
3 Post – 243 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ask a Ninja.

First recall, then getting rid of local accounts, and now this.

Might shift back to Linux now.

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They will still keep them green. You know how teens react to those bubbles.

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Shit move from Reddit. Glad I jumped ship to lemmy.

Honestly, lemmy has less users compared to Reddit, yet you still get more engagement.

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Honestly, just take a basic normal car, and replace its engine with an electric one. No on screen entertainment, no cameras, no AI bull shit, no self driving. Just as basic as it gets.

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Less content to go through, so you end up going through posts and comments a bit more thoroughly. This translates to higher engagement from users overall compared to Reddit.

The con of course is less content to go through.

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Because a bunch of idiots take their hands off their steering wheel and think Elmo's car is 100% safe.

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Proton is great but I do feel wary from putting all my eggs in one basket again.

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We all know landlines won't be coming back. They can try and make it cool with some fancy stock photos but mobile phones have killed them long time ago.

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Definitely Syncthing.

Great app to sync my phone with my laptop.

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No. They are two different projects.

Lineage is about providing a Google free version of android AOSP and supporting as many phones as possible.

Graphene is about making a privacy centric version of android that can run Google apps sandboxed. Graphene only supports pixel phones.

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Why not promote matrix as a substitute?

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The US market is such a weird one. Apple owns more than 80% of all teens over there and Android might struggle to expand there in the future. However, outside the US, Android is still prevalent in many markets (and will grow in many third world countries), iMessage isn't that used, and blue/green bubble argument does not exist.

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A lot of people are against credit cards which is understandable. But I use them almost exclusively and pay them in full every month.

As long as I don't go over whatever I have in cash, these credit cards help me in building credit score as well as provide a layer of protection should some person or site try to over charge me later.

It's not for everyone, but it worked for me.

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In all honesty, when I joined Reddit right after digg went to shit. It was amazing. Reddit was great, 3rd party apps were welcome, their interface was straightforward, and they had none of those NFT gold shit.

It just went downhill.

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One word, Revanced.

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Honestly it was a bad call on Nokia to switch to windows. They would have been in a different place of they capitalised on their market share and switched to android.

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Honestly, I root for lemmy and use it daily. However, Reddit still wins on pure content and niche communities.

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Your hands are part of your body so it should be ok.

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They will be shoving AI / ML into Firefox. FFS.

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Working from Home is a must, and spending quality time with the loved ones.

Climbing the corporate ladder isn't my priority now anymore. I am more interested in work that pays for my hobbies and spending time with my loved ones.

The fastest Google product kill right there.

Could have been a great Dex alternative.

A lot of tech YouTubers (such as Mr whose the boss). Just a hype man reading specs and hyping up shit.

Just look at him speaking about the Huawei Mate 60 pro. What a load of bullshit.

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Lemmy lives to rip reddit to pieces and share any bad news about them.

I didn't leave an ex to keep being reminded a out her. Just move on and share anything new.

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This calculation is a bit wrong.

Lets say for example you keep spending 5 after your first payment, then your totals at the bottom would be wrong and would look like this.

The correct way to do this is to accumulate the expenditure as your balance goes down, so that total for both spend and balance equals 50.

I hope this makes sense.

Thats great. I consider the SMT essential apps to be honest. They are ad free, privacy friendly, and open source.


Amazing that you could sync your android phone's data to a PC locally. No cloud drive needed.


Allows you to use a laptop and sync your phone to it. No iCloud or Google drive needed. All syncs locally.

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It was a bad podcast app to begin with.

Google is doing their usual shit move of killing yet another product.

Google is doing an even shittier move of merging it with YouTube.

A company run by utter jokers.

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Good fuckng riddance.

Adobe would run Figma to the ground if it was acquired.

You signed it all away the moment you scrolled down that EULA 😂

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Wouldn't never touch a Huawei phone.

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That’s great news. Not that I like Apple anyway with such douchy move.

A lot of users joined Lemmy.world due to the open sign ups. Whether they will be lurking or not remains to be seen.


Users tend to like or dislike your comments and posts more, and post comments and reply back more often.

Compared to the millions of users on Reddit, I get more interaction on lemmy.

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Didn't Firefox kill PWA support too.

What was Mozilla's reason behind this?

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I actually though they would federate with something like mastodon.

Kinda useless really.

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No. But expect to do more work for the same pay since things are slightly easier now with AI.

Honestly, rather than a community, a way to make a multi-Reddit style views of communities.

There are many communities with the same subject on different instances. Lemmy is great with this but having user fragmented across everywhere is an issue.

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I don't usually use social media apps at all. But lemmy to me reminds of old school forums. A few people interested in a subject keep that section of the forum alive.

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