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The bug was deliberately put there after he was born so he could fulfill the prophecy.

Mechanical keyboard users unite!

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Let's be clear. If his life gets ruined he did it to himself. This whole thing would have been forgotten if he sincerely apologised on the first day but he is choosing to bully Jenni Hermoso instead.

The comments about poor independent grocer Coles is doing my head in.

If they became more intelligent than us, would they pick up our poo?

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In a way, Buddists don't want to come back either. Reaching the goal of enlightenment means that reincarnation ends for you.

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There should be a simple signup that looks something like:

[choose a username] @ [choose an instance]

Where the first one is an input field and the second one is a drop down or search bar. People can pick whatever instance name piques their fancy to get started. Once they understand the fediverse better they can move to another server (hopefully migration will be built-in at some point).

It makes sense that boomers had more jobs over their working life, they lived in an era where they could quit one job and have another job by the end of that week without any pre-planning.

My god! The same thing happened to me but it had been years since my last vaccination. Proof that they stay in your body for a very long time.

Yes, they attach them to their bicycle handles.

Meet us behind the bike sheds after school, we're going to do some poems.

I ordered some stuff from China and the estimated delivery date is December 8 and I'm checking it almost every day. What is wrong with me? Help.

A lot of his approach seems to be based on vedic philosophy, and all that is available free if you don't want to go through him. You can walk into a temple and leave with free books because they believe knowledge should be free. All they ask is you pass the book on when you're finished.

I've got nothing against the guy though, I don't know enough about him, just pointing out that you can get the knowledge free if you want to.

That's an interesting idea. I can see local businesses having a whinge about it for a couple reasons: 1) people less likely to buy snacks/drinks on the go and 2) the business now has to deal with lots of extra rubbish that used to go in the public bins outside. Was there any push back? People were a bit whingey about the plastic bag ban here at first but I think most people have accepted it now (although I do forget my reusable bags on an annoyingly regular basis).

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I asked ChatGPT to make "I don't like it" longer and boring but it became pretty interesting to read.

In the realm of emotions and subjective experiences, I must candidly express my profound lack of affinity towards the current subject matter, as its presence elicits within me an indescribable and seemingly unending wave of ennui, boredom, and disinterest that permeates through the very fabric of my existence. I am left to navigate through a vast expanse of dispassionate apathy, where the spark of enthusiasm and engagement is but a distant memory, suppressed by the weight of profound tedium that engulfs my every thought and perception. It is with a heavy heart and a wearied spirit that I reluctantly confess my profound and seemingly interminable dislike for the aforementioned matter, as its insipid nature fails to captivate my attention or ignite the slightest flicker of excitement within the recesses of my weary mind.

If it's not too hot outside, sunshine. It helps get rid of that icky, germy feeling of being cooped up inside and the vitamin D doesn't hurt either.

What I like about this story is instead of escaping by saying they don't want to do an interview, they just straight up admitted they're lying.

I think if the actions he took afterwards that are being reported are true, the time for forgiveness is way past, as you say.


I would say being a good person also means being good to yourself. Politely excuse yourself in that situation.

Contrary to popular belief, sometimes shit doesn't happen.

There's another way, if we can just entice the jerky surgeons to eat some bovine tuberculosis.

Pulling Your Own Strings by Wayne Dyer gave me a lot of confidence. His other books have a spiritual bent to them, I believe (I haven't read them), but the above book is just straightfoward advice.

Lol I had exactly the same thought and instantly googled "archer inventive".

why would a good scientist stop researching?

Probably when you start to wonder if all your research is for nothing since nobody seems interested in enacting policy grounded in science.

There is a search engine for Lemmy https://www.search-lemmy.com/

Not ideal that it's outside of your preferred search engine, but it's something.

A dapper gentleman indeed!

The link goes to a 5 second, mute video for me for some reason, but going by the thumbnail, isn't that the same stuff that turned this guy blue?