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I feel like the people in this thread saying you should ask for personal details are kind of missing the point of the 'nothing to hide' argument. It's not that they feel they have nothing to hide from everyone, it's that they feel they have nothing to hide from those with access to their data (governments/corporations). Knowing intimate life details of someone you know personally is very different from knowing intimate life details of some random person you'll never meet. I would argue something like this instead:

Unless you're a newborn, everyone in the US has broken thousands of laws in their life. It's unavoidable. If corporations/the government have records of all that, if people don't have privacy, the powers that be have the power to put anyone and everyone in prison for the rest of their lives at their discretion.

Even if you're not worried now, once your data is out there it's not coming back. You may agree with the policy of government and corporations now, but can you be sure that'll be the case in ten years? Twenty? Thirty? Who knows how laws and regimes will change, and through all that, they'll always have power over you.

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I tried to give this video a real chance, but it's just... really bad.

Their first main point, as best as I can tell through the fluff, is that choice is actually bad because choices have pros and cons - their example being desktop environments. I don't think I need to explain why this is a bizarre take; that's the whole point of choice. It's like saying the whole concept of choosing an ice cream flavor is a joke because you don't like chocolate ice cream.

Then they start talking about using outdated packages in Linux. Which, of course, isn't an inherently bad thing in all situations, despite their anecdote about having to use an outdated version of software with a memory leak. Amusingly they say you should keep everything 100% updated all the time because breakage basically never happens (and that updates breaking things is a myth perpetuated by Microsoft) then say Arch Linux is prone to breakage. The real kicker is that this whole point of theirs not only has nothing to do with 'choice on Linux being a joke', choice is actually the solution to this problem - being able to choose stability vs cutting edge is a core part of Linux. What's hilarious is that they actually say if you want stability you should choose a distro focused on stability.

Then they talk about how proprietary software often doesn't support Linux. Which sucks to be sure, but has little to do with the central thesis of the video (as much as it has one) and is just a pointless snipe at low-hanging fruit.

The video is generic pop clickbait composed from a mix of criticisms everyone has heard and complete nonsense. It's a meaningless collection of ideas and gripes that neither contribute to the larger conversation nor serve to educate people.

Beehaw defederates like it's going out of style, Lemmy.ml doesn't allow criticism of the CCP. Lemmy.world seems much more stable and neutral.

That's worrying. Though at least it seems they're mostly confined to a few particular instances. Defederating is a great tool that will definitely mitigate the worst of it, but at the same time this is uncharted water - there's no real way of knowing what exactly will happen in a large scale attack.

Just creating accounts isn't an attack, but it's going to suck when there actually is one. I wonder if they'll try to be subtle and use AI or recycled content, or if they'll just use the accounts for spam or DDoS?

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ngl I actually really like that. the start button popping out over the taskbar is a nice touch. what's the setup?

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And after that he goes directly into a tedious story that does more to make me dislike him than actually build up the point he's trying to make. I agree with the basic premise of the article, but the endless passive aggressive anecdotes really don't help.

Yeah good point. I think these particular bot instances are being way too obvious to do any major damage - not when it's as simple as it is to defederate them - but what'll happen when it's not 100k bots on one instance, but 1000 instances with 100 bots apiece?

Let's hope Lemmy gets the tools needed to deal with this. I wonder how Mastodon does it? They've been around a while, I'm sure they've had similar issues.

You're underrepresenting the complications of NixOS and overrepresenting the complications of Arch. For example, to install Steam I would run sudo pacman -Syu steam. On a typical Arch setup that's all that's needed.

Another example is how to install Steam. In Arch, the wiki must tell you all the manual steps required to enable multilib, install the steam package, install 32bit dependencies, yada yada.

And that's why the Arch wiki is so great - it has details and links about everything that goes into making something work. If you want to learn more or if something goes wrong it's all right there.

But yes, I think you hit the nail on the head at the end there - hackability is Arch's strength, everything is exposed and flexible to tinkering. It's easy to make almost anything work, and easy to learn how it works. That's very different from NixOS's core philosophy of stability and reproducibility.

There are inherent pros and cons to both approaches - it really comes down to a mix of personal preference and using the right tool for the right job. They're apples and oranges, and the article framing NixOS as a superior successor to Arch is as silly as the reverse would be.

Honestly I like this better

Hah, are we the same person? My family was poor too. I'm a bit younger (born 2000) but I grew up using a VCR, and my first console was a GBA where I played a lot of SNES ports. The internet has existed my entire life, but I still remember before smartphones were a thing. It's a really weird place to be socially. I don't connect with Gen Z culture in almost any way, but I'm also distinctly not a millennial.

Interestingly my older sister (1998) who has zero interest in anything tech is actually pretty tech savvy for how little she cares about it. I think she crossed that threshold of learning how to learn, where even when she comes across something she doesn't understand she knows how to approach the problem.

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Interstella 5555 comes to mind - enjoy! Mush love

I've recently started using Rats Search, basically a p2p torrent indexer. I don't want to bother with private trackers so this is pretty much perfect.

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I've found yandex to work even better. But yeah bing is way better than Google.

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I don't get it, is something wrong with that response? I looked it up and that is when he died.

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Yeah, when I first saw the community name my first thought was that it was about being sick of the endless vitriolic spam towards him. I didn't even know there was 'worship' of him, much less to the point of feeling like spam - like you said, funny how echo chambers work.

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Ooh, great question! Super Metroid is one for me too. I love metroidvanias now, and really enjoyed the nonlinear / exploration elements of Super Mario World, but I didn't play a proper metroidvania until my teens. I think I'd take CV:SotN over Super Metroid, but I bet I'd have been more than happy with either.

I wish I grew up with some OG gameboy RPGs. Final Fantasy Legend, Dragon Warrior Monsters, Crystalis. They were just a bit too far before my time for me to get much exposure when I would have liked them best, so I don't have any real nostalgia, but in revisiting old games I've always been drawn to those.

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I use a pipe thing I make. It has a long stem like a churchwarden pipe, plus a chamber beneath the bowl that catches ashes and embers. Works well, I have yet to find something I like better.

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Yeah! Here's what I'm using right now:

I've made a couple out of real wood, but I usually just use these semi-disposable bamboo ones which are really quick to make. When it starts getting gnarly I just make a new one.

The smoke is smooth and cool, and I like not having to deal with water or an ashtray.

The first time booting a rom takes a while, but after that it's only a few seconds for me. Maybe something to do with SD card formatting/specs?

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I dunno, it makes sense to me. New information or music releases can come out after someone's death, and you asked what he's been up to recently, not if/when he had died

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Click that link there, scroll down to where it says 'download'

This is a cool idea! I've seen split keyboards, but never one with the content in the middle. I'm pretty sure the only way of implementing this would be in a custom text editor app as I don't think it's possible to have a system keyboard go to the sides of content and squish it like that (on both iOS and Android), but I'd be happy to be wrong.

My smaller-than-average hands combined with how large phones are nowadays makes me have little trouble with the size of typical phone keyboards - I actually use one that lets you 'shrink' the typing area a bit as I find it more comfortable - but the comfort factor of holding a phone horizontally is big. I don't need to do much typing on my phone right now but if I did, I would definitely download an app like this.

'Subscribed' is called 'Frontpage' in the app, you can find it in the sidebar. Edit - oops, looks like kuro_neko beat me!

I love it. I think that should be the official title for our mini generation.

What font is that?

Never heard of this one, but it looks like a lot of fun! I'll be playing it soon, thanks for the tip.

Well if it's a machine that's 100% correct in its predictions obviously I'd take box B since that'd be a guaranteed billion - but assuming it's fallible, I'd go with A+B. A million dollars is plenty of money, I don't even know what I'd do with a billion.

Oh you're right, no wonder this looked kinda weird but kinda normal.

I timed my DSi; it varies a lot by game but the largest I tried (Pokemon Black 2) loaded in around 25 seconds on the first run, then loads in under 10 seconds on subsequent runs.

I recently started messing with my DSi again after a few years away from it, and you're definitely not alone in being confused by it all - I really have no idea what exactly I did to it. To refresh everything I ended up just wiping the SD card, then putting Twilightmenu on it. I can still boot into unlaunch so I must have modified the firmware / internal storage before, but I don't know if hiyaCFW is something that lives on there on the SD card.

Speaking of which, that's the same setup as my SD card, which is a 32gb Transcend. I can't seem to find my SD card reader to double check but I'm pretty sure of using 32k cluster size.

Might be worth mentioning, I have another DSi with a wildly different system boot time for no apparent reason. I set it up the exact same, but it takes 15+ seconds to boot vs the <5 of my main DSi, even when I swap SD cards. The only difference between them is that the one that takes a long time to boot is Japanese. Games take about the same time to boot so it doesn't seem directly related to your issue but who knows.

I believe it is, yeah. I hear kbin.social's servers are absolutely swamped right now and having lots of issues, so I don't want to contribute to that, but I'm probably going to make a kbin instance my home soon. Does anyone know where to find a list of instances kbin.social has defederated?

Ooh, this sounds delicious! I think I'll make it for lunch today, thanks for the recipe. I'm certainly interested in this kind of post.

I don't know if he's running for president, but in case you're unaware he founded a new political party, the Forward Party. It's the first time I've really believed in anything political; it might not resonate with you but it's worth looking into if you haven't.

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Yup, this is the answer.

It's not unreasonable to answer yes to that first question; that's why it's not the most sound argument. I was pretty firmly in the 'nothing to hide' camp for a long time because that was the only reason I heard. I really don't care if some random government office worker knows about all the intimate details about my life. I don't mind if you know I've been having prostate problems, but that's not something I would tell to someone I know personally.

That sounds like an amazing experience haha. I have some fond memories like that with these games too.

I think in my case, the narrative isn't the main thing I enjoy about metroidvanias - rewarding exploration is what I really love. Though I didn't play a true metroidvania until I was into my teens, some of my favorite games before that were exploration-focused platformers and (simple) RPGs.

I probably would have been frustrated and given up with my favorite metroidvanias if I had played any too young, but 8-12ish would have hit that nostalgia + enjoyment sweet spot. But hey, even without any early nostalgia I can still love them :)

Some great resources have already been mentioned, but let's not forget https://browse.feddit.de/


I've been reliant on social programs and found them severely lacking. They're bureaucracy at their worst, and I'm lucky to be able to navigate through it - it seems those who need the help the most are the least able to receive it. They're wasteful too, I would rather the funds go directly to people who need it rather than feeding the middleman.

I like your distinction between 'retro gaming' and 'a retro game'. Makes sense, well put.

Fun fact, it can be run on as low as 2gb vram! It works out of the box with the --lowvram parameter, and with some extra fiddling with extensions you can even generate high resolution stuff.