or China produce them?

How many people need ai implants before we get a full on bulterian jihad?

I think the problem would be not considering the upkeep. Just look at the roads in the US, individual anti-social behavior didnt graffiti those potholes.

Democracy has it's own inherent issues, for one the majority has complete authority over any minority group. At its worst democracy is a mob that doesnt care about any minorities issues. As in if you cant get your issue/cause agreed to by more than half of the population, it's never going to happen. Democracy isnt inherently good,

What makes me really mad is how quickly they canceled it after it aired. Like what the hell man.