
1 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

.....who wrote code without stack overflow

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For all Proxmox users it looks like the new ZFS kernel module with the patch is included in the opt-in kernel 6.5.11-6-pve for now.

The kernel 6.5 actually became the default in Proxmox 8.1, so a regular dist-upgrade should bring it in. Run "zpool --version" after rebooting and double check you get this:

zfs-2.2.0-pve4 zfs-kmod-2.2.0-pve4

As this versions are patched for bug.


App on the phone and host on the server.

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Fairphone 5 is still on my list but unfortunate it does not support QI charging.

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Soap, beside giving a good smell, has one job. It breaks up the water surface tension to enable it cleaning of the skin surface. Normally the water would not reach the wrinkels of the skin and would not take the contamination off it.

So any soap is good to go. The other stuff in soap like smell and moisture effects don't matter that much in general and are overrated imoho.

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Calibre Server to host.

KOreader to install on my favorite reader and direct connect to calibre.

Pocketbook as my favorite reader.

This comes with the Hamas having no interest to do any favour in Israel's direction even sacrifice Palestinians if it supports their plan.

This is war don't trust anyone, no news no pictures from both sides.

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Jep, low carb, no added sugars.

Select food that keeps the blood sugar from going nuts.

I use a pocketbook since years now.

  • crisp display
  • eats every format you throw at it
  • also bluetooth on board for listening to audiobooks or music. Means no mobile necesarry when going to the beach
  • water resistant models, read in the bathtube
  • send to pocketbook to receive ebooks via mail
  • KOReader compatible with calibre to connect to your selfhosted server
  • connection to onleihe or libby
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There is a massive amount of operating systems already. List of operating systems.

Why would you like to create a new one? A lot of the existing systems are specialized for use case and or hardware.

If you want something for general PC use then you have the software problem afterwards, an OS is useless without software support. You need a critical mass of supported software before it takes off. Means money and time.

If you want to make it windows compatible you have the copyright problem, if you are flying to close to the sun it will burn you before you get to your destination .

TL:DR to high effort, low outcome.

Edit: spelling

Ignore delete is a folder feature that you can set on the receiving folder.

I know I won`t make friends with this but check out B4A.

Its a "BASIC like" syntax (no its not basic spaghetti code) in a RAD environment that outputs native java code apk.

Its free and a good support forum. You could even put your app on the store

Edit: you could also compile to java for pc and ios software

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This seems to affect ZFS >=2.2.0. Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is on ZFS 2.1.5


OpenZFS through 2.1.13 and 2.2.x through 2.2.1 contain this bug.

This issue occurs less often in version 2.2.1, and in versions before 2.1.4, because of the default configuration in those versions.

From here

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Pocketbook anyone?

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I had/have modded PS1, xbox 360, wii, ps2, 3ds and switch. Modded them all myself

I used/use all of them a lot but not the switch. To much hassle in my opinion. Keep it and play exclusives if you really want them. Safe some money and do the rest on a steamdeck oled. No hassle and play all the backups you want.

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Uhh, this seems like a completely new rabbit hole to dive in.

Just my thought.

A new version or #6 will not change this. Cross-gen for the sake of making money takes away exclusivity.

Nintendo took his chance by betting on mobile.

A lot of remakes and no risk for new ideas. The market is feed up and also mobile smartphone casual gaming takes its toll.

They would better save the money for a new hardware and try to bring some fresh ideas.

Just my 5c

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  • Don't post personal information
  • use throwaways
  • don't take the strangers you communicate with, as trustworthy friends

The sand thats used to make concrete.

Not sure if this is a good thing. My 21+ still going strong and to be honest I have no clue what to pick next if it fails. Long update and security support is a must so it makes decision even harder.

Edit: Fairphone 5 would be an option but I like to have QI charging capabilities.

For lurking without the need for an account I use this https://feddit.de/post/7289677 app on android.

You can still edit the title

I know and wrote for both of them.

Jeez I am old.

After all thats Reddi.... oh wait,. ....... never mind


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I made some apps for my own use.

One is a food score browser. It connects to an offline database supplied with the apk and shows search results in a scrollable list as well as details on select. You can search in english and german the same time.

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Two Worlds 2 HD, grabbed the bundle lately.

For who is courious, disabled the Shattered Embrace DLC and it runs out of the box on the deck. Even when it shows not suppoted.

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VM should work. For B4i (ios) you need also a mac for compile afaik.

The output runs on win, linux, server, mac, ios, android or arduino. Depending on what you used b4a, b4i, b4j or b4r. The syntax is the same eveywhere.

The crossplatform libary b4x pages makes sure that the same program look and feel can be compiled to various platforms without to much hassle.

I went for the ASRock J5040 board, 16gb ram a 500gb m.2 as system using a PCI adapter , 2x4tb ironwolf as ZFS mirror pool, 350 W power supply all in the node 304 fractal case for 550 euro altogether.

Runs proxmox as hypervisor for VM or Container. 6 LXC running motioneye, plex, pyload with openvpn, syncthing, rclone cloud backup and openbookshelf.

Typical power usage is around 20W

That said it could also run on PicoPSU

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Check out FHEM, you connect them via MQTT

I know I modded mine already. But the constant fear of getting a ban because you forgot to block something or boot into the wrong nand. Its a lot more relaxed when you don't have to watch every step.

So since the LXC route is promoted here take a look into these Helper Scripts they make the use of LXC very easy.

That said you could still adjust parameters afterwards and when you feel comfortable with.

Didn't experienced this.

While another just mentioned to run it once in desktop mode and then with all DLC enabled in game mode.

Not yet. All of the LXC containers run on 2 cores of the 4 and 2gb of RAM and 512MB swap where reserved. I can address more power if needed.

As none of my services run constant on full power the low power of the CPU is not a problem. I serve only my home with it.

Ebook reader, containing locally stored ebooks, audiobooks and music. So you have one small device that has three types of entertainment.

I hope the necesarry headphone isn't the second item when wired.

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Works on Boost for Lemmy here

You are correct, there is a lot more to dive in like NAT, IPv6, static or dynamic address, UPnP, MAC address, subnet space etc.

But I wanted to keep it simple.

It started with typing in BASIC code out of magazines. Used an Apple II those days. I missed the step going into pascal, C etc and stuck with basic syntax more or less my whole life. Not spagetti code anymore but still some BASIC derivates. B4X is what I use on Android now to create native APK.

Also I love IDEs with an integrated graphical interface designer. VB6 was my thing.

Over the years I used assembler, sql, bash also but always as tools to get my hardware to do what I need. The software I wrote was/is for my own convenience at work and in private. Written for PC and Android.

I tried to go commercial one time but the lawyer I talked to shattered my dreams because of insurance requirements when you write software used in peoples air transport business. If something goes wrong you really have a problem.

My Android software uses databases filled with scraped data so can't make them official as well. The royalty fees to pay if I try the official route kills every attempt before starting.

So it's still a hobby, very satisfying but not more.

Edit: scraped not scrapped , LoL

PEP8 is looking at you

Have fb, didn;t use it for years, wanted to delete account but 'due to EU law change you must choose between targeted ads or subscription of €12.99 a month before you have acces tto your account'. There is no option to delete without either coonsent or paying. (So it'll either linger forever of finally get deleted)

Are you sure? Just took the chance and deleted my deactivated account without any hick-ups.

Its just with tax, I don't want to get in trouble with the IRS
