
1 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm quite sure they will only allow this in EU (and maybe USA). If they do allow this in China, Regime will most probably ban every alternative app Store... if this is not already banned.

Thought and prayers to the people of china. I feel like they lost everything in 1989. Still hope they find the strength to get rid of this depressing system.

7 more...

Of course they do. They want to keep control over monetization. They don't care about creators at all.

Well obviously... But as a German I must say there is no possibly to use PeerTube in any legally save way in Germany.

That is not the fault of PeerTube of course it's the fault of copyright mafia and German politics. Since PeerTube uses P2P to distribute load among all (which is extremely clever and should definitely not change), German law makes you responsible for anything you upload even if it's in a P2P manner. So if you just accidentally clicked on a video containing Copyright protected Material or illegal content, you are seen as contributor of this content with all consequences.

So imagine going to jail because you clicked the wrong video... This is as stupid as it sounds and needs to change. Sadly German public is not carrying about this enough. I hope PeerTube will become more popular one day so that people are confronted to this insane law more frequently.

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Don't want to sound arrogant, but most people here (including OP and the writers of the article) don't seam to know much about video game development.

Because statements like "... Isn't about graphics or frame rate; it's memory" don't make sense at all.

Because if you fast memory is to small you would either more often read from a slower memory which results in less frame rate or you would need to make the stuff that fill up your memory (most often textures) smaller (lower resolution) which "reduces graphics"

The article says something more business politics related: "Microsoft requires all games to run, feature-complete and without changes in quality or mechanics" on both Versions S and X. I'm not really believe this to be true because this would make the existence of more powerful X version completely pointless. However what I think can be the case is that Microsoft QA is forcing the studio to adapt the game for the series S before it could be published. This needs time. Since there is no low spec version for the PS5 there is no need for additional adaptations.

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I don't get it... "D" is a complete different character than "d" is.

It's like wondering why "file1" is not opened when I typed in "file2".

15 more...

Meanwhile my cat after reading this theory...

Ok, sounds like the standard claim for everything to me to be honest.

14 more...

Did we mentioned that it is closed source proprietary service controlled by only one company that can dictate the terms of it's usage?

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If I understood this correct from my interpretation of the dutch server description this is an Instance for dutch government officials.

At least Germany also has such a mastodon instance too for quite a while now. So people on mastodon know that an account there is officially a government account. The BSI (German Office for cyber security) and other offices post there.

This is not an Instance for "normal people" to register on.

1 more...

Can someone explain in short what problem people had about Omegle?

Was it that you can say things (and show things) there to a random person without any good possibility to trace it back to you because it's anonymous and more "temporary" then something like Lemmy for example?

Or was it just a witch hunt without any real reasonable structure?

18 more...

Actually mastodon is the more viable option for journalist, because you're not depending on the good will of a company (or some rich people in control of it) to not block you or restrict where you can be seen and where not.

It's just that so many people don't care about this.

And that's when you remember why you have been an average AMD enjoyer.

I'm always suspicious if someone argues pro Contents Filter with "protection of children" as the main argument...

My best advice is:

Don't listen too much about what strangers on the Internet say you should do or use.

Non of us has statistics to pull from. Mostly it's individual experience mixed with personal preferences. All that could be different for someone else. E.g. some people will have problems with Nvidia, other with AMD.

Stick to the basic and add fancy stuff later on.

Don't pick a distribution because of the Desktop environment. Or because someone said it has a nifty feature. People create new distros all the time just for fun and not because there would be a real reason for it. Looking on the release cycle would probably be the most basic decision you should take. Read about the differences between "rolling release" and "long time support" and decide base on you personal use case.

Have a backup strategy

This is nothing limited to Linux but since you are planing to switch your habits, there is a high possibility you will mess up at some point. Best would be you try to stimulate the worst case and look if you would be able to setup your system in a VM or something.

Don't be afraid to try things out

Especially when you know that your backup is working. There is not much you can lose. Don't be afraid of using Arch Linux e.g. just because someone on the Internet said it's just for pros or something.

So this last one is maybe just the consequences of all the above. But yeah I guess that's all I could say for now 😅

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This is a reference to an original star war movie poster, if you wonder why it looks familiar.

Not a Fan. I'm an enjoyer

In general I would recommend any Debian derivate for beginners that just don't care about how their computer is operating. So if this is really just a question regarding eight Fedora or Linux Mint then I would say Linux Mint because it's a Debian derivative.

That's simply because chances are high stat you will at least find a Deb package for any proprietary software you might want to use. Making it "easier" for the user.

If you install the system for your friend you're free to change the Desctop environment to everything you want.

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I thought that's what GIF was created for... Even if the original introduction of it is saying something completely different.

To be fair this is not a Reddit thing and it can be found in the fediverse too. I can remember some of such situations where a person just posted wrong stuff but in a very confident way. I was able to prove him wrong later but nobody cared anymore.

I think it's much more impressive that stuff that was added in 2018 and 2019 has a much higher probability of being deleted today than if it was added 2017...

Wonder if that has anything to do with covid and maybe new businesses models opened 2 years before failing and therefore websites of this companies disappeared.

Also I think it would be nice to see a graph of new websites being opened other the same time span.

IDK is the average TikTok user really installing VPN software on it's phone? And if something is banned in a country companies are far less likely to put in effort in it.

So even if people can still use it, technically, TikTok lifes of selling scam shit to people... If you have the skills to install a VPN your probably also not falling for that stuff.

I actually see that as a win. TikTok is not a platform for political discussion or private communication (by design) so I don't hate the idea of it getting banned.

13 more...

Actually I never heard of this device before and it seems a little... useless for me.

I'm still not convinced of android as a gaming system and so the only thing left would be emulation. (And that's what the manufacturer seams to be pointing at).

However I feel like I could get the same out of my phone by using an Bluetooth controller for a much lower price (since I already have a phone). Plus getting the benefits of probably longer update support.

Maybe for people wanting to use a smaller or low spec phone and have a separate device (only for emulation) on the go, this makes more sense.

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Oh man... UK is so f* up right now. Hope times get better for you soon.

I need to text them right now...

Also the Dutch...

And maybe more creators start using PeerTube as well...

I don't get the first point. Do you think having variety in clients is a bad thing or do you think the variety in clients is not big enough and actually what does this have to do with the protocol?

The other points do appear that strong to me if we talk about developing a service and more about people who don't want to host or do anything themselves but still want to have full control... Actually I think the better moderation structure that comes with AP is a plus point. I want a free web and not total anarchy in which the loudest wins.

Biggest strength of AP in my eyes is that it's a W3C standard. AT was developed by a company to fulfill that company's goal.

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Plus this refusal to allowing Chats to Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger now that EU forced meta to open this up...

I know the devs are not happy about meta tracking everything on their end but why can't this be a users choice to enable communication with no-signal servers as well?

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I assume she was excited about all the cool stuff you could make with it and found out it was actually just a cake... Would be disappointed too.

What could split screen bring that it will not work with the S memory? Because one object will not take up twice the space just because split screen. The texture of it will (hopefully) only loaded once for both screens.

What can change is the total amount of objects that are loaded into memory since the players can now be simultaneously on two different places.

So as a Developer you will need to find a way to get around this. Maybe by reducing the textures of the objects even more, so that you can load more of them in the same space. Or maybe by remove non essential object from the scene at all so that by default less object needed to be loaded. Also the screen is now half the size so maybe limit the field of view more to start loading in objects a little later.

What ever they decide to do, this will require additional steps that are only needed because MS want's the game to be optimised for the series S.

From a Developer perspective I could understand if they maybe decide to ditch the Xbox release completely because of this additional workload needed.

Plus: if removing background objects from the scene in order to save memory is something that needs to be consistent on both S and X version because of MS policy, you will get "less graphics" on the X then what would be possible, just because the S exist... What completely undermines the complete existence of the X.

And of course non of this is just because split screen. This will most likely be true for every game on Xbox. It's just that for most games it's enough to cut resolution down for the S and leave the rest as it is.

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I feel like if there is one, not many people in Fediverse would use it. Because staying anonymous and not constantly spread person stuff like your location has somewhat high priority for the people here.

Hey stop being sarcastic! This is a serious programing community here... Wait.

Sorry, down is a substring of download I don't get your point either?

4 more...

Challenge accepte... Wait what?

I think with this they are even worst than China... Getting UK back to the top of at least one list must be the goal here.

A moment of silence for your phones security... There is nothing worse than outdated mobile devices. Maybe start thinking about using a costume ROM.

I don't know if this was just a joke or you really mean it that way.

I would partially agree that there are a lot of similarities between Mao and Trump, but current situation in USA is nowhere near current situation in china.

I think you misunderstood the purpose of this. This is not for citizens to join it's an instance for government officials and offices. This is very good practice to prove a account is the official account.

But honestly I have more trust in my government to not exploit on me then I have in meta/Twitter.

Thanks for being nitpicky, so I didn't had to.

Exactly. ChatGPT is just the most prominent service using a LLM. Would be less concerned about the hype if all the free training data from thousand of users would go back into an open system.

Maybe AI is not stealing our jobs but if you get depending on it in order to keep doing your job competitive, it would be good if this is not controlled by a single company...