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Joined 13 months ago

I've lived in Florida my whole life and I'm not leaving without a fight. I'll be damned if I let my home fall to fascism. I got involved in my union. Now I'm vice president and I'm getting involved in the UAW CAP and I'll be lobbying the government for labor rights. My mission is to punch Desantis in the dong. Momma ain't raise no quitter.

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1,500 animals died, including 280 sheep, pigs, and monkeys. Sounds really reliable.

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It's starting to sound like they should unionize

Well according to the previous math, they retained 10% of their revenue and 75% of their profits. I know, math is hard.

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Yeah, the whole point is having a legally binding contract that sets wages, hours, and working conditions. Also the "going through your union instead of your manager" is super dumb. It's like saying, "why talk to your lawyer when you can just confess to the police?"

They want US workers to be cheap labor without sacrificing quality. It's impossible to do that so they're blaming the workers for being bad instead of blaming the companies for not paying workers well enough.

Height supremacists

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This is why unions are important. The job description is contractually binding.

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PC is always current gen. When will they learn?

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At some point it's really up to the consumers to stop buying shit games

That would be more acceptable than the real way, which is simply being chosen by the American oligarchs.


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It's more that he wants to destroy the regulatory systems that prevent companies from doing anything they want. This is a big step for fascism. Hitler and Mussolini both deregulated the markets and privatized everything they could. Fascism is simply Capitalism run rampant. After that they usually invade another country and create a slave labor force, which is why he wants to "go to war with the cartels."

I thought Republicans support state's rights

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For me it's more like "enjoy yesterday and pay currently." My booty hurts

Check out my new game: Paint Drying Simulator! With real time paint drying action! 6000 hours of play time! Only $129.99!

It probably doesn't help that people are finally getting more educated about all the safety issues Teslas have.

True Neutral gang

You seem more stubborn than smart.

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It's just plain old capitalism.

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And ml is?

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He's got a better chance of flipping Texas than Florida right now

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The article clearly states that the US has no evidence to support that Iran was involved and Hamas officially stated that they did this on their own. Everyone just wants to find a reason to invade Iran.

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Why do all these shit bags keep moving to my swamp? Get out of my swamp!

I actually don't think I've used it for anything other than working through code. It wouldn't take hours to get my code running if chatgpt weren't such a stubborn moron. It's like if a 6 year old had all the answers to the universe.

Any fish that dies from plastic is dying from a method that isn't me eating it. Also, there's lots of fish I don't eat that I'm not cool with dying to plastic. I really like the ocean plants that make all the oxygen I breath too.

I had this sick LG car phone and it made vroom vroom sounds. Used it for a decade and I still have it and it still works.

Companies get by making keyboards and power supplies all the time.

I'm not really that kind of person either. I'm a real hermit. But it's gotta be done and I figure I can sit around and hope for someone to fight for me or do it myself. The biggest thing we need is more locals in Florida though. Strength in numbers doesn't work well without the numbers and we need people to start organizing their workplaces before meaningful change will occur.

Looking at their space station, I think China already has overtaken NASA.

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I live in Florida and I'm pretty sure they consider first aid part of the woke agenda.

I'm trying to break down the barriers between the working class and the means of production. That barrier is the rich and we will eat them. Thanks for the inspiration

The "underground terror network" propaganda everyone keeps pushing really loses it's momentum when someone brings up the severe lack of cement in Gaza due to Israeli trade restrictions. Speculative evidence of tunnels under hospitals does not allow justification of bombing those hospitals.

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Well it's gotten worse because many staffers are working for adult children

I don't understand why it's so important that the IDF defend that they didn't bomb this hospital and yet they openly praise their bombings of all the other hospitals. Even if it's true and this hospital was blown up by a misfire, what about all the other hospital bombings? Those are fine to the IDF?

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60% of Bytedance is owned by institutional investors. It's a private company. The CCP doesn't own the company. 3 of the 5 board members are American. Don't spread made up bullshit. If there's any reason not to sell the company to a US company is because only 150 million Americans are tiktok users on an app with over a billion monthly active users globally. Not to mention that the US companies are gonna lowball the shit out of their offers because they think Bytedance is gonna be begging to sell. Also, there's a chance that if the US bans tiktok, then maybe they could get access to China, which tiktok is not currently available in.

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Probably because the flag looks like a toddler made it and it's not intimidating at all even though the implications behind it are very serious.

Yeah you need a passport. Just look up any marina and go there. Coast guard might search your boat, but they can do that to anyone. You don't need to alert either government.

The watch and the gun. If Ash can figure out how to manufacture shotgun shells in medieval times so can I. I'll also introduce the clock early and be praised for my genius

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All of which are sourced from the IDF and netanyahu. Netanyahu being that guy that regularly brags about how easily he can manipulate the US.

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