
0 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

At least he's honest

It’s no Beef Fizz

I just don’t see it. There are too many vested interests in maintaining an ever-present conflict to justify consolidated power in the hands of those who have it.

I’m going to save this comment and copy and paste it into comments on basically every news story ever.

Yooooouuu shaaalll touch grass!

  • Gandalf

This would be more beautiful if there was a tunnel on the other side of the bridge.

Pretty good job actually. I flashed back to 10th grade when I saw the cake.

FardyCakes wants the Supreme Court to stop hearing Clarence Thomas.

10 months used to be the standard, until some Caesers ended up getting a couple of months named after them.

September (7th month) October (8th month) November (9th month) December (10th month)

Those months would also be named appropriately again if we dropped July and August…. But then I’d lose my birthday.

1 more...

“Walk around like a maniac” is an amusing turn of phrase to me.

Is this like a riddle or something?

"You can't believe things you read on the Internet."

  • The Internet

Big superhero origin story energy.

So strange to hear John and Paul singing together at such different “ages.”

Listening got me emotional. So, I can’t imagine how Paul and Ringo felt during that all these years later.

Home fries outclass french fries all day in my book.

Cheddie Vedder


Well hot damn!

What’s jabling jables?

More like P.U. Tang Clan amirite?

“Walk around like a maniac” is an amusing turn of phrase to me.