
5 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Public companies are legally required to always do their best to grow year over year. Eventually these companies get so large they can't realistically get more market share so they have to figure out how to make more money from their users. This leads to them squeezing users for cash in the hunt for short term gains because they've already realistically capped out on how much money they can make per year. It's a dumb system that can't work in the long term.

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I know, it's disgusting. I had an argument with a friend saying that all companies are greedy so why would you expect reddit to be different... I mean yeah if you just let them walk all over you that's what's gonna happen.

I would aim to find a healthy way to use Lemmy instead. Given you said you usually only follow it I might make an argument that there is just a massive it event currently Happening on Lemmy. As such your following it. I don't know that going back to Reddit will make much of a difference to you if you already have those habits. Try to limit your social media use and find a healthy way to interact with social media.

Finally! I hate how the US just bends over for Israel. Any religion involved in any government will turn fascist because they can't stop hating all the other religions. Turns out people that believe in fairy tales aren't that bright!

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I know! Why would they do that to themselves!

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What's the difference between kbin and Lemmy? I thought they were just different instances of the same open source project with different host names.

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What a load of crap, no information about what models they run on. I bet they are just a series of if else's. If we let some unrefined transformers Duke it out I might be interested.

Good ole republican mega donors destroying the world one step at a time.

Mine was 8 years old and I haven't touched it since the protests started

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Honestly, this clears so much up for me :). It's the only reasonable assumption, it's gotta be a masochism thing haha.

Conservatives make up shit to piss off their uneducated voter base and distract them from their corporate bullshittery.

I didn't even realize how my dreams had changed. I would still have occasional dreams but now I have multiple vivid dreams per night. I used to be a lucid dreamer and I'm slowly getting back to that.

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That's really interesting, I had a friend that said the same thing. Personally I hadn't noticed that my dreams disappeared because it had happened slowly and they were just more infrequent. Have you had to take any time off? I'm curious if you would have a similar experience to me.

From my sleep study I saw the same results, my REM sleep periods would only start later in the night when the weed wore off. I'm also starting to feel like my memory is suffering. There is also just the problem of tolerance, I want to land on a sustainable approach to smoking.

That's really interesting, I can see how I might have gotten to a similar level. I had never smoked before university, I was always busy with sports/ school. I only started seriously smoking around COVID and I definitely got attached to it. I found it messed with my appetite and would make me anxious when I was high sometimes. I would smoke probably 4-5 bowls a day. The last 3 probably did nothing most of the time. When I was home from school I'd smoke joints more and at a more controlled rate. I found it more pleasant once I'd get used to a lower intake. Recently I've had to pass a drug test and I'm taking a month and a half break to ensure I pass. It's been nice to see that I can very easily stop cold turkey. Outside of when I'm drunk I really don't crave it.

I'm not planning on deleting mine, I do have some good technical answers on my account that I don't want to delete. I figure stopping participating is more important than going back and deleting it.

Twice a day, but I occasionally miss the one at night after a night out. Still haven't had any cavities!

Which is super understandable, in the short term I found it could really help me get to sleep. I'll probably still don't occasionally if I'm struggling but I think using it consistently just makes you build a tolerance until it isn't really helping anymore.

Wireless power sharing makes it worth it to me. It's not helpful often but being able to charge someones phone in a pinch has saved my ass a few times.

Private companies absolutely can, what sucks is alot of owners are looking for a public exit so they can make a ton of money and step away from the company. Valve is a great example of a private company happy to sit back and rake in cash. They have no plans to go public and can continue slowly improving their product because of it.

May have fallen asleep haha but my hometown has a good local bar / brewery scene that I hadn't really checked out at all. We ended out abr hopping between a couple of places for my first time before landing at a taco place. It was a lot of fun altho we didn't end out talking to many new people. Glad I finally got out but next thing is figuring out how to actually meet people while I'm doing it.

That's awesome! Congratulations on being fully out! I went to university in Canada but come from the states so I had to leave alot of friends behind. I'm trying to figure out how to both keep in touch with my uni friends and meet new ppl at my hometown. I've done well enough at work but I need to do a better job talking to people at bars and stuff. I also ended out having a pretty quiet Uber driver who I managed to get talking and is in a fairly similar situation, then I sent him off with my pretty toasted buddy... Hopefully no issues there haha.

It's definitely possible, I've been shifting to more PvE and single player games. I'm finishing up atomic heart right now and I really like it. I'd also absolutely recommend trying to join a company in the outdoor industry. It's insane what counts as outdoor equipment. Besides the normal stuff grills, smokers and for some reason crocks count. Most of the time it's 30-45% off.

I found the same thing, for me I think I got too good at the fun parts of weed and wouldn't be impacted by them. That left me with just making dumb decisions and being anxious. Not to mention just how high my tolerance got. I also found it made me too okay with doing nothing. I love having a lazy day every once in a while but I do want to have hobbies so I go out and meet people. Once I've passed this drug test and I can smoke again I'm hoping to keep it much more infrequent.

Idk if I want to get back to a post I'll usually do it through my own comments. When I'm looking at my feed I want new posts.

I definitely get what you mean and I think the idea that you can get away with no censorship is naive. However, they could just as easily be talking about r/conservatives use of conservative only posts and their banning of anyone sharing opposing viewpoints.

What advantage would switching to crypto have? I'm not well versed in how Lemmy works yet but I don't see why Lemmy would need blockchain.

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Nice! I'm a dev too, I'm a gamer and I'd previously been a gymnast so I didn't have much time / respect yet for the outdoors. I recently signed on with a company in the outdoor industry doing devops and I've been taking advantage of my industry discount and picking up more outdoor hobbies. I definitely still like video games but I've found they just make me mad recently. I'm really enjoying spending more time outside and having other things to do in my free time.

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I'm also curious which will see more development. Kbin has a lower bar to entry because it's PHP but I imagine there are others that have no interest in touching PHP unless I'm being paid for it. I'd have to learn Rust to help with Lemmy but I have heard really good things about it so I'm considering it.

Heck yeah! I'm planning on getting a framework laptop when I next need an upgrade and if I get any input on the decision I'll be pushing for the corporate company I work at to adopt them. I'm admittedly not sure I'm ready to jump on the fairphone train yet but I'm open to the idea.

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Yeah, right now I've got a s23 ultra and I really like it. There is too much of an advantage to the mainstream phones in camera and extra features for me to make that jump yet. I had a OnePlus with lineage before but I can't pretend I haven't enjoyed the Samsung so far. As for my Lenovo X1 Carbon I'd replace it in a second, it's still doing pretty well right now but it's absolutely not repairable and starting to show its age a bit. I've also just been lucky to not need to repair anything.

What phone are you using? Both apple and Samsung have made their devices borderline impossible to swap the battery out. They will then charge you an arm and a leg for sometime that used to be an easy swap.

Hey it's not thatttt horrible, your just limit testing CI/CD :)

I agree with a lot of commenters that it just isn't worth it to take the risk. If you really want weed wherever you are going I'd try to buy it there.

It's beautiful

In the line of slightly dumb but low key valuable options, buddy should trip on it. Going on a solo trip really helped me learn to practice mindfulness and to just slow down and enjoy what's going on around me.

That's definitely a load of horseshit

Can you follow mastodon pages on Lemmy?

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Here come the scab mods!

Cool, I guess it's time to uninstall boost then. Guess I'm on Lemmy for the foreseeable future!

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