
3 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just install Linux on your laptop or desktop.

If you want a hassle-free setup, get Linux Mint, or if you use Nvidia, Pop!_OS.

To get as close to the Steam Deck setup as reasonable, get EndeavourOS with KDE. It is Arch-based and may require maintenance though.

Kubuntu is a good middle ground, with the same desktop interface as SteamOS (KDE) but also pretty hassle-free setup.

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All Linux installations use Proton, DXVK and Wine to play Windows games. That is the biggest power of the Steam Deck. The rest is just bonus.

You can launch Big Picture mode on any pc with Steam installed for ease of use with a controller..

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Software-wise, if you are using a Linux installation with KDE interface, on an AMD CPU and AMD GPU, and are using a wayland session with gamescope to play games, it is very VERY close to the Steam Deck and you are benefiting from all the optimizations that were made for Steam Deck. Bonus points if the hardware is Ryzen 3000 series and Radeon RX 6000 series.

You probably saw this, but Nexus Mods are asking feedback from Linux users, not just Steam Deck. Because, you know, apart from the sticks, size and touch pads, Steam Deck is just another Linux machine.

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A quick Google shows Quickbooks to be cloud-based accounting software. For FOSS accounting, GnuCash exists so you could try that (it can also run on Windows and macOS). However, it's unlikely to have feature parity so if you like the added convenience that Quickbooks offers, see if you can use Quickbooks in a browser. Being cloud-based, they would probably build a browser version before building a Linux desktop app. If they don't and you need to run a Windows desktop app on Linux, you can probably do this using Bottles (which uses Wine and Proton under the hood, the tech that enables the Steam Deck).

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Most of (what we call) Linux OSes are formally GNU/Linux. GnuCash is as close as it gets to "made for Linux". If you don't want an accounting-specific application, but just generic spreadsheets, check out LibreOffice.

I highly recommend GnuCash for accounting though: a fellow board member cleaned up an org's accounting by putting it all in GnuCash, where it was a bunch of error-prone Excel sheets before. That really made it easier to keep track and to do it right.

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Don't use proprietary drivers and don't install amdvlk or whatever it's called, just use mesa if the Steam install asks you to choose.

The open source drivers for AMD have great performance, they power the Steam Deck and have great compatibility.

I know what they mean, but: I run an immutable Linux distro on my phone that is maintained by Google. I'm sure more than 0.01% of Europe does the same.

I guess "FLOSS phone" doesn't have the same ring to it as "Linux phone"

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Home Assistant back in 2019..

This is the perfect answer. Complete, free, open source and secure!

That's a Mastodon thread. This is Lemmy.

While Mastodon users can subscribe to Lemmy communities (such as this one: !linux@lemmy.ml or lemmy.ml/c/linux ) and see Lemmy posts in their feed, Lemmy users cannot normally comment on Mastodon threads.

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She has ADD herself apparently. There's so many comical mistakes that the whole clinic made that I could fill a few sketches.

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Wayland Nvidia compatibility will be here soon™ Nvidia drivers needed explicit sync, which was not supported in Wayland. However, explicit sync has been merged into the Wayland protocol and should be here shortly. Gnome 46.1 already ships with it.

I do not understand fully but maybe drivers need a bit of configuration too to use this? I'm not sure of all the steps but it should be here soon

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I see you too are a backend enjoyer who is tired of modern frontend development. I highly recommend reading this:


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This is pretty sick. Not just flatpaks but easily install any application, using apt or dnf package managers, or deb or rpm files, in a container with a simple syntax. Wow. Wrap a GUI around it and this may be a winning formula for an easy and stable Linux desktop.

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Great! It's good to see they are also contributing upstream!

If you're not rich or willing enough to contribute to this, the ASUS TUF Advantage (2023) is a very similar all-AMD gaming laptop, a good fit for Linux, at roughly half the price on sale. I've been using it for a few months now. Zen3+ cores instead of Zen4 but 32GB RAM and an RX7600S, but with only 1920x1200 pixels at 165 Hz, instead of 1440p.

Just make sure to install a distro with a recent kernel version:

  • Pop!_OS (best "just works" distro with recent kernel)
  • Fedora 39+ or derivative (such as Nobara)
  • Archlinux or a derivative like EndeavourOS or Garuda

Linux Mint will not work out of the box so if you insist on Linux Mint, you will have to install a newer kernel yourself.

It's good but not strictly necessary to install asusctl and supergfxctl on it for stuff like limiting battery charge to 80% and turning off the dGPU when working away from wall power.

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Do you mean Safari?

Name one other browser that is not based on Chromium. If it is based on Chromium, it has to deal with what Google throws at them.

I say this as an enthusiastic Brave user. Brave is great at what it does currently, but the more terrible stuff Google builds into Chromium, the more patches they'll have to maintain. This can make it harder to maintain their fork.

Worse than that, most Chromium-derivative users aren't Brave users. Many web apps already don't work as well with Firefox' JavaScript Engine (Gecko) as they do with Chromium. This gives Google immense power.


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Ubuntu 18.04 is end-of-life since Spring 2023. VS Code is going to require a newer version of glibc than Ubuntu 18.04 comes with. One does not simply upgrade glibc.

This new requirement was announced 6 months in advance, but no one reads the changelog, and enough companies still use Ubuntu 18.04 (hopefully while paying for the Extended Security Maintenance), so many people were surprised and unhappy when their VS Code stopped working for remote development over ssh on Ubuntu 18.04 servers. VS Code installs and runs stuff such as language servers on the remote machine.

I've always thought I don't have ADHD because I love learning new things and didn't have problems in school. I was lucky enough to like most subjects. For the few I didn't like, such as geography and economics, I got OK grades if I just briefly skimmed the textbook before the exam. More recently, the fact that sticking with a topic is hard, that I simply could not concentrate at all on a live video instruction that I was supposed to do with my colleagues (it just went too slowly) and that I keep "overtalking" even when I know people are not interested, started to add up. Also household chores. Really realy difficult, much worse than actually difficult problems such as physics or debugging.

I think gamescope needs a Wayland session, as it renders games in their own Xwayland "screen". Mint does not use the Wayland session by default, but the old X11 one. I think Mint added an "experimental" Wayland session recently, so you could try to enable that.

Someone showing off their uniquely styled desktop. Usually showing multiple panes, one of which is an empty desktop and some apps in another to show the background and window styles. If you are used to things close to the Gnome/KDE/Cinnamon default looks and are confused, they did a good job!

River is a tiling window manager FYI.

The "dotfiles" contain all the relevant config. Most of it is in ~/.config usually

Corectrl is pretty cool, works on my all-AMD laptop with iGOU and dGPU

certain engineering disciplines have overlap with public safety, and should come with some qualifications to back it up.

How long until they realize software engineering has overlap with public safety too?

Could be a (too) old version if you're still on the Ubuntu 22.04 base

You can always revert (i.e. undo in a new commit) the faulty commit. That will keep the history. This meme is not just about pushing straight to master, it's about push --force which overwrites the remote branch completely, changing history.

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Careful, Pascal doesn't like it when you call him a camel

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EndeavourOS is easy-mode Arch. You get a liveboot with XFCE and a graphical installer with quite some choices, from a wide selection of desktop environments and window managers to the init system and filesystem. You get pacman and yay, with the AUR preconfigured.

Manjaro is the easiest way to break Arch. It has its own repos which are just Arch but 2 weeks behind. This causes problems when (not saying if) you add the AUR, which is not 2 weeks behind but in sync with Arch main repos. Thus causing breakages due to migrations not happening at the same time.

Garuda is not as widely used as Endeavour and Manjaro, but from those who've used it, I've only heard good things.

I am using EndeavourOS Sway Community Edition. Was nice to have a starting point for my first pure WM and my first Arch install. The Sway Community Edition is looking for maintainers but I am a bit disappointed by some things in upstream Sway and am not sure I want to stick with it long-term yet. Might try Hyprland at some point.

Well, ehm.. Thank you for the feedback I guess?

I appreciate your clarification: you mean that the logic part of conditional appearance should be handled by, for example, changing a property on an HTML node, and styling that property in CSS, did I get that right?

If I may offer some feedback in return, I would recommend you work on your phrasing. Insulting people can easily lead to being ignored or having low-value interactions. Asshole. 😉

And semantically, logically, you are 100% correct. But there are other, subjective, emotional, layers to language. Billionaire, business magnate, and oligarch can mean the exact same thing, but they have very different emotional meanings and associated contexts.

I think the author may have a point that by spreading the "HTML is not a programming language" meme, we may be contributing to its lower subjective status.

But this thesis is, by its very nature, subjective, of course.

It is really running on a router. This particular router unit had a specific weird architecture that includes PCIE and thus makes it possible to plug in a graphics card. But the game is running on the actual router CPU, RAM and storage.

That's a solid criticism. Firefox + uBlock Origin or Librewolf are good desktop alternatives. But what's the alternative on Android? Last time I checked, there wasn't any on privacyguides.

Btw I do always turn off all their rewards and wallet stuff and follow most of the https://privacyguides.org recommendations.

Thanks for your help in making privacy-focused software available on Linux btw!

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Same here, on a Reverb. The only "upgrade path" that could take me to Linux is the announced Bigscreen Beyond at about €2k for a set. Pure SteamVR means it works great on Linux. Every other headset is a sidegrade at best. Even the Valve Index doesn't have the sheer pixels the Reverb G2 has. I neeed the pixels for flight sims

Thank you for your support! It sounds plausible but I find it hard to self-diagnose and go against the science and impartial judgement. I am skeptical of claims of disorders and diseases that are not scientifically verified, and should hold myself to those same standards, at a minimum.

Maybe you're right though. Until then, todoist, pomodoro and the occasional super strong coffee will have to keep me on track.

Again, really appreciate you taking your time to reply. It helps me more than you know ❤️

Good points all! I think OP, like me, is not afraid of manually messing with config, reading archwiki and getting your hands dirty.

But I would've never looked at dracut when setting up Arch. I'm really happy Endeavour set that up for me. It's nice to have a good base. Btw, thus dracut also meant I didn't have to do anything with the mkinitcpio change you are linking. Although I was reading the wiki, forum, and looking forward to it.

I though Ctrl+Shift+T also worked to restore windows?

You're right, just having one mini-pc with Proxmox and being able scale VMs between applications is a lot better than a collection of sbc's. I will look at the used market.

You're right. I prefer dark mode personally, but the science is clear: light mode is better for the eyes.

Might I suggest changing your terminal to a light theme too? That would really complete this.


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What a masterpiece! As a recent member, I do "get" the florps, the ERA reference and of course the various drones, both navalized Bayraktar and the explosive ship drone. And of course the HIMARS and Gepard.

But what is the "spinach and mint chocolate" referring to?

Throwing a 90 kg rock over 300 m using elastic energy is much less credible though