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Joined 1 years ago

German trans woman (female pronouns) pursuing a cryptography-PhD in the Netherlands.

That “m” should be a “b”. For a company that size, there is truly no excuse!

As much as I despise Musk and Twitter and hope that both die a painful death, what is actually proposed here is honestly a change for the better: It’s not about preventing people from blocking users, it’s about blocked users being able to see public posts, which they could also see by just logging out. This is being honest about what a block does and avoids giving people a wrong sense of privacy that they simply don’t have on the platform. From what I’ve heard there is a possibility to post for followers-only which in combination with requiring approval to follow and that isn’t going away here either…

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Twitter massively reduced visibility for logged-out users,

I know, but it still didn’t fully remove it.

Not sure that being “more honest” is worth the price

The thing is that there really is no price, nor was there ever one. Your suggestion that you think there is demonstrates that the way blocking worked gave people dangerously wrong ideas. It’s about being clear to people what they can and cannot expect. Anything else is ACTUALLY dangerous.

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Please read again what he changed and then try to figure out why your rationale is clearly not what this is about.

I’m not advocating against a seatbelt, I’m advocating against not wearing it, “because I am confident that I can hold on to something in case of a collision” or similar stupid reasons. Expecting that blocking does anything to hide public posts that you can simply open in another browser (or in the same browser in private browsing mode) is not a seatbelt, it is the equivalent of a slightly stronger handle on top of the car window that is being advertized as a feature to protect you in case of an accident.

This change first and foremost makes it clear that that handle does nothing meaningful and that you should wear an actual seatbelt (follower-only posts, ideally with restricted followers) instead, if you are worried about a collision. Twitter is a public forum. You can’t tell people to leave you alone, shout with a megaphone across the marketplace and then be annoyed when they hear you. If you don’t want them to hear you, don’t use a megaphone.

Even worse, imagine how woke the books of Karl May (not to be confused with Karl Marx) the most successful German author of all time that were originally published in book form in the 1890s [sic] would be if they came out today:

The foreword to the main trilogy would be so spicy that no modern English translation would include it. Like: He would call out the genocide of the native Americans as such and explicitly assign the full guilt for the decline of their cultures to the whites.

He would have the author-self-insert heroes telling people that use the N-word that “Once they scrape you into the ground, your white-skinned body will become straight and exactly as much a stinking carcass as a negro corpse. You will admit that, and now have the goodness to list your other merits!”

He would have trans coded characters being presented in an unambigously positive light.

And so many more incredibly woke things, like trash talking Christians that don’t respect all other humans and do evil shit…

Those were the first earbuds they offered, which were just OEM-ones where they main point of attention was on getting the workers a living wage (which is fair enough, they are called “fairphone”, not “repairablephone”), just like the Fairphone 1 where they apparently wanted to collect some experience in the space first.

I have them because I bought my fairphone 4 like one week before they had a free pair with every purchase on offer and wrote to their support, who graciously gave me a voucher as well. I don’t use them a lot, because I do have pretty good over-ear headphones, but they do come in handy on occasion, as they fit into my handbag, which means I am more likely to actually have them with me.

There was an article a while a go where someone looked into how the bible describes the anti-christ and while they initially did it just for fun, it became a bit more eerie, when Trump started hitting checkbox after checkbox after checkbox, leaving out pretty much none of them…

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IIRC the funny thing was actually that no, this wasn’t just generic enough to cover every megalomaniacal tyrant but was in some places actually oddly specific.

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What dose are you on and what are your blood-levels if you have them? A lot of places want to underdose you, so that could explain unsatisfactory results. Also, it’s quite hard to tell from the picture (I’m kinda face-blind and your expression doesn’t make it easier to tell things), but are you sure it really is that bad or might you just have overly high standards? And I’ll add here that being pretty and passing are two different things as well!

Lastly, and I know that this is an uncomfortable topic: If you want to pass, shave above your upper lip and cover any remaining shadow up with make-up. That is the only thing that really sticks out to me as a telltale-sign in the picture.

Don’t take them. You don’t need hormones to be anything,

Except, in many, many instances, to be happy.

and injecting DIY anything into your body could be a disaster.

Please explain how. There is no evidence that DIY-HRT is responsible for any meaningful amount of harm, but an uncountable amount of reports on how it saved lives!

I hated that too at the time, but I have to admit, that in practice this has not really turned into an issue basically ever: My headphones and earbuds are bluetooth anyways and I did get a usb-c to headphone adapter that I store with my earphone’s backup audio cable for the very rare case that I need it (I can count on one hand the instances for when that happened). And in those very few cases I wasn’t about to charge my phone anyways, which is the one argument for why you might want both.

So, I don’t know, maybe it really is time to move on. I will defnitely say that I’m not a big fan of analog cables, so maybe a more general move to USB-C for audio might be the right way to go in the first place?

Having worked in healthcare in the past I’d almost always caution against using drugs made and distributed by unknown third parties if possible.

That’s such a sheltered and privileged thing to say! The international de-facto standard of treatment for gender-dysphoria is very clearly and very quickly becoming DIY HRT, at least as the starting point, and pharmaceutical grade medication is usually too expensive for that. Trusted home-brewers are usually preferable, especially since their meds are actually made for trans people, rather than cis-people and have much more appropriate concentrations. It’s also not as if DIY is difficult, it’s just that most physicians are morons who can barely diagnose a common cold and therefore think that comparing the values in a blood-test to a reference-range is difficult. (No, I’m not making that one up!)

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You don’t need quantum computers for that.

If the issue is specifically with injections, I very much understand that part and would recommend gel, which is what I use.

Checkout for well established and trustworthy sources.

(Edit: And to be clear, don’t feel pressured, do what YOU want to do here, I’m only pointing out that if the specific problem you have is being worried about the proposed route of administration, there are good alternatives available.)

That’s not how it worked for me either of the two times. I don’t have any memories of going out the first time and I think I kinda woke up kinda normally both times.

Women are you doing today and how much more likely to be clear this is the queue for the vrouwen cafe stated that the zugbindung is een van de kleine Berg en Dal van de kleine Berg en Dal van de kleine Berg…

When you are German, live in the Netherlands, communicate mostly in English and hate typing on your phone…

I am very curious to hear which countries you think qualify…

I might even consider moving to one of them, but somehow I doubt you can name three, even if I’m generous in what I’m going to accept.

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At the very least the Scandinavian countries. (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland)

LOL! They are all dogshit!

You really demonstrate the point well that you have no fucking clue about the topic. Like: I know several Danish trans girls, and IIRC every single one felt the need to DIY at some point, because of how badly the system was failing them.

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Pretty scared of CCP spies TBH.

Okay, but this is a fundamentally different reason that isn’t born out of general racism or xenophobia.

It’s maybe not ideal, but I don’t consider this to be a morally reprehensible attitude.

Post moved to here, where it should have gone in the first place.

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do you have any idea how quickly that shit would fucking go viral if it were true

But it was true! Just not in the way that was claimed: They had these litterboxes in case they had to barricade in the classroom for extended periods of time due to a school-shooter that the police didn’t bother to stop quickly…

So yes, it really is a fucked up story, just in a very different way from what republicans claimed.

Frankly I don’t see any way whatsoever that this would fly, and that’s a good thing!

Imagine what it would mean for software-development if one angry dev could request the deletion of all their contributions at a moments notice by pointing to a right to be forgotten. Documentation is really not meaningfully different from that.

Frankly, the solution here isn’t vandalism, it’s setting up a competing side and copying the content over. The license of stackoverflow makes that explicitly legal. Anything else is just playing around and hoping that a company acts against its own interests, which has rarely ever worked before.

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I don’t think I’ve ever met a vegan who talked about it in contexts outside of organizing food for multiple people or in response to others asking about it.

I think it’s mostly that non-vegetarians (of whom I am one) know deep down that at least the vegetarians[1] are right and that they don’t like being reminded of their moral failings. Thus every time they plan getting food for a group and the vegans mention their culinary restrictions, they feel attacked and try to compensate for it by blaming the vegans.

[1] I’ve encountered to many people reporting that they experienced serious health issues with going full vegan, so I’m very much not convinced that veganism is something that works for everyone long term. The same issues do however clearly not apply to vegetarianism.

For starters with the abysmal waiting times, which are frankly inexcusable and scientifically unjustifiable considering the well-established fact that informed consent works. There is precisely no reason why trans people should have to wait longer than diabetes-patients to get treatment, quite the opposite in fact, considering that HRT can easily be prescribed by GPs. Yet the waiting lists in all of those countries are longer than for pretty much any other treatment.

Then we have the incompetent selection of anti-androgens. Cypro is admittedly much better than Spiro, but properly scheduled injections of GNRH-agonists are much better and not done there. In exchange a friend of mine there who did trust her physicians at the time ended up unintentionally driving her cat insane, because nobody bothered to mention to her, that she shouldn’t touch other people or animals for 1-2 hours after application. Of course E is also only handed out as pills or sometimes as gel, because nobody can be arsed to prescribe injections, which would turn taking it into a weekly thing when talking about EEn.

I can’t really comment on the quality of surgeries, once they happen, because in practice you seem to wait for them until you are old. Probably because all the surgeons prefer to do knee-surgeries with their 30% regret-rate…

Now few of these things are specific, most of them hold in most countries that claim to offer trans healthcare, most notably the inexcusable waiting lists, but the Scandinavian countries are certainly not better. And that is before we get into all the bullshit about forcing trans kids to go through puberty because right-wing assholes keep attacking access to healthcare for minors, despite indisputable scientific evidence that this healthcare is necessary. And yes, that very much includes Sweden!

I’ve had issue with very worn out 3.5mm adapters before! Like: I was on an intercontinental flight earlier this week and my cable barely held in the worn out port of the plane. I agree that there are fewer issues with software refusing to work, but the hardware-connection can be quite sucky on them too.

Oh, right! thanks for pointing that out, I’ve now moved it where it belongs.

Yes, that looks like it!

I’m not saying vandalism is illegal. I’m say that it borders on immoral and that there is a better, more radical (and thus effective) alternative that one might expect to be illegal but in fact isn’t.

Can someone please explain to me, why everyone cares so much about four rich fuckers that may die because they cheeped out on safety-meassures? There are people dying in Ukraine every day but somehow these four people now dominate the headlines.

The argument here is literally about stalkers. Not about random uninterested people that don’t care.

but I am glad American taxpayers sacrifice their own money to keep Chinese imperialism from devouring my country.

You are from Taiwan by any Chance? I’m tempted to agree with you in that region, but I am not sold that the US is an overall net-positive if we also look into places like the middle-east and Latin America.

Can we please not do the “it hurts the other side more”-bullshit? Especially in light of the fact that Viagra has legitimate medical uses outside of ED and that ED can also be caused by factors that affect conservatives a lot less, such as HRT for trans women.

it is legally still your copyright, since you produced the content. Pretty sure in EU they cannot prevent you from deleting your content.

They absolutely can, you gave them an explicit (under most circumstances irrevocable) permission to do so. That’s how contracts work.

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You can when it comes to copyright. That’s EU-law and anything else would be such a horrible idea that no country would ever set up a law saying otherwise.

If you could simply revoke copyright licenses you would completely kill any practicality of selling your copyrighted works and it would fully undermine any purpose it served in the first place.

Well it’s the old fact that reality has a left-wing bias, as someone once put it.

Iran attacked the specific military installations that Israel used to perform their highly illegal attack on the Iranian embassy. This is the most textbook example of textbook examples of appropriate, proportional and measured self-defense we have seen in a very long time in the entire region. The relevant thing to count is not the number of missiles or drones, but the number of targets and their relevance to the case.

The backup-generator seems to be the one semi-legit use-case that keeps coming up where few people have been able to present a significantly better alternative.

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Honestly: For all his many, many, many faults, he was still a massive improvement over Bush junior. His insurrection and the way he handled Covid was terrible, but the Iraq-war was worse and unforgivable.

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