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Joined 1 years ago

smells like scab

in general i'm baffled by most UX changes google pushes to their products. it just makes no sense to me, even if we're being generous with a profits-first perspective

  • you like that super convenient 1-click "remove" button on your youtube "watch later" list? let's make that a 2-click action by putting it under a dot menu with no other options in there
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i hate spez as much as the next guy, but i don't think they care at all. everyone who visits reddit is contributing to the traffic numbers that they will show investors, including the people who write "fuck spez" on a page that those investors will never look at

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i kind of wish they would direct people towards the fediverse version, but i don't know how easy that is for them to do without upsetting someone at microsoft behind the scenes

name a single grand master plan that elon has ever pulled off

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god i love living in the EU

i can't tell if that post is irony poisoned or they genuinely talk like that

troopers of the cloudflare incident 🫡

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plus, engaging with assholes usually just prompts them to continue being assholes. it's a lose-lose

Ice Cubes is great for me, beautiful UI and cute sound effects

if you want to jailbreak it, there’s a spreadsheet somewhere detailing which models to avoid

but honestly, before i figured out i could jailbreak mine, i was just using it in airplane mode 24/7 and transferring stuff over usb with the EXCELLENT software Calibre. highly highly recommend! the only benefit i get from the jailbreak is that i can use a more customizable reader (fonts, margins, night mode), and that i can now transfer stuff from Calibre over wi-fi without having to create an amazon account. bliss!

holy shit, that realization just hit me like a brick wall. on reddit it was always low-hanging dead horse meme answers floating to the top, but here people just write down their genuine thoughts without trying to pander to anyone. it's very refreshing

(which is far superior to vlc in graphical fidelity out-of-the-box)

exactly this. what a sad and incompetent sack of shit he is.
pleased to see mastodon continuing to grow, because i'm so happy with the content i see on there. i actually enjoy browsing the "explore" tab because unlike twitter, it's not all drama bait for the sake of driving up engagement statistics to please a board of shareholders. it's just real people posting cute tidbits about their personal lives

i’m sorry, they fucking what?

mark receives: our data
we receive: a suddenly globally unionized force of unhinged conspiracy theorists

chump change for the zuck, but still way better than nothing! good job norway

holy shit this is perfect, i pray they add support for us kbin accounts to log in

+1 on the mastodon point. i remember hearing about it all those years ago and being a little skeptical, but then when i finally checked it out last year it was SO good. love that place.

i saw a brilliant toot that perfectly captures how i feel about the fediverse: "I like a small indie coffee shop where the coffee is better and you can always find a seat, and it's not full of crying babies."


i made a lemmy account before i found out about kbin, and i'm so glad i found kbin. lemmy worked alright, but it seemed like a very unfinished product. the UI gave me the same feeling that the "new" reddit design does (overly mobile-oriented), which is why i'm so so so happy that kbin's UI seems to be overly desktop-focused.

bonus points for kbin (and i don't know if these are intentional or just coincidences that i'm overthinking):

  • comment scores are subtly pushed to the right of the box, which seems like a great anti-bandwagoning design choice. this way, the immediate focus is on the content of the comment instead of an arbitrary score based on what everyone else thinks of it. less voting prejudice!
  • you gotta scroll all the way to the bottom (i think? or maybe i just don't know how to use the site) to get to the "add comment" input field. maybe this will make people read more of the ongoing talk before contributing with their own points

anyway, happy to be here! let's make it an amazing place

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good :) a very sincere "get fucked" goes out to every single person intentionally responsible for the investor-pandering at r*ddit! thinking of you during these troubled times. reaper, meet what has been sowed

sick! go team!

solo DRG is totally viable! you get a cute little companion drone that will guard you (very lightly), and you can order it to go grab stuff that is out of reach. the dev team is the absolute ideal role model for how game devs should strive to act. they continue to push free new content, and nothing is locked behind a paywall

thankful i used a script to mass-edit my profile, which seems to still be in effect (first and only time i visit a reddit URL post-spezdown, just directly typed my profile link so i don't give the front page any "views" or "engagement" or whatever the corpo hogs are calling it now)

right there with you. i’ve cut facebook, twitter, reddit, and many physical things out of my life, and i gladly welcome youtube to join that cold shoulder list

DuckDuckGo is not your friend

please, PLEASE, never forget that the CEO of DuckDuckGo is also the founder of the "Names Database". it is insane to me that anyone trusts DDG. where do you think they get all the money for marketing from? i've seen a DDG ad on a fucking bus stop in the middle of nowhere

edit: throwing in an honorary mention for Qwant, which is an EU-based privacy-oriented search engine. i've been using them for a couple of years now and have yet to hear anything bad about the company. SearX is also supposedly a safe bet

lmfao. reminded me of this banger

data breach

had heard absolutely 0 about this. thank fuck i wasn't impacted, brb gonna go change my discord email to a burner alias from simplelogin

there is no shame in liking games, but it's a pretty big turn-off for many people because of negative stereotypes (especially in your age range). do yourself a favor and find another hobby to talk to people about (music, films, exercise), and then once you're close with them and they won't immediately discard you based on those stereotypes, you can start to share that part of yourself
OR you can keep being totally upfront about gaming being your #1 hobby and hope that you'll meet your soulmate who happens to share the exact same passion. either way, good luck :)

avoided reddit search answer like the plague on Google

i'm hoping that the "privacy redirect" browser add-on OP linked to will help make that easier! then, if it works properly, you should be able to click reddit links with peace of mind knowing that you'll be taken to a different unaffiliated domain instead, giving spez and his corpo hogs 0 traffic

physical labor, it has nothing to do with meat (which you shouldn't eat if you value your health or like dogs)

how the hell do i add a domain to this blocklist? i don't want to see anything from any magazine on @ lemmynsfw dot com

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mastodon apps

ice cubes user reporting in! only issue i’ve noticed is that video playback is a little weird