
2 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

After reading a bit about shell on Wikipedia it seems they're quite experienced with greenwashing

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Well that highly depends on location. I think that's illegal in most of Europe

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Or they just posted a lunch picture to their social media and somebody grabbed it and made a meme out of it. Your body doesn't determine what intention you have when you post pictures

I'm curious why the mouth needs to be open. Probably to somehow avoid your lungs taking damage from the pressure wave?

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I like the point about LLMs interpolating data while humans extrapolate. I think that's sums up a key difference in "learning". It's also an interesting point that we anthropomorphise ML models by using words such as learning or training, but I wonder if there are other better words to use. Fitting?

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How does this work against DNS blocks? I assume if you use your ISPs DNS server and they block that domain ECH won't help

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But when is RCS provided as an API like text messages, so we can get third party apps?

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Denmark doesn't have unrestricted free speech. Censorship is against the constitution but hate speech, inciting violence or defamation is illegal and until 2017 blasphemy was illegal. There is some legal basis for punishing speech that is bringing the country into danger or is severely insulting another nation. I am not a lawyer so I don't know if it's applicable or if it will hold up in court.

Note that the government does not want to ban burning books. Just prevent/punish doing it as a provocation against another country.

I also want to stress that I am not defending the Danish government or the book burners. I just want to bring some needed nuance to the discussion

It's a shame the new season has been postponed for a long time though.

Looking forward to the development of ogue core and I really hope there is some cross over between the two games

In Denmark we have a bunch of weird ones: When there isn't a problem: "There is no cow on the ice"/ Der er ingen ko på isen

When you're helping someone when it would be better they did it themselves you're doing them "a bears favor" / en bjørnetjeneste

When you want it both ways but cant: "You want to blow with flour in your mouth" / blæse med mel i munden. This always made more sense to me than the english, you cant have your cake and eat it too.

When something is complete gibberish, it "sounds like volapyk" / lyder som volapyk. Volapyk is an actual made-up language like esperanto. incedentaly the same expression also exists in Esperanto

and i'm sure there is more

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Anything by stromae really. In some of his songs you can even hear the emotion he conveys without understanding any French

Is this a tautology?

Server. Since my server is Danish my local feed is Danish, which is nice

Which is also what the article is arguing. As soon as a majority of users are subject to this the websites can discriminate. If only safari does this it's still bad but not very bad

Wouldn't an a area of low gravitational pull create a hill instead of a valley in the ocean?

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So in conclusion, he liked it. Enough to turn up on his top 10 of the year list?

According to the article the linear algebra algorithm has a running time of O(log n)

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This might be it. Depending on how the sound is mixed the voice might cancel itself out since it's usually similar between left and right and the instruments are not. So they will not experience the same interference

Can someone please explain why toasters aren't made like that anymore?? I would happily forgo the led and the obnoxious ding they make to have them make the toast perfectly every time

Ah that makes sense. Thanks!

Well that's kinda worrying

Well that's annoying. This is the first time I hear about this game and it looks kinda good. I hope the studio can turn around and restart development at some point

Have a nice shift!

Frog detective is a joy to play if you like small cute games. Can really recommend

The Denmark one is feddit.dk 😌

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I understand it as s/he is infertile but siblings aren't and now since they want kids it leaves OP with mixed feelings

Is there some news coverage on the mali governments actions? I couldn't find anything on my quick google search

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Where is this from?

Just spent a couple of hours playing gatekeeper with some friends. That was good fun, so if you like top down Rogue like looter shooters, give it a try

So where can you play this?

How does it solve the problem of dependencies without becoming bloated?

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Don't worry. As Danes we are always mistaken for Germans abroad, so we are used to it

SAND... I guess I am coarse and rough

Just a nice lil compliment to end the week on, however good or bad its been, to make everyones day better :)


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