
1 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Music composer, Sound designer, Game designer, Libre Artivist. He/Him.

Funkwhale is the fedi alternative for music. You should go post your feature list onto their forum.

I just took a look at faircamp, it seems nice too.

Dogmazic.net is also a music platform (centralised) made with ampache.

Please take the time to watch these two videos about Roblox :



Is your brother making games? If yes : there are several easy to use game engine like mentalo.app, Godot, gdevelop and such.

If your brother is mostly playing, then anything by Nintendo would be a good idea. Old consoles are cheap and if you have the Switch there are a lot of really good game on it.

Edit: And I second Minecraft or the free version (minetest I think)...

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Because they are an advertising company.

With all that been said here, they also killed xmpp with hangout, so they're not friendly to Foss at all.

I like how this kind of article just don't even try to talk about other streaming and download platform. It's really nice also to not talk about the ecological cost of music streaming.

Alternatives are unknown, just keep it like that!

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DaVinci is better, but it also provides licence for life. So it's proprietary but have a good relationship with the customers.

'Generally' is a really wide word. Better for what? For who? When? That's the all question...

Roblox is evil anyway.

Mots people do care about privacy, but most people see more pressing issues that goes first. It's hard to care about something intangible when it's hard to have a roof over its head, or to pay the bills.

Also musicians won't hesitate to put their audience at risk. They doesn't care about what they're asking their audience, because they 'feel' like they have no choice. Which is objectively wrong.

And musicians are often ignorant about copyright laws, so how can they protect their audience if the don't know how to defend them self?

Mandrake in 2003, I was young and didn't know what I was doing...

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Dongeon Keeper 2 for me. Killing scared heroes was really fun.

YouTube has a bunch of issues:

1/ climate change:

  • A big centralised server needs lots of power, of cooling, a big pipe for upload/download,
  • algorithms, metrics, content id, big size imagery (4k), all this is really needing a bunch of energy in itself to run,
  • advertising in general is an ecological nightmare.

2/ monetisation:

  • content id is a gamble for creators. A video can be demonetised for the dumbest reasons under the pretext of copyright infringement,
  • no one knows how the algorithm works, it means one video can be suggested to a lot of people and the next one won't. So income is randomised,
  • the purpose of monetisation for content creators exist to legitimate the advertising and the monetisation of user's personal data's. Not the other way around. YouTube is not a platform made to retribute creators.

Going on Peertube could mostly fix every ecological problems for the lost of the uncertainty of the monetisation system.

Plus there is a psychological weigh on creators that goes with the monetisation and algorithm of YouTube.

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Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Deus Ex Hotline Miami Unreal Tournament Journey Cyberpunk 2077 The Witcher Jet Set Radio All the Silent Hill (even Downpour) Colony Wars

There is so many good ones....

I'm pretty sure the average successful YouTube content creators can invest in one computer to host his own content on peertube. For start that's all what is needed.

Video storage is a false problem, creators already store their content locally (to not lose the work if there is any issue).

On the technical side, others have answer that question here but in short:

  • decentralised with peer to peer means that the more a video is shared the more it will be available, even with small size pipes (when I'm watching your content, others can watch it through me),
  • you don't have to pay for hudge and hardware so less money wasted, but it needs a strong network of pipes, which can improve internet navigation as a all,
  • instances are nodes of a network, if one fails the others stays up,
  • better scalability cause p2p,
  • peertube can run on rather old tech so I'd say it's more efficient.

I will need more precise questions for better answers.

Do fedi or Foss games really need a roblox alternative ? I'm not sure... Do roblox teach you how to make games? Well it teaches you do build games for roblox that's it. Is roblox the only place to find games for kids, surely not.

I use Silence it's Foss.

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In some countries they don't have copyright, but they have author's right.

Author's right is apply to the work and is exclusively the property of the author until the end of times (literary). This right is apply automatically on the idea of the work (it doesn't have to be made flesh).

It's a moral right that make the author the only one to have paternity over the work and the keeper of the work's integrity.

It's also a patrimonial right as the copyright (the one to make money with), which is transferred to the children at death for 70 years.

The good thing with this is : the author is 100% responsible for what becomes of the work. The author have a hudge power. And artists should be held responsible for the things done with their work. The sad thing is authors mostly still behave has if the were exploited by labels and editors. The bad thing is the patrimonial rights should expire at death not 70 years later.

As others have said libre and open source licences are a way to gain that kind of control over the work under copyright laws.

One thing, i think there is a wider debat that needs to happen about what is the actual point of gaining money with music, what is it, what it means, in what conditions, etc. Taking the time to properly explain what the industry want from a music creator, etc.

For alternative streaming/DL you have archive.org, funkwhale, dogmazic.net, even jamendo is an alternative. Peertube could be a streaming alternative as well

The main challenge is resisting the urge to install Linux on your own. Because you will need help at some point, so start now by asking for help.

And then, when you don't find the solution by yourself don't waste time and ask for help.

In time you will get it enough to know what you're doing.

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Closed beta is for 07/2024.

Because it's a French conference.

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Without any patern on the idea, on what the programming does, a program doing the same thing can be done.

On the intellectual property theft, the new program should be as much as different as the other one. Different name, different functions, different var, different language, etc. This is to avoid any possible mismatch between the 2 programs. As long as you don't take the code but rewrite it you should be fine.

Talking to a lawyer is mandatory in this case.

Exaile or Clementine?

I'm working on a multiplayer text-based rpg framework for web, PC, mac ans Android. It's made will Godot Engine ans it ils a créé software.

Faster, cleaner ans lighter. It's faster because it's lighter. It's lighter because it's made to be efficient rather than selling stuffs to you. It's cleaner because it can delete its temp files by itself, something windows still doesn't want to do.


People are staying on YouTube and enduring ads right now... Plus if Threads is federated they will be a part of the fedi, so no more reason to change. Why change to another instance, if you get on Threads without doing nothing and already are on the biggest instance ?

For the growing possibilities check what happened to XMPP. Is XMPP growing better now ? I don't think so...

People won't leave YouTube because content creators don't want them to. That's it.

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Will it be native on gnu/linux this time?

Poe's new league!

If you don't care about google, which produce tools used on daily basis by thousands of people. I'm really curious about what do you care about?

Because I do understand having no time or energy to actively be against something. But is it possible to live, not caring about anything that's this big, this always present in our lives ? That's really like saying I don't care about cars, I don't care about drugs, I don't care about libraries, I don't care about TV, etc...

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Why dont they use SimpleX?

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I replayed recently and it's still a blast!

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And you really think that Threads in the fedi will means people on the Threads instance will know there is other instances with no ads? And you think they will care?

I mean there are ways to watch YouTube without ads for years. And most people still won't uses them...

Moving easily won't happen soon, because it's not about moving (create a new account isn't that hard), but it's about changing habits. Changing a habit needs : to be forced on people (Meta's way) or to be an act of will.

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The Dark Mod of course!

Here is the study : https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/4238589?sommaire=4238635 It's in French, I didn't find something in English (maybe in the IPCC studies ). 47% of digital impact comes from users terminals (mostly from smartphone manufacturing).

Yes, but it doesn't mean low tech hardware should always be replace by new ones.

I honestly doesn't understand why everybody here seems to think efficiency=ecology. Mass manufacturing new hardware have a big ecological impact. As I said before things aren't magically replaced by better ones. Old unused tech ends up burning in pile in Africa or Asia.

What's the point of using things like YouTube that keeps promoting 4k (needs for better screen), instant access, streaming over download, advertising, things that have a judge ecological impact.

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Here is the study : https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/4238589?sommaire=4238635 It's in French, I didn't find something in English (maybe in the IPCC studies ). 47% of digital impact comes from users terminals (mostly from smartphone manufacturing).

I agree with you, but YouTube is also a big part of the incentive of building more and more new hardware. Plus as I said before YouTube isn't just for hosting videos but also metrics tools, content id, advertising, editing tools and such... All this needs also power to run.

Did you have any data regarding packet distribution on google services? Last time I checked (about 4/5 years ago) an email send from a gmail to a gmail traveled about 1,5 of the earth size. Which is a lot for 2 laptops side by side in the same room.

Lastly you're trying to make this a debate only on the tech aspect but it is not. They are ethical points at stake and they are equally important I think.

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Because it's mostly an English instance.

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So if the fuel price get very high in the future, you won't care ? Or if you don't own a car, if in the future a law pass making you a second class citizen if you don't own a car ? Won't you then still don't care about cars ?

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OK so you think what happened to XMPP won't happen to Mastodon. Fair enough.

To me the growing part is mostly to get content creator to come to the fedi with theirs communities.

I also do think Meta will do anything it can to kill Mastodon if it have the chance to.

Or the lack of content id could lead to people using more libre and open arts to make content. Therefore making the very need of content id irrelevant.