
0 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

5 good seconds?

Great, find every single adult responsible, and throw them in prison.

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Exactly. This is just more failures of govt to constrain and regulate.

Texas is an absolute shithole as a result of 28 years of Republican leadership.

I am older than the Sun

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Father Time, unparalleled.


zach galifianakis' next show: between two boulders

She is technically Silent Generation. She's too old to be a Boomer, just like Biden.

Put your phone/alarm somewhere that makes you get up to turn it off. Then you're already out of bed.

Pretty much any company that hires Boston Consulting Group.

But also like marry women, and go to church with the other smiling people.

This is how they plan to get OP's momma out the house.

"Our shareholders insist the line must go up!"

Put the armor in the places without bullet holes

What we always suspected is now uncontestable; the US is rotting from within and racism is our disease.

Almost all "altruism" and "philanthropy" is just whitewashing/ego stroking some Capitalist's ill-begotten gains.

Your stage whisper is perfect.

As a reminder, Texas has been Republican controlled for roughly 28 years.

Texas doesn't have Texan problems; it has Republican ones.

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Wish I could upvote this twice

These are War Crimes, no?

"least of the offenses"

I don't think you're zoomed out far enough. The constraint of physical media will be a deathstroke for consumers.

When you can't just phone home...

Each generation since the Baby Boomers has had a worse life, mostly as a direct result of Baby Boomers.

And accountability.

The venn diagram is a circle.

Same mentality as "quarterly profits must increase, forever."

Network Effect and Winner Take All Market

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

I'm not familiar, and reading your response made me feel much older than a Class of 2000 millennial.

docker? Kagi? Ollama?

Google and Bing ✓

You're either split, or peeled.

You're now banana shaped.

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So the DOJ will be sweeping in to arrest everyone involved and charge them with the maximum, right? Right?

None of the SearxNG links will open.

What's the learning curve for a browser like SearxNG?

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Central Australia is fairly open

Agree, all points

Aka poor Managment is scape-goating tech workers

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Prison rules are severe.

Also, buy physical media. You don't own digital movies without the file; you're just given access to them.

Make them choose an individual champion and grant them trial by combat.