2 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It’s a waste of time. These types of people are as thick as mince, you’re not gonna change their mind because they have zero interest or incentive to do so. It’s a fucking cult of morons.

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Ok - but I don’t go to work for a sense of community? I go to work to earn money to survive. My tasks get done, profits are up overall so why do I need to feel engaged and how does being isolated have any negative effect on that?

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Was having a discussion with my wife and our mate just earlier - how their film group was mocking her for liking Fantastic Mr Fox and it was immature because cartoons are for kids.

I’m just so confused with regards to people like that. Imagine missing out on some amazing pieces of work just because they’re animated. Empty, sad people.

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To be honest, as time went by and a few of my subreddits I frequented started to get brigaded by transphobes and fascist bawbags (Scotland and unitedkingdom subs are a great example of this) I stopped participating altogether in them.

I found the casualuk sub and that became pretty much the only place I’d comment/post. It felt like a much closer-knit community and I’d much rather have that than a massive community that may not feel as “homely” if that makes sense.

EDIT - I replied to the wrong post, I've not had a coffee yet.

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Glad to see my permanent ban for reporting one fucking Fox News post on politics for blatant climate change denialism is on level with this. For using the report function to bully/harrass ffs. Laughable!

Place was becoming a shitehole months before these API changes anyway.

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I reported a Fox News post that claimed climate change has no effect on the rise in wildfires. First time ever reporting anything there, and maybe reported a handful of racist comments before that.

Not even an hour later I got the message that I had been permanently banned! Appealed it, they said they’d reviewed the ban and it stands. Fucking laughable!!

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At first when they changed the layout I thought it was to try and mimic a mobile phone kind of layout, portrait instead of landscape sort of, to make it identical on pc and phone. Not that it made sense then, But they’re pushing everyone to their shite app so it makes even less sense now.

I’m the opposite. I manage a BAU team and our team are active on slack, and seem to be thriving. We have two webex meetings a week, keep in constant touch and we all love it.

Online communities are more than good enough at the best of times so I don’t see how they can’t work in the professional space.

A few weeks ago when I still used Reddit via old.Reddit I was constantly getting switched to the new Reddit. It was infuriating.

It actually had two halves halves with rods connecting the two, which prevented that!

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My content is pretty shit, but I'll glady support and comment on you more interesting folks' stuff!

Ahh that makes me feel a bit better at least!

What the fuck. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic! The mods over there are a bunch of bawbags.

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But….he’s asking a question, not assuming anything.

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Exactly - my mental health has been so much better since leaving Reddit. I noticed that I’m not “doon scrolling” as much on here, and I’m back to looking at shit that interests me instead of being bombarded by depressing shit constantly.

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Shirt brother rule

Something about u and me being an ass I think.

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It’s assumes all the way down.

Can’t let it see you coming, otherwise the dog gets spooked.