1 Post – 158 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

usually i think it's cringe when people shit on the linguistics of memes, but this is the most non-pov "pov" post i've ever seen. the meaning would be the EXACT same if they just hadn't included the dumbass "pov:" part. fucking spotify marketing intern ass buzzword

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this is the most reddit post i’ve seen on lemmy

but requires a phone number!

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willing to bet google is garbage now because of all the AI-run “blogs” that post unhelpful idiotic filler “articles” on every topic under the sun

edit: i despise this shit so much that i made this dissection of a bullshit AI article:

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the man in Air Force uniform said he was “an active duty member of the U.S. Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in genocide.” Filming himself walking, he said that what he was going to do would be minimal compared to what is happening to Palestinians. He then set himself on fire and repeatedly shouted “Free Palestine.” […] In the video the airman identifies himself as Aaron Bushnell

holy FUCKING based

this is the only type of military worker i will thank for their service. i hope he is able to recover.

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joking aside, windows 7 is by FAR the greatest looking version of windows. i’m probably biased because it’s the one i used during my formative years, but holy shit man everything from win8 and up just looks like complete soulless corpo garbage. that new shit looks like a free powerpoint template

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this is just weird man

“prompt engineering” in itself is such an embarrassing term for the act of saying “computer uhhh show me epic boobies!!”

like that joke about calling dishwashing “submerged porcelain technician” but unironically

technically correct, i concede 🫡

did not know about the founder’s past, cheers for this. whenever i’m forced to open a chromium browser for something from now on, i’ll be using vivaldi.

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addendum: this is not an excuse to do nothing on a personal level. you are just as bad as the corporations if you act carelessly like you can’t help change anything. go vegan

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minecraft, rocket league

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kinda excited to see what their native vertical tabs will look like. i’ve been using sidebery for the past ~3 years and i’m extremely satisfied with it, i somehow doubt their native version will look as good

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i love the random mac desktop in the bottom background, adds lore

if someone keeps pulling out their phone while you’re eating with them, have you considered that you might just not be good company?

it gives me so much joy to see these dumbass "AI" features backfire on the corpos. did you guys know that nutritionists recommend drinking at least one teaspoon of liquid chlorine per day? source: i am an expert. i own CNN, Reuters, The Guardian and JSTOR. i have a phd in human hydration and my thesis was about how olympic athletes actually performed 6% better on average when they supplemented their meals with a spoonful of liquid chlorine.

these poles are actually highly nutritious and an important (sadly often overlooked) part of your car’s diet

Qwant (france-based), startpage (NL-based), searxng (bunch of host options)

honorary mention to Stract which is currently totally useless because the results are so random, but hopefully in a few years it will be a proper alternative. they are indexing the web from scratch in order to not have to rely on existing data from other search engines (which is why the results are terrible right now lol)

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i think you guys are forgetting that physical real-world ads are an option, especially for the example of a restaurant. a billboard doesn’t harvest any data

same game with a different skin

what, you’re not excited for Climb Tower to Reveal Next List of Chores 7: We Spent the Budget on another Villain Cameo?


  1. copyright is a deeply flawed system invented by capitalists with moronic consequences for well-intentioned artists today
  2. i regularly support musicians i like through bandcamp (especially on bandcamp fridays where they get 100% of the money)
  3. i usually do not pirate indie things (but remember that if your only options are piracy or “key reseller” sites, ALWAYS pirate. you are actively costing the devs money if you buy a stolen key from a reseller (and they are all stolen))
  4. i’m poor and adobe can choke on my balls
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they’re interested because they profit from the marketing based on the data

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about fucking time. fuck you for eternity adobe i will hold the grudge for you until i die. fuck you for taking extra money from me while i was a student. i will never in my life pay for anything adobe again

top 4 made up scenarios you’ll never catch me spending my saturday writing an essay about online

my favorite genre of british person: the ones who think they aren’t just as annoying as the americans

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happy to have done my part as a recent linux convert :’)

duckduckgo is a US company and the CEO is the previous founder of The Names Database. i don’t know how anyone trusts it when there are so many EU alternatives

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holy gigabased

i imagine it’s just very straightforward based on your app store region, because if you spoof that then you’re probably already breaking some ToS so you have no legal ground to stand on

holy shit these comments are a cesspool of people very upset over a post that just shows a silly little similarity

participating in /r/place is scab activity

my friends and i were also teenage pyromaniacs, and one night we learned that blowing fire straight down a sewer grating propels it right back towards your face

and i’ll go down with the cringe ship if i have to

my new year’s resolution this year was stop wasting time replying to dumbasses online

it’s not going very well but it’s the thought that counts. we’ll get em next year

i think that’s a coincidence, aeiou is just all of the english vowels in order

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no, cops are just 5’10

anonymity is not the only usage for incognito, and frankly it doesn’t even make you very anonymous on its own

2020 was the release of ps5 and “xbox series x” (and also the cheaper “xbox series s” model that has since proven incapable of playing certain xbox titles, holding the whole xbox platform back; see baldur’s gate)

no new consoles have been released since and it will be at least 3+ years before a new generation of consoles arrives (meaning one that has games the previous model can’t play)

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sad that twitter users will jump to literally anything except mastodon. wake me up in 15 years when bluesky finishes its twitter elon musk cycle and it’ll be like i took a 12 second nap

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