163 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As an anarchist, I'd like to repurpose a comment I made a while back to connect with people who are genuinely surprised and disappointed by this development.

Martin Luther King Jr., a very successful reformer who said "freedom is never given voluntarily by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed," did not seek government position, and gave nothing to politicians who did not concede his movement's demands. It wasn't sympathetic civil rights politicians that wrote the legislation that King is famous for inspiring, but the ambivalent and enemies who were forced to concede due to the civil rights movements' economic and social power. It's a common trope that revolutionary groups' sacrifice and achievements are re-appropriated by opportunist politicians whose role should be described as 'more pliable obstacles.' For example, Lyndon Johnson in America is celebrated as the civil rights president, when it was King that pulled him kicking and screaming out of the American apartheid. This re-writing of history creates the false narrative that what we need most is more progressive politicians, and that all this rioting and chaos is just the result of fools who don't know how to work the system.

Politicians like Peter Hain, Bernie Sanders, and AOC should be viewed as window dressing advertising the power of the political movements that put them in place. Because the structure of the capitalist political system, placing and keeping politicians requires much greater sacrifice on the part of the left than it does on the right. Their existence within the political system helps to falsely legitimize it as a diverse forum, while blunting the progressive politicians' potential as social leaders and draining progressive movements of resources that they could be using on tactics better suited to their natural methods of power.

The most effective method of creating change will always be in the street.

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Clients are filtered out of the federated email system all the time. In fact, the major email distributors are so block-happy, it's difficult to run a private email server anymore. If you want to guarantee your email gets through, you're basically forced to use a major webmail client. If Facebook is allowed into the community, that will happen to ActivityPub too.

Allowing large corporations to leverage their resources to dominate the Fediverse goes against the spirit of an open, interoperable internet.

Feminist Frequency survived both GamerGate and a Trump presidency. That's a pretty long time when measured in hate-years.

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho needs to fire an automatic weapon into the ceiling of congress to restore order to the chamber.

Let's be clear, Red Hat is no more. It is now a set of labels and brands on the marionette strings of IBM, the "let's sell jew-counting machines to the Nazis" people.

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It's frustrating that scientists start with the assertion that gun crime and not capitalism is the most pressing public safety concern, but at least they're trying anti-poverty measures to reduce gun crime instead of more policing. It doesn't take a PhD to realize poverty is the root cause of not just gun crime, but most social problems.

But this isn't new. The last time academics tried something similar, the the violence interrupters, the Fraternal Order of Police lobbied against it to have it shut down. It was showing significant results, saving black lives and reducing gun violence. But the police saw it as a threat (and it was - anything that reduces crime is a threat to the institution of police), and they killed it.

I downloaded a cupholder for my pentium II off the internet once.

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Support -- "Good online communities die primarily by refusing to defend themselves." from Well-Kept Gardens Die By Pacifism

What a garbage person.

Every accusation a confession. He wishes the United States was a third-world hellhole where he can rig the election. His efforts to politicize the justice department and stack the supreme court are means to that end.

If Beehaw made a dime every time a .ML tankie invaded a post to slander socialists, they'd have more money than Facebook.

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Support. No one wants to hear about the negative stuff about their platform of choice, but it's important to talk about it so it can improve.

Thanks for the transparency. You're a great admin!

There's the real strategic concern that escalating too quickly will have nuclear repercussions. But the deeper reasons are visible if you view most governments as military industrial corporations stacked under a trenchcoat. The true motivator is that the longer the war continues, the more money will flow from their respective tax payers into their pockets. They don't care about Ukrainian lives, they don't care about Russian lives. The popular support for the war and lack of domestic casualties means they get to ply their trade of death, and they come out smelling like roses. Opposing Russian colonialism is a noble cause, but the nobility belongs to those who are dying in the foxholes, not the warmongers who are squeezing this crisis to get more capital.

Western leaders don't want Ukraine to win. They want Russia to lose. A quick cauterized wound is less damaging than a slow bleed out. Total bankruptcy of the Russian war machine is the objective, the economic elimination of their primary trade competitor.

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Fascists everywhere disappointed that antifascism is still protected speech in the United States.

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I don't think he's trying to amend for past misdeeds -- I think he's just trying to live his life. If we lived in a restorative justice society instead of a punitive one, I'd have different expectations of him. We are a society ruled by war criminals who have never seen a day of prison. Things are hard enough for people who've survived incarceration, it's a shitty thing to throw his past at him. Especially since the people who tend to do it are acting in bad faith, and whose actual beef is that he's not simping for genocidal dictators.

Any rule adds a burden to the mod team. It can be made easier with auto-mod software, but we should make it clear we're asking for more labor from volunteers.

That being said, I'd love a rule to prevent directly linking to youtube, and using invidious or piped instead. I'll mod if it helps to enforce the rule.

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Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat

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If you think monetary economies developed from barter economies, attacking the OP for sharing the scientific consensus makes you look culty. You've got a lot of indignation and no evidence.

I'd bee a lot less if they kept federation. They have good mod and admin instincts.

Have Lemmy and Kbin hosts discussed including legal canaries in their user agreements to protect against this kind of targeted abuse and censorship?

Thanks for the feedback and link. I'm still trying to figure out how to handle articles I encounter through pocket. I've found and posted the original article in the past, only for paywalls limiting the bees that can read it. It seems like posting the direct archive link as the main link is detrimental to the current economic model of most journalism.

The best solution is probably technical -- to allow posts to include alternative links for the same content. In the meantime, we'll have to rely on helpful people like you.

You must not be from a culture with an antifascist tradition of "First they came for the "

I'm concerned you would think this is an okay thing to post, and I'm worried about the people who subscribe to socialism and would upvote this kind of sentiment.

Furthermore, you're not even correct. The police's justification is the vehicle's attendance at an unaffiliated nonviolent climate movement protest, though I doubt that changes things in your mind.

Marked #NSFW perhaps over-cautiously. Article uses slurs in a positive, re-appropriate context. I've heard people at drag shows hedge their narrative about police when talking about Stonewall, so maybe reading about it at work is a bad idea :p

Imagine this was the invasion of Afghanistan by Russia in the 1980s - knowing what you know now about 9-11 would you be just as cavalier about accountability with who the United States were training and supplying?

Putin is an autocrat and Wagner are fascists, but the journalists featured here don't have any influence in the east. They are doing the right thing by demanding Ukraine be held accountable. Both the journalists have clearly stated whose 'side' they're on, and repudiated Putin's claims. This is no place for Soviet whataboutism.

Mark my words: The next wave of mass shooters and white supremacist terrorists are being trained with American taxpayer money. If they're so hard up for support, why don't they permit anarchist battalions? There are veterans with years of military experience in Kobanî who were eager to fight the invasion, and the Ukrainian MOD delayed and stymied their participation. Yet they're bending over backwards for people who want to cleanse their society of gay people and minority ethnic groups. Anarchists and communists have already given their lives in the defense of Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is not a fascist, but wouldn't it be a great propaganda coup against Putin's narrative for Ukraine to fight alongside a modern Abraham Lincoln brigade?

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This isn't a 'gotcha' game. I'm giving you an opportunity to explain the words you're using, so I can better understand how you have come to an apparently self-refuting conclusion. I'm glad that my assumption was correct that you must be using a words in ways they weren't intended. Are you just posting to 'dunk' on anarchism, or do you want to be understood?

You are a 'statist' then. What functions would a minarchist state perform?

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Copyright isn't registered anymore, it's granted on creation in almost all jurisdictions that matter. It's not like there's documentation beyond the published work.

If you can’t convince people to vote in mass, how are you going to convince them to protest or strike?

I agree. If you convince people that voting is the path to political change, you play into the elite's hands; but if people are politically engaged enough to protest and strike, voting is an afterthought.

I'm not advocating some violent minority storm congress. I'm saying if enough people agree on change and organize, they can make the edicts of politicians irrelevant. I wasn't referring to the Jan 6 coup attempt; I was talking about the historical revolutions against autocrats that replaced them with republican systems. The more democratic a system, the less violence it needs to use to rule; and less violence is likely to come back on it during a revolution towards a more progressive system.

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How would a monarchist solve the problem of another monarchist group using violence to impose a patriarchal system on their group?

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Most people experienced the song through CD or radio play of the Unplugged in New York album version, which cut right to the start of the song.

But in a topical twist, Kurt Cobain didn't realize Leadbelly was doing a cover as well, LOL.

The pre-colon title is apposite as a quote from an anarchist soldier during a civil war. It was a response to a reporter asking how he felt about winning and "sitting on a pile of ruins."

“You must not forget, we also know how to build. It is we the workers who built these palaces and cities, here in Spain and in America, and everywhere. We, the workers, can build others to take their place, and better ones! We are not in the least afraid of ruins. We are going to inherit the earth, there is not the slightest doubt about that. The bourgeoisie might blast and ruin its own world before it leaves the stage of history. We carry a new world, here, in our hearts. That world is growing this minute.“

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I'm not saying marches alone, obviously; I mean mass mobilization, and all the tactics that makes possible. It's always nice to have politicians that concede earlier; but it's not a "need" type of thing. In the past, when people couldn't move politicians, they raised guillotines. The people always come first, and the minute the leaders of a movement sell out the rank and file for access and clout, they're playing the wrong game. If you think your political responsibility ends at the ballot box, you're part of the problem.

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I think a solution where the community gets some kind of codified constitution is a good one, but it requires both a knowledge of organizational law and a understanding of what makes the community great. If things get nailed down too soon, or get something wrong, it could really mess BeeHaw up. Maybe it's a good long term goal.

I do wish people would not use start-up terminology like 'runway' - it's a aviation metaphor, and implies an eventual 'take off' which is usually the point at which a start-up goes public or is sold by the capital investment firm to take their sky-high profits.

Glenn Greenwald resigned as editor of the Intercept in 2020.

All hail the Pirate Queen of Science!

There were some very deluded people during the Trump years who thought Assange would get special treatment for his vendetta against Hillary Clinton helping to get Trump elected. But you nailed it right on the head -- killing press freedoms and not paying debts are even bigger parts of Donald's brand than gaudy letters on the sides of buildings.

But don't get it twisted. Then Secretary of State Clinton went hard against Assange, and it did look bad for press freedoms in the US. You have to remember the State Department did not take press freedom seriously at all, abusing the espionage act left and right. They put more journalists sources in prison than any other previous president. They went after journalists families, like when they detained Glenn Greenwald's partner in Heathrow. That should always be remembered as part of Barack Obama's legacy.

The Trump "Fake News" era was absolutely devastating to journalism, so it's easy to see Obama's administration through rose tinted glasses. But it's important to remember the damage they did that contributed to where we are today.

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