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Joined 1 years ago

Funny, but feels unfair to mastodon (as someone who doesn’t use mastodon), they are definitely not trying to destroy the world and could use donations too!

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This is a pretty big surprise for a lot of people, immigration is not the thorniest issue this cabinet have dealt with… most likely a political move from at least one of the parties to break the coalition over this and try to snag more seats and a more favourable coalition next go around as opposed to a true vehement disagreement

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What’s the most impactful 418-related incident you’ve witnessed? I remember a few years ago npm went down and was returning 418 which spawned jokes and chaos across the web

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In the Netherlands there’s “Jan Modaal”, modaal (modal) referring the most commonly occurring value in or peak of a distribution. This name is used often when representing the experience of the most average Dutchman.

It’s especially often used in financial discussions and journalism, like “owning a house is getting further out of reach for Jan Modaal.”

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I had a browse through the issues but I couldn’t find a good example - would love a link if someone finds one!

it can be useful for tracking bad actors and blocking them from access.

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Use gluetun, look up how to configure for your provider. Run a 2nd container for your torrent client, using network_mode: “service:gluetun” to run all your traffic though the vpn. Note that if you’re forwarding ports from your client to e.g. access the web UI, you’ll need to forward them from the gluetun container instead.

What exactly is Hyprland? I looked at the site quick but I couldn’t quite figure it out from the description.

Disclaimer: I’ve only ever used Linux servers, not really as a desktop beyond vanilla Ubuntu

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I also wanted too know so I looked it up:

Usenet “Block Accounts” are accounts where Usenet access is purchased by the gigabyte (GB). For example, a 100 GB block account will allow you to download up to 100 GB of data from a Usenet feed. Most block accounts have no expiration date so you can use them for years. Many people use block accounts as backup accounts to fill in files missing from their main Usenet feed.

Huh I wonder what would discourage them from working together with Israel. Must just be one of those things I guess.

Now you can make use of the If-Modified-Since header. Return 304-not-modified if the data hasn’t changed. Now you can intelligently utilise the the client’s caching capability without sacrificing visibility and control. Using this header will let you serve new content instantly and also cache indefinitely. The best of both worlds.

This would’ve been a great spot for an example

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How does this differ from Obsidian?

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This was a lovely exchange comrades

Wage Labor and Capital - Karl Marx. It’s very small but I’m taking my time with it

I’m in kind of a rotation of Sci-Fi (last: Children of Dune), classic novels (Dune kinda counts but my last from this category was Lord of the Flies), and nonfiction/leftism

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You uh… you might have chosen the wrong field if you hate displacing labour

some esoteric devices and plugins don't support them. In fact, some don't even support HTTP POST properly and will only be able to put form parameters in the URL query string (though you still need to insist on requiring a proper POST method, don't be an animal).

This gave me a chuckle. Good, practical advice for smaller APIs. Bigger orgs are likely to have distributed tracing etc but for a one man show it’s good to have input on what’s proved actually useful and necessary.

Lord take me now

it’s important to keep in mind

ChatGPT detected

Implied where? All the coffee snobs ik ow drink lighter roasts and derogatorily call dark roasts “supermarket coffee”

What do you mean “when”? You can create a community on an existing instance right now, or you can run your own instance if you want! Just check out the docs.

A tale as old as tech

That’s actually a big negative compared to Obsidian. It’s just a bunch of markdown files in a folder, so you can sync them using e.g. git and manage conflicts that way

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I guess maybe VVD want to try with BBB and do something “business friendly” (gag) while fully ignoring the environment

Shouldn’t the replies from mastodon also show up here then? That would make some kind of sense to me.

Feels like you could maybe (ab)use an ML experiment tracking tool for this, something like MLFlow. Except instead of training an ML model you just trigger your tests and report the statistics from those back to the tracking tool.

There is 0 scientific evidence that consciousness has anything to do with our brains. Much to the contrary actually.

Source? Everything I’ve read on the topic suggests that it’s to do with the brain - damaged brain = no consciousness, even if the rest of the body fine.

Its the only indivisible and irreducible thing in the universe that we ever found. Consciousness just is.

Elementary particles would like a word.

Just today we had a severe storm alert pushed to phones through the emergency system here in the Netherlands and the alert contained the fire department’s twitter handle. I was like “welp, I guess I’ll hear the updates later”

sir this is a capitalism

“Gong show”

Chaotic or poorly organized

The graduation ceremony was a total gong show, even the principal was drunk

Trash guides say you shouldn’t run the *arr’s through a VPN because you’re likely to get blocked by metadata servers. I only run my download client through the VPN + also use gluetun’s HTTP proxy for Prowlarr’s indexers

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You still have to have indexers, so you need to deal with them indirectly, but the UI is sooo much nicer. Sonarr/Radarr are pretty easy too. If you know your way around docker you can get it up and running pretty quick.


Wow really nice project! Do you work on this full time?

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Actually I’ve just taken a look and found the feature that you are talking about! I totally misunderstood, I thought you meant the comments under a post which is why I was confused. There already is a view of all comments on one pile, and those don’t seem to be threaded… which to me is madness. I don’t really see the added value of that view but I totally agree that, given that is exists, it should be threaded.

That’s only with Sync. But the notes are just markdown, so you can also just use GitHub or whatever to sync them. They never need to hit Obsidian’s servers, and that’s actually the default because you have to pay for Sync.

The practice of giving priority to the children of alumni

Wtf, that’s real?? I always thought it was just in frat bro movies.

But if they don’t have anything to do with who you are as a person (aka personality), and they aren’t your body (aka “just atoms”), then what do they have any impact on?

But comments are already threaded… the only change here that I can see would be to throw all the comments onto one pile instead of splitting them out by post.

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God it’s so shit, why does every manager want this

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Fair enough! Do you cover your costs for it? I see you’ve got live stats - what’s your monitoring stack?

This is just really cool, I’d love to build an actually useful service like this and have it at least pay for itself but so many things are so daunting! (Payments, SRE, having a nice front end, …)