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Joined 10 months ago

Or a chicken drumstick for somewhat similar bone strength.

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Trump has to be less than 1000 big macs from a massive heart attack. She should stay in the race as the contingency candidate.

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Harambe was going to speak out against putin, so he had an accident.

The Playstation controller has a headphone jack so you can have both.

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My wife got repeated infections and had a lot of pain from the copper iud.

If you go looking for testimonials you'll find numerous people who had bad experiences with it.

Also, they really should offer anesthetic or at least a powerful painkiller for the insertion and removal procedures. Doctors act like it's no big deal, but it's very painful.

I set up multiple profiles on different instances as there were quite a few downtime events when I started. Now things are a little more stable and I only use two. I wonder how much of that decline is from redundant profiles going dark without actually losing the user.

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Look for an expiration date. Radionucleotide style detectors end up failing with false positives when they reach end of life. You might need to have all the old ones replaced.

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There's something else wrong besides just excessive SEO. The other day I was trying to find a battery controller for a diy battery pack. I searched "rechargeable battery controller." Every result on the first page was rechargeable battery packs for Xbox controllers. I understand how there could be a strong correlation, but it was every result being for Xbox controllers. So my conclusion is that Google search is doing more than correlating occurrence of search terms now. I think they're running some sort of ai to guess what you intend to search based on what you typed then showing results based on that. So their system decided I was looking for a battery for an Xbox controller and showed only results for that search rather than a search of what I actually typed.

Tech Jesus is a colloqial name for Steve Burk of Gamers Nexus because of his hairstyle resembling old depictions of Jesus.

Wouldn't you swap the cat and mouse toy positions? You manipulate the mouse toy to in turn manipulate your cat.

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The trouble with that is that sometimes you don't know how much time you're wasting with a poor quality tool even when it's not broken. A couple examples come to mind. I got a cheap detailing sander. The sheets that came with it disintegrate quickly, and the unit overall just doesn't work well. I regret that purchase. At work I had to drill a few dozen holes through 2 in thick aluminum. I spent forever on the first machine and broke multiple bits. When I had to do it again, I ordered new drill bits. The job took me half the time and was way easier on my arms. Using the used and abused worn out bits cost the company more in my labor than purchasing new bits. Some things, like taps, can cause damage that takes more than they cost to fix. A broken off tap can't be just drilled out. They're too hard and will shatter a drill bit. I've also had poor quality screw drivers and sockets round over fasteners that led to horrible times drilling out fasteners on vehicle/machine parts that are expensive to replace.

If you can work on projects with others and occasionally use their tools, you can get a better sense of which tools are worth being more discriminatory on. Unfortunately, that's not always an option.

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I have a family member who studies fish at a post doc level. He had to learn a bunch of calculus and statistical analysis just to be able to actually make use of the data they collect. Anyone who wants to design and publish research has to have a pretty good grasp of a lot of math.

You just assumed the police are chasing the guy. They're actually escorting him to make sure he catches his flight.

No one was seriously injured or died. I don't see how it could be too soon.

It was a serious incident, but not a catastrophe. Joking about it seems fine.

They could just change the rule back. The procedural rules change all the time.

We should stop putting anything about MTG in the limelight.

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When considering shorting stocks it's important to remember one of Keynes' better quotes, "the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent."

If an upvote is an "I like this" button, then it's bad UX design to expect people to not use the downvote as an "I don't like this button." If there needs to be an "off topic" button then it shouldn't be styled and placed to look like the exact opposite of the "I like this" button.

They're priced like police drug busts.

Hold an in class quiz with essentially the same problem but with different values. The students that actually worked through the problem should be able to do it again with the changes. Those who didn't understand and just put down what their peers got will struggle with a quiz. Bonus points if you can restructure the problem in a way to elucidate which specific aspects you think the students were skipping over with help from their peers. Feel free to have specific requirements assigned point values in the problem statement.

Don't call them into your office and put them on the spot. That will make this adversarial. Your job is to teach them how to solve problems and communicate their methods in a clear fashion. You should reevaluate your problem writing and grading policies if just looking up answers can earn a passing grade. If you give a quiz, be up front with them that you have concerns about some students skipping the work and copying answers. Reiterate that the point of the exam was to make sure they can solve problems, the correct answer is merely a byproduct.

I will add speculation that there is a difference between what your students think you expect from an answer and what your expectations actually are. Mismatches in expectations are immensely frustrating for both parties. So don't leave your students guessing. Give them specific examples of work of different quality and what aspects earn full points and what things might lead to point deductions. Some of the best professors I had would publish all the prior year exams with their solutions. That gave everyone the opportunity to mimic the workflow and match the level of detail expected. That also elliminates the concern of students finding the answers online or from prior year students for exams as the teacher will have had to avoid reused questions entirely.

Avoiding gluten, dairy, or sugar really requires getting proficient at preparing all your meals from scratch. It's a good skillset to develop, but there's major hurdles. What are the chances that every single day you're going to have the time and energy to cook 2 meals from raw ingredients instead of grabbing a box/freezer meal or takeout? It's not a pure question of whether someone has the willpower to say no to a craving, they have to have the discipline to plan and prepare meals before they are hungry.

Absolute adherence to dietary restrictions is very difficult even when addiction isn't a major component.

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Let them eat cake.

Pnuenonia followed by mrsa.

This one doesn't seem as suspicious as "suicide" in between depositions.

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Not at all. I've shoveled snow once in the last five years and didn't enjoy it one bit.

I grew up in WI and have had enough of winters for a lifetime.

Ai accelerators and gaming gpu could definitely be split apart. AMD already uses different architectures for those applications and they have notably smaller engineering teams.

Raytracing could also ostensibly be spun into a separate division. That's already split quite a bit in the architecture. Then Intel, AMD and whatever other competitors pop up could license the raytracing tech stack or even buy raytracing chiplets.

Some of the software solutions like DLSS could be spun off and allowed to license to competitors.

That's a little hyperbolic. There's a lot of mechanics at play in generating microplastics. Fabrics have microscopically thin strands of plastics. It should be no surprise that rubbing up against thousands of tiny strands every time we move and wash synthetic fabric clothes releases many tiny particles. Plus clothes have to deal with UV degradation making the plastic more brittle.

The plastic components in an RO system should be specced to not leach plasticizers. They should have smooth walls and laminar flow. There shouldn't be much to abrade the plastic surfaces and shed particles. They may not be perfect, but water from an RO system will have orders of magnitude fewer microplastics. So an RO system still "does something about it."

We do need to address the problem, but I wouldn't want people to avoid beneficial remediation just because it has some plastic components.

In my experience, social worker programs are only understaffed because they are severely underfunded.

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That's only the case for cargos that are volume limited, not weight limited. That's why Frito-Lay is an early adopter. For most freight, the extra weight of the batteries reduces the legal amount of cargo they can carry. The loss of carrying capacity costs a lot more than the fuel savings for long haul trucking.

Local delivery trucks should be the first ones to electrify. They have a lot more stop and go and have fairly consistent routes.

I recently found the setting to turn the beep volume down or off. I have it set to the lowest volume.

Although, on my system at least, it doesn't switch to the headphones until after you select a user profile. So the initial audio ends up playing through the speakers. I haven't found a way around that beside muting the sound system before booting the ps5.

I rented a Nissan that would scream at you for deviating from a lane. I couldn't turn it off fast enough. Driving on a small winding road was constant false positives. Even on the highways, faded and repainted lines was throwing false positives. It was more of a distraction than a help. When driving in an unfamiliar city I didn't need the car distracting me with its disfunction.

Turning it off was buried deep in a menu that was not convenient to find. There would be no way to quickly or safely toggle it on and off as conditions vary.

It depends on your definition of cheap, but towel warmers. Just pop your towel into a little tub with a heater a few minutes before jumping in the shower. Then it's as warm as if it just came out of the dryer by the time you get out.

Staying at hotels seems so lacking in luxury when you have to dry off with a cold towel.

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This implementation doesn't seem particularly useful. However, I have long wanted maps to generate a weather forecast along route for long winter road trips. It can be pretty tedious to look up weather forecasts along a long drive and try to figure out if you'll encounter snow.

The terrible state of online play ruined everything nintendo for me.

I was thinking of the Honored Matres of the scattering, whom the bene gesserit despise largely because they rely on sexual manipulation rather than other forms of control and influence.

I probably should have specified that much of that is later in the series and not in the first book.

Did anyone else see someone dressed in a witches outfit in the center rather than a camera with a cloth cover?

I do wonder if Biden should be drawing some lines that would trigger embargoes. I agree that there's no winning, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be pushing toward minimizing bloodshed. Right now, we can't trust Israel to have restraint in how they root out hamas.

When I worked on a dairy farm I had to replace my leather boots every 9 months because the moisture and manure broke the leather down.

Leather that is kept dry is very resistant to rot, leather that is allowed to stay wet is not.

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Loss of consciousness is expected to occur within 30-60 minutes and death is expected within 1-3 hours at those water temps. I would assume none of the victims were wearing personal flotation devices, so rescue of anyone else seems highly unlikely.

It's more a problem of the quality of the tortilla in my experience. With a halfway decent tortilla, I have no problems. Some grocery store tortillas are too stiff and don't stick to themselves in the slightest. You can masterfully roll them, but the moment your grip loosens, it all turns to chaos.

Even just getting above the boiling temp of liquid nitrogen is a really big deal. Liquid helium is something we will eventually run out of and is largely dependent on fossil fuel extraction to be collected. Helium can't be recaptured after it escapes an open loop cooling system.

LN2 is so much cheaper to run and it's sustainable. We'll never run out of Nitrogen so long as there's power to cool it. LN2 is cheaper than craft beer.