
2 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Experiencing a protracted regression of sanity, similar to Brexit.

They just resell Chinese laptops anyway, or used to. I opted for a Framework laptop this time.

8 more...

That last one just sounds like a compliment. An acid trip and I get to hang out with absurdly attractive people? Sounds fun.

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"would give the attorney general of every state, including red states, the right to sue"

What a weird distinction to make. I know they're getting squirrelly, but they still technically count in the "every state" column.

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Pretty much. The Fed is more and more becoming an assisted living center and those being assisted will go out when they're dead. We need term and age limits, but that will be one issue the aisle is crossed many times to put down.

18 more...

You're thinking of Miss Vatican.

They don't have a script for that.

This is why you don't join the popular instance. Eventually the shitbirds ruin it.

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Read the definition and you'll understand what they were implying about you.

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I think Debian is your answer.

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But my Techno Daddy news?... No, yeah. Reddit had the same issue. Enough with musking up tech subs.

The 13th Warrior.

Yes, it doesn't follow the book 100%. Yes, there are some goofy or cheesy moments. For a 90s viking adventure though, I think it's fun.

People might take issue with Banderas playing a Muslim, but Spain was once part of the caliphate that conquered northern Africa. Having a viking who speaks Greek, considering the Kievan Rus had explored the Mediterranean and fought for the Byzantines by now, added to the historical aspects of the story.

Even the original manuscripts get a bit fantasy, so I like to think of it as the movie reeled it back to a more historically accurate story over the greater fantasy on the book.

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That worries me about predatory MTX then. F2P MMOs tend to go hard in that stuff.

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Agreed, but the plebs don't know or care.

That falls in line with corporate though since it is maintained by System76, as much as I enjoy the irony of PopOS on Framework.

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There's the Multi-Container mention. Best native extension you could ever use. Can't recommend it enough, alongside many other mentions.

Hahahaha, that sums up this new conservative wave perfectly.

I will never understand the drones of humanity buying the same CoD game over and over. They literally remade older ones because they have no other ideas to milk their fan base. It's horrible.

BattleBit scratched my Battlefield itch after all these years of shitty games from DICE.

I don't think I've seen this mentioned, likely because it's a simple, non-privacy extension.

Reading List. It works like bookmarks, but it is targeted at news articles and other things you want to read but don't necessarily want to "forever save".

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Hell, some claim they don't exist.

Take that up with Games Workshop I guess. The average Space Marine does wear one. Rule of cool I guess. That nonsense has been seeping into other races figurines now, and it is stupid imo.

Worked in a PC repair shop. Got an all in one Mac in. Fixed it. Cleaned it up. It's a good show piece for customers to see. Guy comes in with his kid. 5 minutes into transaction I suddenly notice, over his shoulder, the Mac owner's porn collection playing on the screen. Ask customer to read fine print and do a quick move to wake up the Mac.

Those were the days...

It is very similar, but you don't need to know anything to start playing. Just a basic understanding of turn based RPGs. The rest will come with playing the intro tutorials.

I mean, they learned one thing that was beneficial to them. "I need to get the fuck outta here..." and thankfully many did.

I literally bought OS 1 & 2 because of how much I enjoyed the EA of BG3 and how much I like the studio's style. They deserve every penny.

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Many young Americans lack experience outside the country, meaning they have a warped, likely from the internet, sense of what's right and wrong when compared to other parts of the world.

I'm proud to be an American, in the sense that I'd rather be here than many other parts of the world, even though I recognize there are issues requiring more attention and/or progress. Perhaps it helps that I view things under my own objective lens, gaining first hand experience in many cases, rather than sitting behind a screen and amping up my ignorance.

It's OK to disagree with me of course. Everyone has their reasons, whether pro or anti, but I'd personally question how much experience people younger than myself have in other parts of the world. Many Americans take things for granted with little understanding of how good they have it. Obviously not always the case, but traveling the world is eye opening and no amount of internet research can substitute those experiences.

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You have to appreciate their stupid confidence though. It's entertaining.

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Definitely the best way to handle all this.

Absolutely gorgeous looking game.

Here here. No sympathy for those who'd rather endure abuse for the sake of retaining their false sense of power. I am still technically a mod in a few subs, for now, and I just laughed to myself reading that post. I couldn't believe the audacity of that exec, acting as if the relationship was just a tad rocky. I likewise couldn't believe the audacity of the mods thinking their comments weren't landing on deaf ears.

The only recourse at this point, in my opinion, is to abandon their posts, let the chaos and anarchy be sowed, so that there is no easy resolution by the time admins step in to fight the fires. Let the subs implode.

It can be both. You cannot argue that Lemmy is devoid of echo chambers.

Everything should have a term and age limit when it comes to running this country. No one over 70 has a real stake in the future until medicine has the average life expectancy up to 110. Most plans take years to negotiate and get moving on, with the results coming even later.

Downloads Uber hax. Run script. Computer dies. "Heh, I am a god."

No, I will not buy your ink carts! Lol

We shall call in Huckleberryism. Subscribed!

I'm not insinuating it wouldn't be bad press for them. It's simply the reality of being on someone else's platform. You exist on their service at their pleasure. They can shut everything down tomorrow and you are owed nothing, but that does not free them of criticism.

The Bahrain motorsport circuit has towers similar to this. I forget what they are keeping cool though. Might be team offices or garages.

Yeah, privacy wise much of the West sucks. It's not just the US. Germany spies on it's people just like the 5 Eyes (English countries). France literally just passed a law allowing cops to activate phone cameras and mics. The war against terror really took a bite out of everyones privacy.

At least we live in countries that, theoretically, we should be able to vote in reps to undo these things. Sadly we haven't seen that yet.

I have to check that out sometime. I'm unfamiliar but I've heard it mentioned plenty.

I've blocked a few as well. No sense wasting your time with fantasy posters who conveniently ignore the issues of their own country. As if we don't get videos of people being sealed inside apartment buildings, live meat markets, and other insanities. I'm American and, while some states want to erode history because they're just as thin skinned as these Chinese propagandists, at least we can talk about slavery, trail of tears, Tulsa riot, and other negatives without threat of prison and hopes of social progress. Tiananmen Square though? Ha.