Feliskatos 🐱

@Feliskatos 🐱@lemmy.world
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Joined 3 weeks ago


There are more people in the world than ever before and we have folks writing news stories telling us there's a crisis building and that we need to have more kids?

They're farming us like ranch animals.

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It looks like a mafia. Thumb your nose at a subpoena? Legislators will come to your aid.

China seems to be succeeding in EV vehicles, not just cars, airplanes too. I'm sorta pining for the days when we were talking about a North America Union. These days its all about protectionism and wars. :(

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Not quite the same topic, but certainly related, Hidden history of corporations in the U.S.

Remember "Build that wall" and "make Mexico pay for it"?

Good news that he was recalled, but kinda sad the vote was so close.

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Corporations are psychopaths.

The world will continue to get hotter year by year until climate change is solved. I'd fully expect to see more AC use, not less. This won't be limited just to athletes, but it will be limited by affordability.

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Abrahamism sure has a stranglehold on the U.S.

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I've never understood the need for a downpayment to purchase. If you can make the monthly payments that's all that should matter.

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Irony: Most expensive healthcare in the world and an anti-abortion healthcare crisis.

β€œThere’s a built-in assumption that there’s nothing at all weird about viewing the US as sort of an open field for Israel to operate in, that there are no limitations,” said Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.

Does the U.S. citizen get "No taxation without representation", or does Israel get "representation without taxation"?

When it first began, Trump underestimated COVID and spun it as under control.

I note the article doesn't name the school. My thought process that led to this was on the first reading I noted it said it was a charter school. Charter schools were sold by our legislatures as being hybrid public-private schools that lacked religion.

I think this charter school is crossing some lines that were promised wouldn't be crossed when charter schools were approved by legislatures. Those kids need to find a more accepting environment, they're currently being harmed.

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Haywood Stokes Jr., his father, had previously been mayor of the rural Black Belt town.

Gotta watch out for all those Martial Arts experts! 🀣

Yours is an interesting viewpoint. Should athletic competitions also include heat tolerance?

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Regardless of how you may feel about LGBT folks, I find the idea of witholding medical care to transgender people curious in light of the fact the U.S. still does not have single-payer healthcare or Medicare for All. There does appear an element of scapegoatism in these candidates within a larger pattern of rationing of healthcare to everyone who is not wealthy.

If we have a world war, would they tell us?

By Dawn's Early Light

In this decision, which is linked in the first paragraph of the article, it says a public school must be nonsectarian.

...β€œIt’s very difficult to get evidence to show abuse of children."

Ain't that the truth.

I'm vaguely recalling a Jim Carry line from Bruce Almighty, "Smite them oh mighty smiter!"

Here's another similar image

I'm guessing it's image manipulation, but he might actually have a eye pointing disorder. hehe

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I was all ready for outrage, but I think maybe they got this one right. Equality under the law should mean that the top of a pyramid is treated the same as the bottom.

Another pastoral pedophile. The church has controlled people through demonizing human sexuality, and kids are at the bottom of the pecking order.

Christian Abuse of Children - Bad News About Christianity

I wish the cost of internet access decreased to match decreased available content. Internet shrinkinflation?

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Last fall, amid public outcry about ethics controversies, the Supreme Court adopted a code of conduct for the first time in its history. The code, however, has no enforcement mechanism.

We mere citizens are over-regulated and over-punished! George Orwell wrote, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

Lousiana sure has religious & genital fixations.

Filipino sailor lost his thumb. How much longer until a life is lost?

Good. LGBT people are not trying to destroy you, they just want to live their lives and love their loves.

It's been found that wealth reduces compassion.

The value of knowing your neighbors is essentially priceless. Moving from a childhood home into a new neighborhood puts one in a new community of complete strangers, from which it can take decades to develop new neighborly relationships.

It must be hell to live in a police state, having to intermittently interact with police, and to have daily or hourly flashbacks to past trauma caused by their fraternal brothers. Kinda seems like the opposite of pursuit of happiness.

The U.S. military has been yet another way religion and in particular Christianity has been forced upon folks.

Search says Massachusetts law allows homegrowing up to 6 plants indoors. People who like to smoke pot should just grow their own. Unfortunately, growing indoors is more demanding of knowledge and expenses than outdoor growing. 😱

Law and order is only for little people!

Reminds me of, "Accuse the opposition of that of which you are guilty."

How does Louisiana feel about beating the hell out of kids? I wondered so searched and results were primarily about kids being killed by beating. Not quite what I wanted, another search said Lousisana was rankied 49 in child well being. Yeah, that's a little closer, but still not what I wanted. Per the Bible, you're supposed to strike a kid with a rod to save their souls from sheol (which is another word for hell). Search says it's Proverbs 23:14, though I'm not gonna look, there are several different variants. My question is, since the bible actually says to beat the hell out of kids, has Lousiana immunized parents who do so? Or is this just more religious BS? Shove the 10 commandments down kids throats but still jail parents who beat the sheol out of kids? Legal contradictions.

Edit: Found it: Louisiana Child Abuse Laws - FindLaw

It seems it's illegal to beat the hell out of kids, but that's pretty much what the bible tells parents to do. Posting the 10 commandments is some kind of police state entrapment.

If I could afford to, I'd buy an electric car. Tester shouldn't have to justify this to anyone one, particularly other members of the legislature, who are bullying him. Electric cars are a big part of stopping climate change. If climate change isn't stopped, we're all gonna go extinct in a few more generations. Animals can only survive in a narrow temperature band that doesn't evaporate all the water from the land surfaces. The fossil fuel lobbyists are literally advocating slow genocide, and are undoubtedly behind the bullying. And they'd just call it bread and circuses.

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It should be noted that the term I have been using – contagious sociopathy – is not mutually exclusive from what we have been observing with the perversion of Christian thought to suit sociopathic behaviors and the rise of fascism in the U.S. (Ruth Ben-Ghiat has written extensively on the latter). ...

The bolded link goes to a Pew Research page and looks like it will take me more time than I'm willing to spend digesting it. It occurred to me that sociopath or perhaps psychopath is an accurate psychological description of the god described in the old testament but not necessarily the new. Can anyone explain in a few words what is meant by "perversion of Christian thought"?

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Love your neighbor as yourself?

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