
0 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Isn't this literally the Handmaid's Tale?

The number of apps I just stopped using because of this shit is ridiculous. I feel most bad for older customers who probably don't realize they're losing features and paying more for their subscriptions. They probably don't know how to properly sail the high seas either so they don't have a choice when wanting to watch their favorite shows. Oh well fuck it, Max can keep this up until they want to join Netflix up on the dusty shelf of bullshit streaming services that can suck my dick.

I remember people on the Internet talking about the Microsoft Bethesda deal. I saw people saying that it's "actually a good thing" and how Microsoft can contribute more to Bethesda and they'll churn out better games for Xbox. Then I see shit like this and games like Starfield and understand why 99% of the people on the Internet have no fucking clue what they're talking about.

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PA over here still having to eat human feces for lunch since minimum wage is still $7.50

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When you nut but the milking machine keeps milking

So does all of the nut in my bedside trashcan gonna be waiting for me in heaven with half chromosome bodies or some shit?

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Hehe...yeah....finger.... definitely my finger....

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There's a small chance something devastating won't happen before big changes happen to try and reverse climate change but odds are a lot of shit is gonna happen that's gonna lead to a lot of people dying. Not end of the world shit, but a lot of people are gonna suffer because of greed and lack of improving the world

It's too late dude I opened this at work and now I have cum all over my pants way to go!

Makes me appreciate The Road more cause everyone's body in that movie SUUUUUCKED

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"yeah baby you like my baby smooth dick?"

Prime's entire UI already sucks dick. I can't even tell which shows/movies I can watch without having to pay, rent, or subscribe. Like mfer I'm paying to watch whatever Amazon has to offer. I only use it for The Boys, Reacher, and Invincible. Even with how much I would love to support these shows, fuck Amazon.

  • 🏴‍☠️

I love you weather channel, never change weather channel

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Someone feed that boi

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Time to dust off the guillotines

It is failing, but one 50% quiz is better than a 0% quiz when added into your overall grade. Plus OP showing up to class at least shows to the professor that they're trying and might bump their grade up a bit at the end of the term.

And you can get it next year on sale for $70 because fuck you you stupid consumer bitch that's how it works here in Bethesda! Now go praise Starfield you fucking idiot!

Now we're talking 🤤

Can confirm, I am booster

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Do you even understand the point of microtransactions in these situations? When used for items in the game that you can just get by playing the game, did you even consider what involves getting these items? Like does it become tedious? Takes too long to find? Takes up I ventory space? You can only sometimes find them at a vendor?I mean CAPCOM could've made them easily accessible for you. Fast travel kits have no weight, buy them at any store. Customize your character? Sure just setup camp or go to a mirror to do it for free. But no, they created a system that is so subtle that it completely goes over your sheep brain and you either choose to ignore it or cope with the tediousness of getting these items and even if you don't buy the MTX the fact that there are some poor schmucks our there who will probably buy them because of the shitty system setup in DD2 is fucked up enough to be pissed about it, especially for a $70 game. CAPCOM didn't just do this to do this, actually think for a second. They obviously chose these items strategically to get those few people who say "eh I'll just buy this item real quick since it's only 0.50 and convenient". It should be convenient in the fucking $70 single player game itself!!

Dang, I wonder if that money will ever come back into circulation with former taxation on their wealth. No? Okay just increase that money copier and keep inflation going BABAY!

God damn, just rekt a whole ass state 😭

I'm waiting for people to just mod a fucking .45 Caliber into Baldurs Gate 3 so I can blast Gortash in his fucking head the first time I see him

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"too many damn land animals in our waters these days. Back in my day you wouldn't see a land animal down here unless them Krakens started kraken their ship down here, damn Landers"


Reese's for days motherfucker

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How is this a good deal at all? All these games have been going downhill for years now. I mean I guess they can still be cash cows but they're not gonna be praised or loved anymore just for being part of Xbox

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"Why are there red lights on this one?"

Only the stupid rich people who are complete fucking idiots are gonna spend money on this. That and people irresponsible with money who are also complete morons. Anyone with a sense of financial responsibility will absolutely not buy these shitty anti consumer cars

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"Let them fight"

Nah Baldurs Gate 3 set a new standard for an RPG. I'm sure the new Zelda was a fantastic game but I doubt a sequel for a Zelda game is gonna be as influential

This is how you keep a man on the toilet shitting blood after he gets Salmonella

Crowbcat FTW


They can't keep getting away with this shit! 😭

My friend once told me he got so bored while on a road trip by himself he put on porn and jacked off while stuck in traffic.

Sure he wasn't speeding down a highway, but come on man what the fuck

I'm going through residency right now and every day I experience a different episode from Scrubs. It's scary how accurate it can be, even for how long it's been since it came out

In 2021, Texas was the number one state contributing to CO2 emissions, and by a lot...like 2 times as much compared to the second state (California)


no, probably not

Ayo wtf?