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Joined 1 years ago

Because of this fucking online press embedding tweets into every article, even weather reports

You can't do that in unity, because each version has somehow a major bug ruining your life or your project.

They usually only fix them after they introduce another bug that breaks another part of your project, so it's a neverending race.

You don't wan't to reimplement everything yourself and they are always "working on it" so you trust them

Carrefour are fucking thieves and their own low-price brands are also shrinkflationated carcinogenic crap.

They don't really have anything to teach.

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1960, not 2016...

I think the "journalist" got confused because on wiki it says the town creation date it 2016.

But it's just 2 old towns close to each other that has been merged this year, it happens every year.

In both case it's to protect your users, not you. Nothing wrong with that


So they take YEARS to update/remove obsolete shit from the doc, even for important features. But somehow an obscure ToS page need to be fully deleted without leaving any trace because "low views" ?

Bullshit it's not only disrespect it's pure lies.

All the major media outlets have been bought by a few far-right billionaires. For some years now, propaganda has been omnipresent, 24 hours a day.

We chose unity because we thought unreal model was shitty too.

Next time it's open source, godot or stride or i don't know, but not unreal.

They would have done the same shit if it worked

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Bullshit. You should use the platform where most of your users are. And the users are on discord and do not give a single shit about open source.

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It's not proportional at all wtf, get your facts straigth

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How much work was it to convert ?

I guess the tool didn't managed every single detail ?

Fuck unity tech, they haven't made a single intelligent decision in 10 years.

The engine was perfectly fine and they ruined ALL OF IT.

I wasted so much fucking time because of them, everything they do is garbage.

Just let them go bankrupcy.

Fuck google seriously. The fact that these videos are not deleted and they don't detect all these obviously fake comments tells a lot.

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It's not only the CEO, it's all the board. Don't think he can do this kind of shit alone.

In my language we also have this "X (formerly Twitter)" shit, it's like these fucking stringers got it shoved down their throat by the marketing/lawyer team

"โ€œthe only way I can think of to combat vast armies of bots."

He's able to think, and he's all alone thinking and coding twitter all by himself

What a hero

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What's with all these crappy LOTR games? It looks so boring I won't even try it.

Just so you know since nobody brought it, biffle means dickslap

They have been at the right place at the right time.

Never heard of MonoGame but from what I see, it's much less noob-friendly, no editor etc. Looks too different

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Your comment is total nonsense, there is nothing to prove.

Would you pay 20ct every time you open a pdf ? Why not then ?

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Use it for what ?

Not the same thing, I would use both anyway.

Especially for a company or a public project, you want your content indexed and keep the control. If you don't open a subreddit or sublemmy someone would do it.

For a chat, not the same thing. You want a discord to speak to your users, and a selfhosted matrix to manage your employees and private stuff

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I saw it a lot but didn't know it was the comments too.

Should be illegal, this website needs to disappear once and for all.

I hope someone will create an extension to flag them

I see the point of view. But I find it stupid

And you sound like the people who thought cryptos would replace credit cards ;)

He's technically true in the last part though

Everything not physical that can be pirated should be pirated.

You have better thing to do with your money.

Books exist to be lent out.

Games too at the time. Now you can't because of bullshit, so joke on them I won't pay.

Books & Music money is not going to the artists.

Movie world is full of shit and overpaid anyway.

I also don't wan't a single of my cents going to USA or US company.

If I like something so much I feel I should pay, which is rare, I find a more direct way without leeches.

Can you name a single large company that is not complete total shit ? Because I can't

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To get rid of the blank home : enable the history, click on a video you like, disable the history

And then he open it 10 times and you are fucked, and your competitor open it thousands of times and you are vastly fucked

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It has the features (not sure about that), but it has not the users...

I agree with you but it's just not how it works. Or else nobody would be using mac os or google products.

Also currently, almost nobody want/can/care about selfhosting.

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As a user or as an admin ?

Why should a random admin be more trusted than discord ? (malicious, security, data leaks etc)

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That's the problem : it is NOT proportional.

You are not paid everytime a user install your game. Just when he buy it.

I also still fail to see how it is not fair

Yes obviously

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Why ignorance ? I would do it even if there was an impact, as long as i'm fucking a US company and any kind of greedy corp, no problem

But sadly there isnt, or else I would download anything 100 times to bankrupt them for fun

Should and will be illegal

With the same efficiency ? I'm interested in an example

Why everyone using these crappy SaaS then ?

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It really depends of your activity.

If your country is dangerous or there is any kind of risk with what you do (journalist etc...) then I totally agree with you.

If it's for a gaming community that just need to spam memes and a vocal channel, then you won't convince anyone with these arguments because most people simply don't care.

Please don't trigger that kind of dread feeling ๐Ÿ’€

If you don't see the problem of arbitrarily having to pay more than you earn using a shady number from their ass I won't be able to convince you.

Maybe ask yourself why you are alone thinking this is a good system and why so much people are ready to yeet their projects or businesses and take the risk of switching to a more honest engine.

It's not just "fail at commerce". What about those who spent the last 10 years developing their projects and fine-tuning their business model, only to get thrown on the toilet like that ?

This is not failing at commerce. Unity failed at commerce, in fact unity failed almost everything, and now it's also a big fucking lack of respect.

every few years i make a donut, it gets easier every time


No, sorry but it still don't make any sense.

That's why absolutely nobody thought about such a stupid system since the beginning of software.

It's not like your users where using unity's servers. They just want free money for nothing.

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