
1 Post – 110 Comments
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The nice thing about Nix/Guix is that each version of a library only needs to be installed once and it wont really be "bundled" with the app itself. So it would be a lot easier to hunt down the packages that are depending on a bad library.

+1 on this. Kobos actually use Linux under the hood. And although the default UI is proprietary, it's super easy to install KOReader.
You don't even need to hack into it some custom firmware, just a sideloader, which normally doesn't break even if you actually updated the base firmware.
Here the official tutorial on how to do it: https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki/Installation-on-Kobo-devices

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coders revealed to 404 Media that "some of Kirsina’s Instagram posts are word-for-word copies of Sizovs’ LinkedIn posts, sometimes published more than a year later." In addition, "some of the images [Kirsina] posted on Instagram show computer monitors with code that show her logged in under Sizovs’ name." But perhaps most striking is the fact that an administrator told 404 Media that both Sizovs’ and Kirsina’s accounts were banned "multiple times" by the Lobste.rs coding forum for "sockpuppeting"—using a false identity to deceive others—in 2019 and 2020.

Lol..... for reference, this is the twitter account: https://nitter.net/UnicornCoding

It's full of advertisements about the DevTernity conference... as does the instagram, which has so many professional-looking photos that feel like she was an actual model, always with different backgrounds. Is the laptop wirelessly streaming to the ultrawide screen in her Twitter profile picture? because I see no cables, she's not even connected to a charger, how long of a coding session can you have like that?

be nice

What niceness level exactly?
The most nice I can be in my system is -20.. but being too nice to one process leaves others with less time and resources in their life.

Yes... how is "reducing exclamation marks" a good thing when you do it by adding a ' (not to be confused with , ´,or’` ..which are all different characters).

Does this rely on the assumption that everyone uses a US QWERTY keyboard where ! happens to be slightly more inconvenient than typing '?

only now? to me most social media platforms were shitty to begin with, or had become shitty long before.

I feel this is a matter of perspective. The average Joe whose concept of "social media" is Facebook probably has never noticed anything getting any worse. The mainstream users who just want to see funny pics and couldn't care less about 3rd party clients might actually be quicker to side with Reddit than with the protesters.

Twitter has never been attractive to me. Even back when its API was public (ancient history). Not only is their feed noisy and of poor quality, constantly swayed by "trending" stuff I don't care about, it also has always had you depend on a privative and closed source walled guarden. Things were much more open before twitter, when people used blogs to post their stuff instead.

Reddit might have been a bit more open once.. but it stopped being so long ago, this is not a change in behavior. Maybe this is an unpopular thing to say, but I'm actually glad this is happening. I think the API fiasco might be an overall good thing if it helps people get away from Reddit, and if so I hope Reddit does not backtrack.

Yes, the way his hand is positioned, it would not have worked if they had wanted to make it hold the wooden stick. They'd have needed to edit the hand too much and it would have likely been noticeable / even weirder.

Probably they decided: f*ck it, let them grab it however they want. Maybe it'll even become a thing.

And it looks like it worked, since we are talking about it and spreading the ad. Smart advertising, imho.

And please, get all countries to actually start properly accepting ISO 8601 format for dates as a mandatory universal standard...

Obligatory reference: https://xkcd.com/1179/

But C syntax clearly hints to int *p being the expected format.

Otherwise you would only need to do int* p, q to declare two pointers... however doing that only declares p as pointer. You are actually required to type * in front of each variable name intended to hold a pointer in the declaration: int *p, *q;

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A test that didn't require a human could theoretically be tested automatically by the machine preemptively and solved easily.

I can't imagine how would you test this in a way that wouldn't require a human.

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It's also kinda annoying to have a history full of "merge" commits polluting the commit messages and an entwined mix of parallel branches crossing each other at every merge all over the timeline. Rebasing makes things so much cleaner, keeping the branches separate until a proper merge is needed once the branch is ready.

I use EURkey, which is basically a superset of the US layout extended to support symbols from several European languages.

Yes... the chinese experiment misses the point, because the Turing test was never really about figuring out whether or not an algorithm has "conscience" (what is that even?)... but about determining if an algorithm can exhibit inteligent behavior that's equivalent/indistinguishable from a human.

The chinese room is useless because the only thing it proves is that people don't know what conscience is, or what are they even are trying to test.

Flatpak still depends on runtimes though, I have a few different runtimes I had to install just because of one or two flatpaks that required them (like for example I have both the gnome and kde flatpak runtimes, despite not running either of those desktop environments)... and they can depend on specific versions of runtimes too! I remember one time flatpak recommended me to uninstall one flatpak program I had because it depended on a deprecated runtime that was no longer supported.

Also, some flatpaks can depend on another flatpak, like how for Godot they are preparing a "parent" flatpak (I don't remember the terminology) that godot games can depend on in order to reduce redundancies when having multiple godot games installed.

Because of those things, you are still likely to require a flatpak remote configured and an internet connection when you install a flatpak. It's not really a fully self contained thing.

Appimages are more self contained.. but even those might make assumptions on what libraries the system might have, which makes them not as universal as they might seem. That or the file needs to be really big, unnecessarily so. Usually, a combination or compromise between both problems, at the discretion of the dev doing the packaging.

The advantage with Nix is that it's more efficient with the users space (because it makes sure you don't get the exact same version of a library installed twice), while making it impossible to have a dependency conflict regardless of how old or new is what you wanna install (which is something the package manager from your typical distro can't do).

Free version is excluded. No charging tiny side projects, or students or something, it only affects already paying customers.

Wasn't the free version already excluded from the changes before?

What they have done for the Free version is set the limit to 200k (it was 100k before) and they'll no longer be requiring the Unity logo to be shown, even on the free version.

Bioreactors are much less efficient at producing meat than their biological equivalents. They are essentially huge buckets of liquid with nutrients without proper heart/lungs, circulatory/respiratory system that can evenly distribute oxygen and remove CO2, so you need to be constantly shaking and mixing.. which doesn't help with the heat that the reactions produce. You need to keep a constant temperature... and you also don't have an immune system to protect from bacterial growth that could contaminate the whole batch.

This is much more expensive, more risky for health and less environmentally friendly than naturally grown meat. Natural biological organisms have evolved across millenia to be extremelly efficient at what they do. You just can't compete using current tech.

I don't think we would be able to get a cheap sustainable alternative to traditional meat without essentially replicating the way animals grow. And at that point, I wonder if killing an artificially designed animal is any better.

Personally, i think protein from breeding maggots is the more realistic and sustainable source of meat at the moment... starting from a simple lifeform and adapting it is likely more viable.

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Things straying from his vision could also be a good sign. Change doesn't necessarily equates to bad.

It's not like his vision was without flaws. He's had disagreements with the people from Matrix, for example.

it’s even ISO standardized

Not only are there other ones that are also ISO standards when it comes to software layouts, but funny enough, when it comes to physical layouts, US keyboards normally follow an ANSI standard (not an ISO one), whereas many non-US keyboards typically follow a physical key layout known as "ISO Keyboard", so one could argue those are more of an "ISO" standard.


right ctrl + left shift + 9 will do?

No keyboard layout uses ctrl like that..... in fact, I don't think you ever really need to press more than one modifier in any standard non-US keyboard. Unless you have a very advanced custom layout with fancy extra glyphs... but definitelly not for the typical programming symbols.

ISO keyboards actually have one more key and one more modifier ("AltGr", which is different from "Alt") than the ANSI keyboards.

In fact, depending on the symbol it might be easier in some cases. No need to press "shift" or anything for a # or a + in a German QWERTZ keyboard, unlike in the US one. Though of course for some other ones (like = or \) you might need to press 1 modifier.. but never more than 1, so it isn't any harder than doing a ) or a _ in the US layout.

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git switch

Oh wow, I didn't know about this one. I guess it's relatively new?

Is it just a convenience command to try and be more specific (less multi purpose) than git checkout for switching branches or does it bring any extra benefit? ...I'm already quite used to my git co alias, to the point that it's almost hardwired to my fingers by now :P

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This is his fediverse profile as seen from kbin: https://kbin.social/u/@dansup@mastodon.social
In case other people want to also follow him from here (I just did!).

Also, I'd argue the wikilinks (internal links) using [[any term here]] from Wikipedia, that optionally allow automatically inferring the link, is much more comfortable (and less error-prone) for the usecase of a wiki system, than the [text required](/link_here_also_required_even_when_redundant) from markdown.

I was hoping they might have added some markdown extension to do something similar, but it seems not.

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Huh? as far as I know it has its own libraries and dependency system. What do you mean?

It's a pitty there aren't many (any?) subreddits that are "officially" endorsing a specific community in lemmy (or magazine in kbin) for migration.

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The problem is that people apparently like the abuse.
Why is so many people simping for Adobe products? And even promoting them in the education levels...
Even if the competition were technologically inferior (which I don't know if it's really true) I'd rather the industry sacrificed throwing away 10+ years of adobe-driven improvements if we could get rid of the shackles.

I think it was Mandrake Linux for me.
It no longer exists though. ...I guess I'm old.

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Honestly, the "cosmic horror" or the mere fear of the unknown kind of plays into that as well.

One could argue there's something inherently racist in sci-fi horror that depicts aliens as monsters when in fact they might just simply be different intelligent lifeforms with their own set of needs...

There might be sometimes problems among intelligent lifeforms to properly understand / communicate, or conflicts in our goals. But painting everything alien/unknown as inherently scary is kind of racist, even if in some situations it might be written in our instincts to not trust that which is unfamiliar.

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Even if they did hallucinate answers, it wouldn't be the first game that relies on the "unreliable narrator" trope.

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But that's not what you are doing. You don't need this mod to make the choice that allows you to play the way you want.

I mean, I have no problem with modding anything anyway (in fact I believe it was wrong for Nexus to remove the mod, the only thing it did is making certain kind of obstinate people go into a silly crusade to defend a silly mod). But this mod is objectively removing options, not adding them.

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The packager always should "explicitly require" what are the dependencies in a Nix package... it's not like it's a choice, if there are missing dependencies then that'd be a bug.

If the package is not declaring its dependencies properly then it might not run properly in NixOS, since there are no "system libraries" in that OS other than the ones that were installed from Nix packages.

And one of its advantages over AppImages is that instead of bundling everything together causing redundancies and inefficient use of resources, you actually have shared libraries with Nix (not the system ones, but Nix dependencies). If you have multiple AppImages that bundle the same libraries you can end up having the exact same version of the library installed multiple times (or loaded in memory, when running). Appimages do not scale, you would be wasting a lot of resources if you were to make heavy use of them, whereas with Nix you can run an entire OS built with Nix packages.

Yes, his relationship with the idea of "Others" is strange... like a love/hate relationship. In fact, the cat which you mentioned (named after a racial slur, though it seems it was not him who named it) was deeply loved by him... he using his cat's name in one of his works was more of a way to honor it rather than anything else, there's letters from him claiming he was still mourning even though it was more than 20 years since it vanished.

If making your own instance were something common for normal users, then I expect the federation would have to face thousands of single-user instances made by random people without ever being sure which ones are safe and which ones are just bots/spam/illegal-stuff.

A lot of instances would (understandably) want to disconnect from the fediverse if that were a common thing.... or at the very least they would use allowlists for federation instead of blocklists (in fact, some already do). So it would just result in more fragmentation, not less.

This means the process for your instance to initiate federation with all other ones would likely become more complex/inefficient than directly creating one separate user account in each of the instances you want to visit (if it isn't already).

I feel the issue is in the design of how the fediverse places so much responsibility in each individual instance... instances shouldn't be required to mirror third party content just so people can access it. It should be possible for people to simply connect to third party websites if they want to (with their home instance only acting as a sort of identity provider, like OpenID), without the home instance having to proxy/host that content if they don't approve of it.

"Capitalism" just means that the industry (or specifically, "means of production") can be privately owned.

The whole idea of Lemmy is allowing smaller groups / individuals to own smaller instances, so we don't depend on big corporations.

So the way I understand it, it's more of a big vs small thing, not really a "private" vs "governmental/social" ownership thing.

Sure, Lemmy gives freedom for people so, even governments, can make their own public instances.. but this all still relies on capitalism, since individual instances can still owned by (smaller?) private groups that can compete amongst each other for users, so you basically are competing as if you were just another company in a capitalist system controlled by offer/demand and reliant on what the average consumer goes after.

This would be the equivalent of asking people to purchase ethically sourced goods and drive the market with their purchase decisions (which is actually what a capitalist system expects) as opposed to actually making laws that forbid companies from selling unethical products. That means we are not ignoring capitalism, but rather participating on it, and just asking consumers to choose ethically when they go buy a product. That's just an attempt at ethical/educated capitalism, but still capitalism.

At least it's just a "considering"...

I remember back when they scrapped the multiplayer promises they made for Cyberpunk 2077 there was also word about them preparing some separate standalone multiplayer game for the future instead. To me this "considering" is more of an indication that the new game won't be multiplayer focused (if it has multiplayer at all), rather than a promise of anything.

Same effort as getting &* and () on a US layout (so, modifier key + 7 8 9 0, respectively), the difference is you press AltGr instead of Shift as the modifier. And i'd argue its actually easier to press AltGr with the thumb than shift with the pinky.

I don't think "the development" is what is claimed to be at stake here.

OP is not talking about the software, they're talking about the content. And the content model from Mastodon is not interchangeable with the one from Lemmy, Pixelfed, etc. they serve different purposes and have different models. In fact that's the main interoperatibility barrier between them.

It's like saying that if most people use gmail for email you will switch from email to audio calls to avoid communicating with google's service. As if real time audio were the same thing as sending a message (or as if google was unable to add compatibility with that call service too if they wanted).

One thing you could argue is, instead of switching services, switching to an instance that does defederate if you dont want threads content. But that same argument can be said as well towards those wanting threads federation...

But dont think the point is what does the individual want (if that were the case, just use the option to block threads content for your user, without defederating), the point is what's best for the fediverse. I think people are afraid that something similar to what happened with "google talk" and their embrace of xmpp will repeat.

Personally, I think there's no reason to jump the gun this early... all of this post is based on a lot of weak assumptions. I dont believe that threads content would overwhelm the feeds, and if that were to happen then the software could be tweaked so the contribution of each instance to the feeds can be weighted and made more customizable, for example.

Me neither? That's why I was hoping they might have added some markdown extension.

I have done it in the past with mardown-it-wikilinks npm package, for example.

They will stick to their already existing feedback channels.
And I doubt the subreddit will disappear, it's just it will no longer be "official".

To be honest, I feel this is just very convenient for them. As a company I would do the same, they get to get rid of a third party platform they had to get employees to officially support and at the same time they can promote their own platform, and look like the "good guys". Had they done this at any other time, it would have been seen poorly.

The AI can only judge by having a neural network trained on what's a human and what's an AI (and btw, for that training you need humans)... which means you can break that test by making an AI that also accesses that same neural network and uses it to self-test the responses before outputting them, providing only exactly the kind of output the other AI would give a "human" verdict on.

So I don't think that would work very well, it'll just be a cat & mouse race between the AIs.

The mod doesn't work, though. I can call my male character "Silvia" (a female name). The game gives you the option to choose names that do not match what is culturally traditional.

They should give you less options. Don't allow choosing names either.

In fact, remove character customization entirely, then there won't be any "imperialism", right?

I'd go further: make the game more lineal. Remove meaningful choices for the story. Do not allow the player to play in a way that might end up fitting any particular imperialistic agenda. People shouldn't have freedom to choose to follow any ideal.

This. And also, converselly, there's a use case for instances meant to not allow any users to sign up directly to them, and that could be used just to host a community forum for users coming from other instances.