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How is he going to be able to handle more videos when he has to ration text views because it's melting his servers.

It's a bit sad that the democrats are so milk toast and ineffective in their messaging that even the slightest pushback against republicans is referred to as Dark Brandon.

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This was bullshit the first 2000 times it was posted to reddit and it's still bullshit here.

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Makes sense to remove things that people can boycott. They have a graph on someone's computer where income from awards points straight down. That looks really bad for potential buyers so it's better to remove it and claim the dip was intentional.

We the people made up the rules and we can change them in any way we want. If the supreme Court has some kind of magic that stops that they are free to deploy that but in the meantime we can assume that they are flesh bags like the rest of us.

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Both the democratic and republican party are several smaller parties tied together into two disgusting rat king. If one of them disappear today there will be an instant split of the surviving party into two new rat kings. The collapse isn't what they fear. They fear that the Overton window would move left.

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Nobody hates their country like a patriot.

I think it's because leftists are, as a group, a lot less toxic and hateful. They are happy to be a tiny community chatting with each other about being a trans furry communist all day every day.

The right on the other hand are, as a group, a bunch of anti social losers who thrive on hating and complaining about stuff. That's not a sustainable platform because it's either a miserable experience or it gets shut down for hate speech so they migrate around and attach themselves to heathier communities and complain about those instead.

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I never thought of him being immune to Sauron as him being powerful. He is just like the the hobbits but to its fullest. Bombadil is perfectly content with his own existence and there is nothing for the ring to tempt him with.

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A couple of years ago I bought a 3d printer for 400 dollars and it is now my primary hobby. Turns out that having a hobby that you enjoy is super important to your mental health.

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Its both. It will never, not be both. This idea that there should be some rule that we have to up vote things that we disagree with because it's well written is cope from people that needs to go outside.

Comments get downvoted because it failed to convince people to agree with the comment and that makes it a bad comment.

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Popular vote is what the most number of people want. The idea that popular vote is bad is anti-democratic.

Definitely not how that works. All companies are taxed and they don't get any special representation outside lobbying that they were going to do either way and churches do in fact put a lot of the money they should have payed in taxes into lobbying.

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I am seriously starting to wonder if this is just mental illness manifesting. It all feels a bit manic.

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I am not an expert on this and it's just my understanding from general history things.

I think wax seals were a big part of it. If you have a ring you can make a bunch of wax seals but it's really hard to make a copy of the ring from a wax seal. Give each general a document with the royal seal on it and the next time they get an order with the royal seal you can compare it with the seal you already have. If you use the wax seal to close the letter so that you need to break the wax to open the letter you can be fairly certain that the one with the ring that wrote it and that nobody else has opened it.

I also think chains of commands is important. King gives letter to messenger Steve. Steve then gives it to Dave and Dave knows who Steve is so he trust the message. Dave then gives it to Rodney and Rodney gives it to a Lord. Each person knows who the person they are getting a message from is so the chain is trusted. Should Ivan kill Dave and try to give a fake message to Rodney they Rodney would just go "where the fuck is dave" and not deliver the message.

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It feels like s legal liability to start a instance and not police it. People could upload CP and you would be on the hook because you are the server owner and clearly did nothing to stop it.

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Have a look in the communities. Reading the community explains the community. Their main problem is that most cities are built and often rebuilt to only work with cars and then people use that to claim that other systems doesn't work.

Building on the Lego thing. There is a game with Lego where one has the instructions and the other one builds the Lego. If you want it easy the guide can see what is being built and if you think your relationship could handle it the guide can't see the build until it's done.

Because it is very difficult you can buy pretty small/cheap sets and get a lot of use from it.

I think you dont? Twitter has already lost so much relevance that the rebranding will just kill it. The x is actually two crossed planks nailed over the door.

It is a guillotine with a reddit head in it and the name spez written on it. Just depicting a guillotine is not a death threats but depicting a person in it that exist in the real world is absolutely a death threats against that person. If that is not a death threat there is no such thing as a death threats on the internet and moderation is dead.

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They are basically corporate accounts that are payed to be bigots online. You are looking at literal astroturf and asking why it doesn't feel like grass.

Why make this comment? You could have just refered to the alphabet and let people assemble the comment themselves.

It depends on what context your doctor gave you the advice. If the context was that you need to be hydrated then it's fine but if the context was that you are drinking a lot of soda then the carbonation might be part of the problem. I know that my dad was recommended to not drink fizzy water when he had bowel problems.

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Your life would suck with siblings or without. You have a job and an education and seemingly supportive parents. You have all the resources you need to make a plan and fix things but something inside you is preventing you from getting better. Go to a therapist to figure out what that is and start making moves.

And all it took was a mob gathering outside his place of work with a nose, chanting that they will hang him personally.

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Do you think vulnerable and tough are on opposite ends of a spectrum?

Also the post are talking about real interpersonal interactions with people in your life. The fact that you instantly made the post about culture war bullshit is telling.

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There is also no way to just be friends. The friendly option are also the fuck options so if approval gets too high you need to actively be an asshole to them.

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Nobody should be allowed to own land. You can build a building and that building is yours because you built it but you can't make land and the only reason you own it is because someone in the past used violence to take it.

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If you look at his history, he thinks that talking about companies in any context should count as advertisement for that company. He is either stupid or has some personal grievance he can't talk about because it makes him look petty.

Twitter made itself a closed platform and with the rate limit he made it impossible for reporters to report on anything regarding twitter. So nobody is talking about twitter and by extension Elon. This is Elon eating worms on the playground so that the other kids will pay attention to him again.

That is reasonable. It is a more popular (by installation numbers) that fills a similar niche and close to 100% of everyone that installs a Lemmy app also installed a reddit app at some point. The algoritm should recommend reddit if you search for Lemmy

They can just not vote but they do vote and they vote for the degenerates so that... They get lower taxes? Is that what they are selling their souls for?

I think Vsauce is a lot more grifty than he looks. If you look at the really early videos they were very different and he changed his content wildly in order to find something that makes the most money with the least work. The science education happened to be profitable but as the Meta started favouring more than 10+ min and science vids became mini documentaries he just dropped off and started reviewing science toys and do compilation videos. Right now he is doing a lot of shorts because they are being pushed by the algorithm.

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He replaced his pr team with a poop emoji. He can't do it properly even if he wanted to.

You know what is worse? Depressed bed blobs pretending that they are introverts and normalizing antisocial behaviour. Healthy introverts have and regularly meets friends. They just don't do it as often and in the same way as extroverts. I know these things because I went to therapy instead of trying to normalize my insecurities on the internet.

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Smarter target as in the protestors needs to be smarter when picking a symbol. Any action that targets spez as an individual will get removed as personal harassment.

Do iOS users care about the app icons? Every time I hear about iOS it feels like aliens.

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He doesn't want to and it would be really bad for him to involve his personal wealth in the company. They need to be separate when twitter goes bankrupt. It is also very unclear what his actual wealth is.

It is also a useless description for the visually impaired. It doesn't mention that they are in an elevator, what color the gas can is it any other useful information about the picture.