1 Post – 106 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

sorry, I asked the parliamentarian if we could do democracy today and he told me to go fuck myself :/

The fine? $38 million.

Chiquita Brands International's profits in 2023? $3.1 billion.

That's a slap on the wrist if anything. Just the cost of doing business I guess.

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The US had 3.1m houses sitting empty in 2023

property hoarding is a crime against humanity and should be treated as such, imho. Houses are for living in, not speculation.

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thinks mind controlling radio waves are a legitimate threat that needs to be protected against

doesn't take steps to also protect their young children from that danger


supported unions

Biden blocked the railroad strike in 2022, which was asking for sick days and improved working conditions for rail operators

Coincidentally, that was shortly followed up by the East Palestine train derailment a month and a half later, caused by a mechanical failure due to safety standards being ignored in favor of maximum throughput

Additionally, East Palestine still has not been cleaned up properly. Residents are dealing with insane medical conditions because their homes have been poisoned and their government has abandoned them.

supported green energy

More fossil fuel has been extracted during biden's administration than any other time in this country's history,than%2013.3%20million%20b%2Fd.

Lgbt rights

550 anti-trans bills have been proposed or passed across the country since 2020. Mr president has done nothing to stop that flow and protect trans people.

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Explaining a dystopia to an american: imagine no burgers

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Funnily enough, raw milk sales have gone up since the CDC announced the avian flu outbreak among cows (

I have no doubt in my mind that if this begins to really pop off it'll be turned into a culture war issue immediately.

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Finally, some good news!

people who couldn't handle two weeks without Applebee's in 2020 think they can handle the stress and fatigue of a prolonged war at home

if we can avoid Lemmy's most active city being Eglin Air Force Base, we just might be able to avoid the hive mind

In their moral justification, the argument of the lesser evil has played a prominent role. If you are confronted with two evils, the argument runs, it is your duty to opt for the lesser one, whereas it is irresponsible to refuse to choose altogether. Its weakness has always been that those who choose the lesser evil forget quickly that they chose evil.

-Hannah Arendt, German-American philosopher and political theorist, in fuckin 1964 lmao. some things never change!

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Mike looks like he hasn't slept in 3 years (not good for his pillow brand I imagine)

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I will say, as someone who has been looking for a simple way to install Linux on my Windows desktop at home, this is incredibly useful. Doubly so as I'm not very experienced with installing OS's and Linux can look very intimidating to an outsider looking in!

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hopefully they try to open a third front with Lebanon and seal the deal on the end of their apartheid settler project 🙏

Me, a Boeing whistleblower, in my car after a long day of loving life and exposing a corporations crimes to the public: "PERSONA!!"

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democracy :)

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I am to the left of Ronald Reagan. A lot of people would classify that as tankie.

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trump is hanging himself

it's figurative

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That's right, the man bypassing congress to ship weapons for Israel to bomb refugee tents with is actually a smol bean good guy, that's SO true

yeah, if there's no cops around who's gonna show up 4 hours late and shoot my dog after I report a robbery??

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He's bypassed congress multiple times to approve weapon shipments to Israel btw. Just a cool little fun fact.

The old world is dying. The new world is struggling to be born. Now is the time of monsters.

I believe Gary Peterson is a satire account ( ) , but also it's such accurate satire that it's genuinely hard to tell sometimes

It originally meant someone who supported the USSR's intervention in the 1956 Hungarian revolution. Now it means whatever the labeler wants it to mean, usually as a means of punching left.

"hexbear is fediverse 4chan!!!"

has the largest weekly trans megathread in the entire fediverse, a supermajority of non-cishet users, aggressively bans racism, bigotry and transphobia on sight, has hard-coded mandatory pronoun tags

Lmao okay, sure bud

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Multiple things can be bad at the same time

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It is noteworthy that a patient in Mexico did pass away from H5N2 ( , although I don't know if they've confirmed any human to human transmissions as of yet. Definitely something to take precautions against, either way. Hopefully it doesn't mutate into something that can go human to human easily, but it's never bad to be prepared just in case!

I'm installing Linux on my machine this weekend, will probably go Mint, I've heard good things. Goodbye Mi¢ro$oft!

I Nintendon't think I'll ever give them money ever again!

parenti quote parenti quote

So fuckin cool that they're microwaving all the ice in the world for this trash

Common Michael Moore W

The browbeating will continue until morale improves!

Israel will reject this deal like they rejected all the others and continue their genocide undeterred, just like with the last ceasefire deal, and the one before that, and the one before that,

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Tankie is just the blue version of Woke at this point

your scenario does not mention the electoral college. american elections are not decided by the popular vote.

Yeah, you tell em!