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I've tried to understand what the charges are, as far as I could tell it seems it's somehow related to an anti terrorist law and caused by the kid pulling someone's hair and gesturing to cut paper with scissors, which was interpreted as gesturing to cut a finger.

The article seems to try very hard to obfuscate the actual reason (I'm guessing for legal reasons?)

In any case, this seems insane, seems like excessive overreaction from everyone involved.

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I support this point of view, but at the same time I want the status quo to be disrupted and the internet to change, I'm not a fan of allowing corporations to fall into complacency when they hold so much power.

Also being ok with rejection

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Do not lump chubbyemu with irresponsible clickbait, it's anything but, he made his channel to have people learn and be aware of these rare medical incidents. He's a doctor btw.

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Dumbass who had to google it here: the chess board is 8x8

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Lmao why is almost everyone talking about the law? Morals can exist regardless of the law

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In the past few years I've seen "turns out printer ink is a scam" videos trending at least three times on YouTube, so I'm assuming printer ink.

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It's almost like that's what the title is for

That doesn't make it irresponsible

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Maybe it's confirmation bias of my part, but last time I played it, it was still very amazing to go through all the puzzles, not just the story, mechanically it was very well rounded, plus the ai feels really smart and all the details for the creatures' ai makes them feel like real living beings if you're able to notice them.

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As a non English speaker, I find this hilarious

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Lmao I love how different people's experiences can be, the fact that windows has so many problems is why I prefer Linux over windows.

That's amazing and encouraging, I want to hear more stories like this because when my kid grows up I plan on trying to guide him into not being tech illiterate, so far my plan is (more or less, but not exactly) to start him with a crappy but usable computer and give him upgrades he has to work for or tinker for, I feel like I learned the most by trying to squeeze performance and usability out of outdated hardware.

I don't intend to make him have my passion for computers, my intention is that he'll have the initiative to Google problems and the curiosity to solve them when it's not that easy, just having those two can get you 80%-90% there.

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It's not windows.

Any bonus points for a concise answer?

Get a tank printer, you can't DRM liquid (afaik). I have an hp one with tiny tanks, I refill once a year and the branded bottles aren't too expensive, but you can use generic inks, though I've read about people with the same printer having problems with the viscosity of generic inks, so you still need quality ink.

A downside is I have to print something every now and then to keep it from clogging (a month or two).

I don't necessarily recommend my specific model, but at least that type of printer, I've found it's been great. Software is kinda shit like any printer but I have Linux on my desktop so it doesn't really matter, shitty proprietary software is only needed for Windows (I have zero experience with Mac)

I scrolled for minutes seeing those almost exclusively before giving up, I'd say it's not an exaggeration.

Why is it either or? I can see a world where computer enthusiasts tend to be a bit more physically inactive than the median

It does if you remove it from its context where they used it more like "you should be humble, you'll die like everyone else", carpe diem was used more similarly to yolo

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I must inform you that speaking and writing are different verbs

I generally just avoid it, otherwise I use it on windows, I still use dual boot with windows and Linux, will probably stop after w10 stops getting security updates since I don't really care all that much about windows specific stuff

And they're not losing us any time soon, for years I've seen people saying that YouTube is going down because they do shit the users don't like and yet everyone keeps using them and in general making no effort in changing that.

It's just like Reddit, a few of us left but that didn't change anything, everyone's still using it and they're not stopping any time soon.

Even if not abandoning the platform, it would only take a decent portion of the users reducing their use of the platform for them to feel a punishment of some sort, but nobody's really willing to do anything other than complain and automatically dismiss any suggestion of an alternative.

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It flows

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It's so that they sell more of their first party gracias Headphones

Edit: lmao I meant wireless


Is that the tutorial for project zomboid?

You can probably do without the capsule, those are slow

This one may not be so obvious, but I've seen someone lose their marbles over the crazy idea that they get recommended stuff for children when all they watch on YouTube is Minecraft videos and sometimes Roblox. And people in the comments agreed...

The YouTube subreddit wasn't full of bright people.

I was really interested in it when it came out on my region and still use it, better than acting like it's up to me to manually decide which content creator I bless with any sort of payment and which I don't.

If ads were the only reason, I know how to evade them in just about every platform I use.

I switched to duckduckgo a while back when I got tired of Google being a shitty search engine.

I've got some generic memory foam pillow, best pillow ever.

Compatibility, though it's usually forced, like the Xbox controller with a drm chip that you need a workaround for

It's an experience you might want to have at least once, just to know what it's like. If you're excited about the movie, I'd say go for it! Like another commenter said, you'll be asking yourself the same question until you do it.

I wouldn't say it's a must have experience in life, but it's relatively accessible and will give you another dimension of context during conversation.

Where I'm from you still have to go through someone who makes sure all of the shit in your cart is in your receipt, it adds like 30-60 seconds and it's a single employee for six checkouts.

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Previous to the souls games were the king's field games of from soft, there's an indie that came out last year (so not much of a patient gamer thing, but it's criminally cheap) called "lunacid". I was skeptic at first but it got me hooked, really fun game.

I did it but left a few select support subreddits out of it, I just checked (thanks to you, thanks btw) and it seems my shit is still deleted, though I found out there's at least one subreddit that logged comments as posts citing the usernames they're from, seemingly for scraping and data aggregation purposes, since they're without any context other than the title post and subreddit they're from.

Seems to be dead for at least three years, but it's still creepy.

Btw I'm certain there are many backups existing somewhere, maybe not public accessible but there must be

Afaik, we actually don't know, we have so many years of research and technique development of running with arched footwear than with archless and barefoot running, there's no sufficient incentive to research and test it at full Sprint (heh) and thus research for it goes at a snail pace.

As a reference of how important this research is, nowadays there are banned running shoes you can't use in competition because of the advantage they give you and they have to be previously be approved as opposed to individually banned. A new shoe can shave seconds off a professional runner's time.

I started Conan exiles with a buddy recently, it's pretty dope, actually, it's like an ark survival evolved but an order of magnitude less shitty (with a few caveats).

Edit: nvm I looked it up and it's from 2018, feels a lot older, it's really fun tho

I feel like saying that capitalism is not bad but the current implementations are the problem is is like saying the same for communism, they both are great in theory but reality doesn't vibe with imaginary ideals.

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I'm curious, if not from the people discussing, what kind of answer were you expecting?

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Nah, because no alternative can be a complete replacement and if it's not the exact same experience, people aren't willing to put that tiniest bit of effort.

Again, look at Reddit as an example, alternatives exist, yet none of them are the exact same because there's not a comparable size, and because of that people will just pull down their pants and begrudgingly accept reddit's problems.

Criminal until proven otherwise for checking that you didn't miss anything in your cart? That's extreme, people do make mistakes, if you actually want to steal you can still pocket stuff, the employee likely won't give two shits since that's a job for a security guard like it's always been.

If you're paranoic about being perceived as a potential criminal that's fine, you do you, but labeling any sort of basic control as an accusation is not cool, might as well label the presence of a security guard as such.

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