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A first aid kit

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Tildes is elitist. They don't want the unwashed masses on their manicured lawn.

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I keep my porn in a folder labeled "taxes" and my tax documents in a folder labeled "porn"

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That's not how it works. I'm a door dash driver. We get a base pay, (usually $2-$3 per order but can be more if it's peak hours) plus tip. The base pay isn't affected by tips.

We see the total (base pay plus tip) when we are deciding whether to take an order. Orders without tips are rejected by most drivers.

So many well known actors play themselves playing the character.

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There was a guy that posted on reddit about how he spent thousands of dollars on loot boxes. The way he totally wrecked his finances and his relationship with his wife was harrowing. Everytime he would get the latest and greatest item, character, whatever, they would come out with something new and he would start all over again.

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Trees are tall because trees are tall

Have a look around

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Being a politician is all about getting attention. The more outrageous the bill or the thing the bill is addressing the more attention. This bill will hopefully never pass, but here we are talking about it.

There's a YouTube channel that shows videos of people drowning and being rescued so you can see what it looks like: https://youtube.com/@LifeguardRescue

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I used to be on there. It's boring as fuck. Anything remotely fun is beneath them.

Now this is a protest I can get behind!

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Similar thing with Jeff Bezos. His mom was a single teenage mother who went to night school to graduate highschool. His bio dad bailed. His stepdad was a young immigrant. They gave him $300,000 to start Amazon, but they worked their way up to the point where they could do it.

Best money I'm ever going to spend on an expansion

It's weird to think of reddit without comments

Memento plus Groundhog's Day is Groundhog's Day from everyone else's perspective

Lego Starwars works well and is a lot of fun. Only 2 players, though.

If you really want to feel naked put on shoes

Hannibal would control Linguini by cutting open his skull and manipulating his brain directly.

Many a sequel is lost in Lake Laogai

Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, etc are corney as fuck, but in a fun way. You can throw shit at the wall as long as you do it in an entertaining way.

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Hear, hear for the examined life!

I'm glad Cook didn't die for Colie's sake. Killing somebody is majorly traumatizing even in self defense.

It would be tricky to do automatically since instance domains can be anything, but it could be done with a context menu option.

Between this and the new more flexible curves rail spaghetti is going to be off the chain!

If that were the case the current version would have a goatee.

There have been a couple people that survived falling without a working parachute. Crazy rare, though.

It's hard to provide something extra when all their content comes from users. They tried with redtube YouTube Red originals but those were pretty lame.

The bidet is flat, so you can't see it from this angle. This is the current rocket stack. You can see the new hot staging ring at the top of the booster.

social media version of npr lol.

That is a spot on description

If you can buy a decent car for the cost of your sim racing rig, it's time to evaluate.

Politicians aren't the only ones. Anyone well known with a distinct enough last name is referred to the same way: Bezos, Einstein, Swarzanegger, every sportsball player, etc

It's easier and more convenient to refer to someone by only one name when you can.

He didn't want a video platform, he wanted to control twitter. Once he had it he had to figure out how to make money.

In the hands of Netflix after they stop dvd service? Yes. In the hands of people who want the DVDs? No.

They either have to give them away or throw them away. May as well give them away.

What's the goal?

If the goal is to have people come here instead of reddit when they Google a support question, then that might work. But those people will come for their one question, get their answer or not, and leave.

If the goal is to build up a community and attract users then it's much better to have organic content people can engage with than stale content copied from elsewhere.

Hey, you never know, maybe their real name is Meridian Longitude. I've never heard of Longitude as a last name but I wouldn't put it past some parents to name their kid Meridian.

Playing Super Mario Brothers 3 and later Super Mario World with my older siblings.

I admire their mission. Giving the power to the video creators is great. I'm all for coops. But, as a user I find it lacking. If you want to watch anything outside of educational videos and video essays you have to go elsewhere. It doesn't have very good content discovery. I know creators don't like chasing an algorithm, but as a viewer I like having recommendations based on what I watch.

I bought a one year membership, because I support what they are trying to do, but I rarely watch anything on it.

There's also "This is your birthday song. It isn't very long. Hey!"

By "celebrate" do they mean eulogize?