
0 Post – 15 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Kick those corrupt fuckers out if the EU, they are a danger

The more I read about America, the more I realise what a fucking stupid country it was, is, and will probably keep on being.

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Fuck you Hungary, you fascist shithole.

Agreed. As a Euro, they need to be taken care of. Permanently. Throw them out, shut off all talks with Turkey, too. We don't want either of them.

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I'll say, people can do whatever makes them happy. I still think drag shit like that looks ridiculous.

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Ah yeah, I'm sure "people like you" would do a much better job. Oh wait, your kind is why things are in the shitter.

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I'll keep using master/slave. Political correctness bullshit be damned.

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Maybe next time they will actually hit him.

Yeah of course, no personal opinion towards something about the LGBTQ that you might not like, right? I fully support their freedom of expression, but I still think I have the right to say dressing that way makes them look like idiots.

I'd like to point out that even if they were taking full-on from the last support, I wouldn't really care. I'm not a religious person, they could be having upside down crosses and it would be the same for me. I just think the way drag queens (is it still OK to call them that way?) are just a dumb form of expression, like many more than don't belong to the LGBTQ world, but apparently nowadays expressing a negative opinion about them is taboo.

I can't wait for the US to crack and face the consequences of their own idiocy.

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The DEI tards at it again. These guys are fucking pathetic.

I mean, they are vegans. Their brains withered long ago.

Y'all don't even know what fascism is, and still keep using that word. Typical 'murica shit. That is not fascism, that is called having an opinion, however shitty it is. This kind of shit borders on censorship, and again, I want to underline that I don't like either of them or their opinion.

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Honestly, the French can go suck a baguette. The fact that something like this can be done for internet speech is just ridiculous, and I don't even like either Rowling nor Musk.

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