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Joined 1 years ago

I live in her district. She is an obvious Russian agent. I got a call from her campaign before her first election and they asked me "How important is improving trade and diplomatic relations between the US and Russia to you as a voter?"

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“It is not possible to overdose by touching or accidentally inhaling fentanyl, and the same would apply to non-human animals as well,” Leo Beletsky, a professor of law and health sciences at Northeastern University, told The Times on Saturday.

So the dog couldn't have inhaled it then if the story is to be believed because the dog isn't going to intentionally inhale it

Because the drug is poorly absorbed through the stomach, he said, an animal would probably have to ingest the substance through its nose in order to overdose.

Yeah, this is definitely a made up story as others have said. Dog is still lucky it wasn't shot on account of it being a dog near police though.

Because it's misleading at best. If you and I were racing and I moved at twice your speed for four hours it would be misleading to say you were outpacing me when you start moving faster than me for four minutes. Just because you are now faster than me you are still very far behind and therefore it makes no material difference how fast you are currently moving. American workers are still in a hole caused by stagnant wages and corporate price gouging that's lasted for decades.

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Because the idea that there are vegans and vegetarians is an implied accusation of guilt to people that eat meat and animal products that are the direct result of animal suffering. Some people that don't eat animal products might be militant or preachy, but I've never met one. In fact I have only ever met the inverse, people that constantly berate people for being vegan or vegetarian. Having been one myself, I can say that for me and people I know it is the same reason religious people hate atheists; their existence implies that people that eat meat are wrong and therefore bad people. Studies have confirmed this. Here is an article from the BBC that goes over some of the studies.

Even in religious circles the forgiveness part is normally left out. The phrase often repeated is "Jesus died for your sins" without any mention of forgiveness. Since that is the common turn of phrase then this depicts children suffering/dying because of the sins of someone else.

Thank you for your service. This shows that legally neither of them owns the club, as with most rich people bullshit, and that Jr has been head of the corporation that owns it for some time.

Yeah, labor protections in the US are long past due for an upgrade, and if they can't strike then the process needs to be weighted in the workers favor a lot more.

Unfortunately he followed the law. The Railway Labor Act of 1926 prevents railroad workers from striking. They instead have to follow the exact process that was followed and continue working while in negotiation. As a rail worker, to go on strike is to quit your job.

Edit: After rereading, the RLA 1926 will allow for "self-help" remedies after a minimum of 60 days have elapsed from the time the National Mediation Board begins it's process. This allows 30 days of NMB mediation, followed by 30 days for a Presidential Emergency Board investigation, either of which can be extended and with the caveat that

The NMB can keep the parties in mediation indefinitely, so long as it feels there is a reasonable prospect for settlement.

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Private businesses engage in extremely risky enterprises everyday, it's why things like explicit liability exist. The issue with something like this is their cost benefit analysis tells them that succeeding would create diminishing rates of return. Solving fusion reaction for the purposes of generating electricity eliminates a form of scarcity. Scarcity or manufactured scarcity is the only thing that enables corporations to continually increase profits.

To shreds, you say?

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This is just a case of a store showing a potential use for their different size cabinets. "Have a tiny ass basement? Shove these bad boys under the stairs"

Also an outline of a bricked up window on the left

Relatively speaking

TIL. Thank you, Internet stranger

Honestly it's one of my all time favorite scenes from any show

I love this show and this community reminded me how much. It blows my mind when I meet people that haven't seen it

For me, I respect the hell out of the mods that went down swinging, and for the ones that are not willing to burn it all down or just walk away I can definitely empathize with how they might be feeling.

Personally it has been heartbreaking to completely shut out all of the communities I was a small part of, and it must be infinitely worse for the ones that have put in all the effort.

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Leaving the people I love with nothing but burdens. When my dad died it made me realize I wasn't afraid of dying but afraid of dying while realizing I was leaving my family to struggle without me. I will die the same as everyone, and I just hope it's quick enough to leave behind a life insurance policy, or far enough away I have time to make sure they'll be financially secure. How I'm dealing with it is poorly because it just leads me to worry about money and bills every second of the day. I'm American, so I don't see that changing anytime soon.

I lost my job the day I found out about the issues with third party apps for Reddit. I found Lemmy and Mastodon searching for alternatives. So far this community is a lot more wholesome and I'm enjoying being a part of it