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Learning that they believe in ghosts, flat Earth, or anti-vaxx conspiracies.

I mean...duh? Basically the entire point of having different laws in different states is that people can choose what laws they want to live under. No one should be surprised that young people are considering that when choosing colleges.

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I wouldn't say it's great even there. If you want people to pay 20% more for their food so your workers can get paid, just list that on the menu. Raise all food prices 20% and pay the wait staff a decent wage. Customers pay the same in the end and your staff isn't dependent on customer generosity to make a living.

Tough call, but I'm going to go with Wayne from Brandon Sanderson's Wax and Wayne trilogy.

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Someone else mentioned VR games, if you can afford the gear I second that recommendation. Some games can be quite the workout, and it doesn't feel like I'm convincing myself to exercise because I'm just playing video games.

Yeah you're right. I have read the most recent one, I just miscounted.

I quite like Mat too, but never could get behind Nynaeve as a character. All the Aes Sedai, even the young ones, seem to have this attitude of "I know everything so I'm closed off to new information" which is infuriating to me. Egwene and Elayne outgrow that somewhat by the end, but less so Nynaeve.

I disagree with most of your points, but damned if you're not right about that. The DNC shares a lot of blame for inflicting Trump on us, after straight up rigging the 2016 primaries against Bernie. Of course the Republicans also just rolled over and let him drive their entire party off the alt right cliff, so maybe the lesson is that all politicians are weasels.

That said, if the choice is between a corrupt and spineless weasel and a rabid hyena intent of tearing the country down around his ears, I'll pick the one that's less likely to bit my face off.

This is the best thing I've read all day.

Sure, but don't let that stop you from insulting him. The activity is its own reward.

I don't know why they bother, reading the verbatim transcript of what he said is more entertaining than any clickbait.

Likability advantage? Since when was he likable?

Iirc they did know, or at least Arwen did. Elrond says something to the effect that she will be giving up her eternal life when he's trying to talk her out of being with Aragorn.

Depends on the game, but I usually sort my player inventories by item purpose. Items that never leave the inventory (quest items, alternative gear, etc) at the top, then potions/food, then ammunition, then whatever random loot I'm picking up.

As far as Valheim goes, I actually really enjoy building highly organized dedicated storage rooms with for all my loot. My brain makes the good chemicals when I go into the storage closet and see my neatly labeled chests (now why won't it do that in real life?). It's worth noting that the chest size issue gets much, much better further on in the game. You go from 10 items per chest to 24 when you get access to iron, and 32 with black metal.

Just got this thing last week, I love it so far. Still haven't figured out how to make good use of the back paddles on PC, but even without those it's a great controller.

Twice the refresh rate means twice the frames, so I'm twice as productive.

Or at any rate, that's what I'm telling my job to try to get them to buy me a high spec gaming monitor.


Just going to leave this list here of about 30,000 lies Trump told while in office. None of these are a matter of opinion, all verifiable untruths by public record.

I won't deny Biden lies too, he's a politician they all lie. But Trump was on another level.

Is it though? My understanding is that a murder charge requires intent to cause harm. Causing death without intent would be manslaughter. If someone is out of their mind in a panic attack and tries to shut down the plane so he could get to the ground, it would hard to prove he intended harm to the other passengers. They probably weren't even in his thoughts.

Not a lawyer though, my understanding could be flawed.

High rates of gun ownership is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for high rates of homicide. "Necessary" would imply that high homicide rate is flat out impossible without high gun ownership, which is clearly not true.

I'm going to buck the trend here and advise the more conservative position. I took a developer job in the insurance industry right out of college, and I have no regrets. The work is rarely exciting, but it's stable and not very demanding. I have great work life balance. And developer jobs in non tech related industries seem to be largely immune to the upheavals and layoffs currently affecting the tech world.

History books are secondary sources. Which are sufficient for the average person studying history. Perhaps even preferable, since they are written with historical context already supplied, although you do also get the inherent bias of the author.

But that doesn't mean that there isn't a place for primary sources like Mein Kampf. Primary sources are the only thing that tells scholars what was happening in history at any given time, and history books can't be written without scholars studying primary sources. So should Mein Kampf be required reading for middle schoolers? Of course not, no one is saying that. But it may absolutely be required for, say, a graduate level course in WWII history.

Blacklisting or stigmatizing a text serves no one except those that want others to remain ignorant.

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Honestly, he's an idiot and he certainly won't get my vote, but I can't even be mad about him running. I'm just glad to see a ballot with more than two relevant people on it. Sick and tired of choosing between "dumbass with a D next to his name" and "more dangerous dumbass with an R next to his name".

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