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Alex Jones was ordered to pay Erica Lafferty $76 million, but she needs a GoFundMe to pay her bills for cancer treatment.

I think the article is fine. It's just the reality that makes no sense. A bunch of social media celebrities agreed to join an esports league where the celebrities would manage the teams. People could buy a pass for each celebrity that would let them vote on team decisions and give them other benefits. The company selling the passes used blockchain authentication for them. They were also, separately, involved in NFTs. People saw blockchain and NFT and thought "wait a minute, the passes are NFTs? Aren't NFTs a big scam? These passes are a scam!" Then the celebrities saw the outrage and said "What?! No one told me there would be crypto-blockchain-NFTs!" They then dropped out of the league and it was indefinitely postponed. Unless by "actual problem" you meant something that was meaningful in anyway to anyone not directly involved in this nonsense. In that case, no, there was none of that.

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S - KEY - U - M - BAG

“Once the [tactical units] get the clearance to go into that residence, we might have an update on him,” Hernandez said.

Sounds like they don't think he left the burning house with the collapsed roof. If that's the case, there's a good chance that he's dead.

Don't be silly. They believe that the president would only have total immunity until they were impeached by Congress. So Biden would also have to execute anyone in Congress that would vote for impeachment. After that, he should be fine. Totally normal democracy in action.

car, i'm gay

we call those crinkle-cut fries

Not anymore. How can we go back after realizing Ziggy Fries is an option?

It's also possible that the vessel is at or near the surface

NPR has someone on that had done the trip and said there are multiple systems in place to surface the sub in an emergency, including some that happen automatically. So there's a very good chance that they're at the surface, but still very hard to find because it's a 20-ft sub in a huge search area. And they're still running out of air because the hatch must be opened from the outside.

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...and the government could be hiding the existence of alien life because it would change the way people view religion and threaten this control.

I feel like the headline was leaving out the main idea he was getting at.

this is all pretty standard shit

But the ICWA requires a higher standard of evidence. So what might be considered typical is not enough. And those were the circumstances when the children were taken away. Her parental rights were terminated 9 months later with no consideration of any changes that had occurred.

crying racism since the state took her kids.

The state also returned her kids. Two courts ruled that they shouldn't have been taken away. And she never cried racism. ProPublica is the one pointing out that this is an example of a systemic issue in South Dakota that is disproportionately hurting Native Americans.

I think all the 24-hour news outlets are garbage, but this doesn't seem like their regular nonsense. Even the article states that this was "unusually strong" for Fox News. So, either they are turning up the volume of their rhetoric, or someone behind the scenes let slip the kind of thoughts that are behind their presentation of events but they usually try to keep hidden in public. Both of those possibilities seem worth noting as long as these types of news sources are so prominent.

Archive link without paywall.