
2 Post – 40 Comments
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If you also like to consider other cities, Cologne might be something for you. It is known for it's gay and rainbow communities. It even advertises LGBT+ scene events on it's home page.

If you consider the area near Cologne and Düsseldorf along the Rhine, there are big cities but it gets more rural once you get further from the river. Jobs should be available there as well. Unfortunately, jobs without at least a fraction of office presence time are rare, even in IT.

Unless Munich, in this part of Germany, you walk into a bar a stranger but will find someone to talk to. People are warm and welcoming here. I cannot judge the English language proficiency though as a native. Besides, the local German accent can be just as puzzling here as in Bavaria. 🤣

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...or for an insult so accurately aiming at the person to be insulted like pissing through a key hole from a 11.5 ft distance.

Realizing, that my condition health-wise is probably not going to improve miraculously and is partially unbearable right now.

I also only need "god" and especially "Jesus Christ" to avoid cursing when my kids go bonkers. To consider it an idiom exactly meets my view of it.

While your argument is valid, most bash users I know are lazy bitches and tend to alias commands which require to type more than 5 letters. I guess NuShell lower the bar for NuUsers, but of I have to remember either single letters or puppy it through longer commands, I world opt for single letters.

Thank you for the heads up! Half way through the answers I asked myself if a German community would have been a better pace to ask in terms of obtaining the substances, but the effect should be globally available I guess.

Are you informed if the latter is legally available in Germany?

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I slowly begin to rename it to winter solstice. Also makes it easier to incorporate the red clothed dude and stuff. Despite he doesn't make sense in any constellation, but the kids live it the weird way it is.

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Thank you! I think, this is an aspect I tend to underestimate: the anxiousness pain causes. It is not affecting me much of what I experience, but deep down, it is a thing.

Thank you for pointing that out! In I'm in the happy place of not having to take anything else on a regular basis, but it sure makes sense to keep the heads up of required.

Thank you for pointing me at bias voltage, I've never heard of that. The text explicitly mentions condenser mics requiring that voltage. Does this also apply to dynamic mics?

Besides, even if the signal is nasty, I would like to receive that in the system. So if this is an issue, it's currently rather a side quest.

Thank you for your response! Of it's not tmi, can you dig a little deeper in what regards it has been a help for you? Also pain relief?

After consulting my favorite search engine for what neuropathic pain is (not your fault, but language barrier of a non-native speaker) I guess this is what I'm looking for! How do you obtain your CBD? Pharmacy or online?

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Yeah, thank you! As far as I understand what you describe, your therapy is not solely based on CBD but also a not irrelevant fraction of THC, am I getting that right? Honestly I'm a little scared to go that route, but I'm really happy it held you so much!

Okay I'm freshman enough to this topic to ask: how do you know what balance you aim for with regards to pain killing?

Thank you for passing on the recommendation! I'm a little scared to go with any significant fraction of THC... Maybe my dose was just too low so far.

Thank you! As a human, I'm excellent in leaving behind what bugs me in an unpleasant way until it hurts on a level I cannot ignore.

The thing with THC tolerance is also interesting. Does a CBD/THC mixture remain equally effective of the percepted effects of both constituents have mirrored tolerance/effect characteristics?

Thank you and I'm so happy for you it helps!

From what you write, stoned is a positive side effect of the whole thing isn't it? Out do you think this is the main aspect of why the migraine is so much better bearable to you?

If you care to look outside the box of your known cities: Cologne (like Munich) for it's openness regarding primarily gay folks. Since the increased popularity of LGBT+, the acceptance spreads to that forms to. Take this official city home page site as example.

As already said in another comment, the area near the Rhine (especially near Cologne and Düsseldorf) gets mute rural quickly

It's a dynamic mic. I feared the same, but the fact that I can hear something using the loopback suggests that phantom power isn't the cause, right?

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Is it funny or sad that a finish collectible affects you positively health-wise? Sounds weird but hey. Sometimes laws are lagging behind so much it's annoying...

Kid you not, that was my first reason to adopt it (next to having a short name).

Thank you! Does calm down also refer to some pain felt or was it rather recreational?

But more importantly: the past tense in your last sentence sounds like you are still going strong without. If so: an internet stranger is proud of you!

Thank you for your report. Working wanting to be too scientific: do you control the CBD:THC in your Sportzigarette or do you take it as it comes?

Thank you! Would you mind to share what radio does the trick for you?

Thank you for your balanced thoughts! Well your first point kinda might be an issue. I guess I haven't dived deep enough into this topic to answer whether these mixtures are legally available here. Speaking of it: can you (or someone you know 😉) feel any psychedelic effect of the THC with a 20:1 ratio?

I tried to convince trained professionals twice to go the mentioned route with me. Instead, the looked for me as if I asked for a roofie on the house. So that is another issue...

Because dating hopefully takes place with individuums, to whom this limitation does not apply.

Thank you for you recipe! That sounds manageable - as soon as the base substance is legally available here 😉 I will keep an eye on that - it is supposed to be anytime soon...

Thank you for your report! Yeah money is also an aspect. In Germany and I think EU (sorry bro) they start seeking it as a drug in pharmacies. If I found it to be of any help to me, I wished I found a way like getting my health insurance passing for it 😜 Don't you have any similar options?

Thank you! This gives me some highschool vibes of chemistry. The useful aspects of it at least. Is it fool safe or would you recommend starting with ready products?

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I don't need evidence, out just moves the the Christmas in the way we celebrate it and that hasn't much left of the Christian Christmas away from the Christianity, but towards something I really appreciate: days getting longer again.

...so you're locked in ever since? 🤪 Is it a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome or do you like it?

That is torture. FFVII is such a cool game, but playing that in one session is close to inhuman. (Still play it from time to time on emulators)

Gravity. Meh...

It grinds my gears that the sole idea to create tension is the presence of stray ropes. And slinging objects. 🥱

May not be the most popular opinion in this thread, but hell I love British people hating... stuff.

I guess that joke works for almost every activitiy, except for those which incorporate death of people.

Except you're necrophile, so even there. /s

That might be the case, but despite this, I would like to receive the miniscule signal I can loop back in my system. But do dynamic microphones require phantom power?

I was looking for this. I bought mine of TY Maxx for stupid little money. I'm not the one caring for shoes a lot, but they still look pretty good in shape. I never thought barefoot shoes to be that sturdy. Unexpected plus side: barefoot shoes seemed to be what my feet needed. But they don't do me a favor to fool anyone me feet are unproportionally large for my body. They kinda look comically Goofy-esque. I still love 'em and they will be my first, but surely not last Merrells!

I think one should take care not hesitate too much talking to new people. The outcome can be either ways any ways, but that usually is nothing to carry around for too long time. I figured for myself it should be (and feel) casual (not only during dating).

So of you are a nerd not used to talk to anyone, maybe get used to talk to people again before trying to advertise yourself on the dating market. Usually, most of people not overly busy are open for a short chat or a funny remark*.

*Disclaimer: may differ depending on where you live.